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Headline: Mentalist Magic Meets Investment Insight: Vivek Singhi Enchants at Voyage 2024

with Mind-Blowing Predictions and Interactive Acts.

At Voyage 2024, Mr. Vivek Singhi, a master mentalist, captivated the audience with a
captivating performance that showcased mind reading, memory manipulation, and prediction
alongside audience participation and investment insights.

Mr. Singhi began by presenting a deck of cards with global monuments, linking them to the
investment theme of Dominant Bharat. Using the Taj Mahal card, he symbolized India's
market resilience amid global fluctuations.

In a fascinating act involving erasing memories, Mr. Singhi engaged three volunteers from
the audience. This unique demonstration highlighted the delicate relationship between
memory and perception.

Utilising his Instagram profile post from December 2023, Mr. Singhi amazed the audience
with a precise prediction act, aligning with the themes of investment foresight and future

The performance ended with an interactive dice act where participants predicted outcomes
of differently colored dice. Mr. Vivek Singhi's blend of mentalism, investment insights, and
audience engagement amazed at Voyage 2024.

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