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Universal Level:

1. How did the universe come to be?

2. Who created it?
3. Was the universe created by a scientific or mystical force?
4. What are the mechanics of this universe?
5. How does said universe operate and function?
6. Are there multiple realms?
7. If so, why? What purpose do they serve?.

Planetary Level (Operating Under Assumption

Planet is Like Earth):
1. How many suns does this planet have? If more than one, what are the
implications of having multiple suns?
2. How many moons does this planet have? If more than one, what are the
implications of having multiple moons?
3. What is the atmosphere? Is it primarily nitrogen based or something else
altogether? If so, what would the world look like if not nitrogen based?
4. Are there any foreign objects in the sky? Floating temples or obelisks, for
example? If so, why are they there?
5. How many continents does this planet have? Do they have any history? How
were they formed?
6. What are the seasons of this planet like?
7. How are territories divided up on this continent/continents? Is the continent
composed of unified states or autonomous countries? Or perhaps
8. Are there any extreme elements of danger on this continent? Catastrophic seismic
events? Overridden by volcanoes? Severe water droughts?
9. Does this planet have oceans or is it a frozen, barren wasteland?
10.How long are the days? How long are the nights?
11.What is the planet’s climate?
12.What are the landscapes of the main continent/continents?
13.What are the planet’s natural resources?
14.Are there cities, towns, or villages on this planet?
15.What are the lifeforms on this planet?
16.What is the biodiversity of this planet?
17.What is the history of the species on the planet?
18.Do these species use technology?
19.How does magic work on this planet?
20.If there is magic, what is its use?
21.Who are the users of this magic?
22.What are the limitations/parameters of this magic?
23.How does this magic manifest?
24.How does one summon this magic?
25.What fuels the use of this magic?
26.Does the use of power exact a particular cost?
27.Is magic inherited, gifted, obtained, or learned?
28.What are those with magical powers called within your story?
29.Are there multiple types of magic users? If so, what differentiates them?
30.Is magic (or the source that fuels it) a limited resource in your story world?
31.Can one’s magical abilities be stolen or suppressed through fantastical or physical
32.What effect does the use of magic have on the user?
33.Is there a cap on the users' magical abilities?
34.How could a magic user be defeated?
35.Can magic be used incorrectly or immorally?
36.Can it be used to harm others or cause destruction?
37.What dangers does magic pose to the user, whether directly or because the use of
magic is scorned or envied by society?
38.How was magic created?
39.Where does it source its power?
40.Are there different types of magic, or did magic diversify over time?
41.What important historical events in your story world were affected by the use (or
failure to use) magic?
42.Is magic kept secret in your story world? If so, why?
43.Are there magical societies or a hierarchy of magic users?
44.Can a magic user be identified by their clothing, appearance, or some other
distinguishing physical factor?
45.Do magic users have their own language, religion, festivals, and/or other cultural
46.What are the dangers of using this magic?
47.What are the origins of this magic?
48.What is the culture of this magic?
49.Is the planet inhospitable in certain areas?
50.How does this planet fit in the universe?

Country/Quadrant/State Level:
1. What is the name of this country?
2. What is the capital?
3. What are the names of its states or provinces?
4. Does it have a national flag, song, symbol, or anthem?
5. What are the rules?
6. What kind of government does this country practice? Does it differ from region
to region?
7. What is the demographic breakdown of this country?
8. Who are the neighboring countries?
9. Where is this country located? How did it gain access to its land?
10.Did this country form by conquering another country? Did it buy the land?
11.What is the law system?
12.What is the economy like?
13.What is the financial system based on? Are there taxes?
14.What does the money look like?
15.What language is spoken?
City Level:
1. What is the name of the city? Where is it?
2. Who founded the city?
3. When was the city founded?
4. Why was the city founded?
5. How old is the city?
6. What is the landscape/climate of the city?
7. What are the city’s demographics? Are there more of one race than another?
Specifically the city caters to all types of hellions. But there are still a few humans
scattered around the city. The major population of the city is the hybrid population.
8. Do certain ethnic groups live in certain areas?
9. Are there areas where certain ethnic groups aren’t allowed?
10.What are the class dynamics?
11.Is there a prevalent belief system?
12.What makes the city unique?
13.What is the city known for?
14.What are the hotspots and cool hangout areas of the city?
15.What are the locals proud of as far as history is concerned? What are they
ashamed of?
16. What does the city smell like?
17.What does it look like?
18.What is the typical cuisine?

Cultural Level:
1. What are the social norms?
2. What are the gender roles?
3. What ideals do these races hold?
4. What is the religion of this race (or belief system)? How do they worship? Do
they honor their deity or deities through everyday actions or by attending
5. What proverbs/fables exist in this culture?
6. What are the ideals? Blood purity by not mixing races or always showing an
opponent honor (for example)?
7. How do these people talk?
8. How do they behave? If they are from a forest, then do they have a habit of
walking around on tiptoes to avoid making noise?
9. What is their role in society? Did they choose this role or was it relegated to them
because of a specific skill?
10.What do these people eat?
11.What is cherished by these people: family? Power?
12.What is considered polite and what is considered rude?
13.What defines this culture?
14.What customs do they practice?

Racial Level:
1. What are the common physical traits of this race?
2. What are their beliefs? Where does this race believe they come from?
3. What is the perception of this race?
4. What are the race’s strong and weak attributes?
5. How do they make weapons?
6. What do their homes look like?
7. What do they do for fun?
8. Where is this race located? Have they always been here or have they migrated?

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