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Name : I Putu Andarayuga Sadu Saputra

Nit : 0820012109

Class : D-IV TROK B

Task 1. Write your experience when using the AIS on board!


Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a ship navigation system that functions for automatic
tracking of ships that displays other ships in the vicinity. I once had experience using (AIS) on a ship
where at that time I was carrying out guard duty on the bridge, while carrying out on guard duty at
night I couldn't see objects around me, so I used (AIS) to identify the figures of objects in front of me.


Watch and pay attention to the video about AIS on board in the link

Task 2. Explain the AIS information – entry and display based on the video!


AIS has the potential if used properly to greatly assist the watch Keeper in identifying other vessels
however its development was driven by other factors over a period

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