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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Comprehensive Thesis on Work-Life Balance in India

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis can be an arduous task, particularly when delving into
intricate topics such as the research paper on work-life balance in India. As scholars and students
alike grapple with the complexities of this subject, the need for expert guidance becomes increasingly

The process of compiling a comprehensive thesis on work-life balance demands meticulous research,
thorough data analysis, and an in-depth understanding of the cultural and socio-economic nuances
specific to India. It requires not only a mastery of academic writing but also the ability to synthesize
diverse information into a coherent and impactful narrative.

One of the challenges faced by individuals undertaking this endeavor is the sheer volume of
information available. Sorting through vast amounts of data, identifying relevant studies, and
extracting meaningful insights can be overwhelming. Furthermore, understanding the unique
challenges and dynamics of work-life balance in the Indian context adds an additional layer of
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An Attempt was done to study the existence of work-life balance problem among the working
women in the specified area. This research study aims to identify the factors preventing women
employees from aspiring for higher post and to figure out the WLB initiatives and policies
undertaken by public sector banks. The various aspects like socio demographic conditions, work
stress, impact of work on personal life negatively affects the personal life and career advancement
creating a glass ceiling for women employees. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like
flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign. The age range of the subjects was between 19-30
years. The findings of the study reveal that employees in general were satisfied with the
compensation and welfare measures provided by the organisation. The sample of 50, i.e. 25 male and
25 female was drawn using purposive sampling procedure. You can download the paper by clicking
the button above. The data were collected from 100 respondents from commercial banks, female
employees in Kendari City. Note: Copyright of all images in thesis on work life balance and job
satisfaction content depends on the source site. Career and personal life are the two aspects
considered important by employees, the success of which requires major attention. Social Posts
Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. An Attempt was done to study the existence of
work-life balance problem among the working women in the specified area which can be executed
on a large sample later on. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading
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The role of working women has changed throughout the world due to economic conditions and
social demands. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview
Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. It is an empirical method based on both primary and
secondary data. Keeping in view the sector which has huge potential for growth, the study was
conducted on the employees of the insurance sector, which is now being treated to be synonymous
to stress and high pressure environment. Women taking up work life balance challenges have an
impact on women's advancement. This in turn has created an unseen pressure on the employees.
Work-life balance refers to various attributes of an individual?s perspective. Apart from that, among
the non-life insurers there are six public sector insurers. The aim of this paper is to understand firstly
the concept of work life balance, the importance and issues affecting in various professions and
finally to find out the influence of Work Life Balance on various aspects like physical, occupational,
emotional, social, spiritual and environmental well-being of employees. The participation of women
as workers and women’s education was negligible. According to Hyman and Summers (2007),
employees do influence work-life balance issues in the financial services sector, and work-life
balance initiatives had greater breadth, codification and quality where independent unions were
recognized. The results also indicate that the work-life balance of individuals affect their quality of
life. The position of the teachers was significantly and inversely related to the nine climate
dimensions such as challenge, freedom, idea time, idea support, trust and openness, playfulness and
humor, conflicts, debates, and risk-taking. Women taking up work life balance challenges have an
impact on women's advancement. Career and personal life are the two aspects considered important
by employees, the success of which requires major attention. In addition, the paper aims to find out
the different conflicts between work and family, and how to balance the work-life of the respondents.
Lastly, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were proposed through a comparison from
different countries to increase the work life balance of working women in Sri Lanka. Thus,
achieving work life balance is a necessity for working women to have a good quality of life. The
good work-family balances includes the priorities fixed by working women, awareness of current
working position and environment, update latest technology, fix schedule such a manner that
sufficient time to spend with family, monitoring self performance and improve the area when and
where required. The research study was focused on Women Employee Work-Life Balance of service
sector namely Academics, Banks and Health care sector of Aurangabad Region on a pilot study
basis. Other stakeholders in Indian Insurance market include agents (individual and corporate),
brokers, surveyors and third party administrators servicing health insurance claims. The job nature of
insurance employees is very impatience as it involves long working hours, inappropriate reward
system, and lack of job independence, insufficient facilities and role of ambiguity. Thus, this paper
provides a preliminary study that provides an academic platform for further research into
circumstances instigating role conflicts in African societies by presenting major impediments detected
to hinder workable WLB practices in Nigeria. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader
engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns. The aim of this research is to study the elements of work-
life balance (WLB) of Academicians in the Higher Education sector in Rajasthan. Apart from
draining them of physical energy, being in contact with such people also has a bearing on their
psychological health. These companies have provided their employees with many work-life balance
policies which help to manage work and life and hence move up the career ladder. For the present
investigation the data has been collected in two ways i.e. primary data and secondary data. An
Attempt was done to study the existence of work-life balance problem among the working women
in the specified area which can be executed on a large sample later on. The periphery between work
and family life is progressively getting blurred. The research study was focused on Women Employee
Work-Life Balance of service sector namely Academics, Banks and IT sector located in SPPU
Region. In the post liberalisation context, Indian organisations are trying to enable work life balance
through initiatives including flex times, part time work, provision of child care facilities. An attempt
is also made to find the challenges undergone by the organizations in providing such measures to the
women employees. An Attempt was done to study the existence of work-life balance problem
among the working women in the specified area which can be executed on a large sample later on.
The main benefit gained by employers in Great Britain from implementing work-life balance
practices is having a happier workforce. The paper has discussed the challenges for effective
implementation of such policies, which can help HR managers to be cautious before introducing
WLBPs in their respective organisations. Married female employees clearly have greater
responsibilities in personal lives and mothers, so in this case the ability to balance work and personal
life or work-life balance (WLB) is really needed. Thus, achieving work life balance is a necessity for
working women to have a good quality of life. Especially those who are working in service industry
they need to be focus on more to balance their work and life. An Attempt was done to study the
existence of work-life balance problem among the working women in the specified area which can
be executed on a large sample later on. Personal and professional life gets affected due to poor work
life balance. Employers who have provision of flexible working time practices and leave
arrangements have improved financial performance compared with their competitors who do not
have these types of arrangements. This study, however, examines work-life balance and performance
of employees of selected Insurance companies in Lagos state. The good work-family balances
includes the priorities fixed by working women, awareness of current working position and
environment, update latest technology, fix schedule such a manner that sufficient time to spend with
family, monitoring self performance and improve the area when and where required. This has
resulted in a scenario in which working women have tremendous pressure to develop a career as
robust as their male counterparts while sustaining active engagement in personal life. Each Industry
has diverse plans, policies, procedures, practices, and programs to help their employees to succeed in
the balance between their work engagements and family engagements. To browse and
the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
However, about 85% of performance problems reside in the work life balance of the organizations.
This paper is an attempt to explore the tough challenges faced by working women in maintaining a
balance between their personal and professional life. This review paper focuses on and analyzes the
literature review on work-life balance, its dimensions, effects on organizational performance and
attempts that have been made to strike a balance between work and life. It is believed that
industrialization and urbanization has led to geographical, societal mobility, which has broken down
the joint family system and living in a nuclear family has become inevitable, although a cultural lag
exists. The sample has been selected through random sampling, and a quantitative research approach
has been applied. Both men and women reported experiencing work life imbalance. In Sweden, the
government also developed legislation that may help employees reduce work-life conflict,
particularly for women. Among 500 employees nearly 40% of the employees working in the
Insurance companies are selected as per random method. Primary survey was conducted with a
sample size of 150 IT employees of Delhi. These initiatives are quite similar to those that are
provided in other countries. Key words: women, work-life balance practices, barriers, IT companies
Download Free PDF View PDF Study on the Work Life Balance: Women's Perspective krishnaveni
V The work life balance is considered as an important issue in the present day of the globalized
world. Unraveling the actual network of reactions taking place inside the zeolite pores, however, can
be a very challenging task. The increasing responsibilities on the personal front with the technological
blessings like advanced mobile phones, notepads, etc. Thus the present study focuses on the work
life balance of the working women. Women getting into job after marriage have been increasing
substantially in recent decades. Insurance industry is selected and designed questionnaire based on
analysis of various literatures reviews. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. In this study, an attempt has been
made to analyse the factors relating to work life balance of the teachers working at Assam
University, Silchar. It utilized percentage, mean, weighted mean and Spearman Rank Correlation in
assessing the data collected through survey with the Modified Organizational Climate Questionnaire
(MOCQ) as the data gathering instrument. The results interestingly indicate thumbs up sign for
women’s growth in the organisations but negative images have also emerged. Among the life
insurers, Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) is the sole public sector company. The main motto of this
study is to insight out about the technology change, increased work Pressure with constant
deadlines, co-existing virtual workplace and changing demographic profile such as gender,
experiences, an increase of disposable income inflation, improving living standard have encouraged
the importance of the provision of work-life balance in the industrial sector. This research intends to
discover the impact of variables like (working hours, workload, leave policies, work arrangements,
reward schemes etc.) on work life balance. To study the effect of work-life balance on the quality of
life of employee performance among the employees. Better emotion management is necessary to
accomplish day-to-day objectives of personal factors in life. Download Free PDF View PDF
A COMPARATIVE STUDY Interal Res journa Managt Sci Tech BPO employees is more
representative of the young, urban, educated individuals. Work life balance scale is used in the
present study, developed by Fisher (2001). Furthermore, some employees are obligated to work
beyond regular working hours because of market globalization. Teams Enable groups of users to work
together to streamline your digital publishing. You can access all contents by clicking the download
With this view the present study aimed at studying the work life balance of doctors and to identify
the factors influencing it. An Attempt was done to study the existence of work-life balance problem
among the working women in the specified area which can be executed on a large sample later on.
This paper will help organisation to update these policy to provide better living to employees and
maintain a better work culture. Yet, the respondents of this study have expressed their inability to
balance professional and personal life.Gender aspect has also been considered vis-a-vis the variables
of the stucy. Finally, we also discussed about the managerial and theoretical implications of the
work-life balance scale. Each Industry has diverse plans, policies, procedures, practices, and
programs to help their employees to succeed in the balance between their work engagements and
family engagements. The Present study consists of primary data of 100 employees of both male and
female working in five Information technology (IT) companies in Noida. The various aspects like
socio demographic conditions, work stress, impact of work on personal life negatively affects the
personal life and career advancement creating a glass ceiling for women employees. Questionnaires
were distributed among 200 respondents who were working in various branches at Guntur district.
The emotional ties which was intact has experienced a drift due to this structural and functional
change in the family system.Changes in terms of the role that some individual playshave increased,
along with marital power, additional decision making and the coexistence of traditional and modern
values and practices has further intensified the inability to take control over the unfavorable
conditions encountered at work and life as a whole. This has resulted in a scenario in which working
women have tremendous pressure to develop a career as robust as their male counterparts while
sustaining active engagement in personal life. Hypotheses in support of WLB satisfaction has been
tested in this study. Striking a balance between life and work is a daunting task for the healthcare
professionals. The age range of the subjects was between 19-30 years. You can download the paper
by clicking the button above. Apart from that, among the non-life insurers there are six public sector
insurers. Thus the present study focuses on the work life balance of the working women. It’s
important to understand how teachers strike a balance between work and family or personal life.
Married female employees clearly have greater responsibilities in personal lives and mothers, so in
this case the ability to balance work and personal life or work-life balance (WLB) is really needed.
Conclusion The work-life balance approaches of the government, labor unions and businesses are
important to employees who are trying to earn a living and at the same time to have quality time with
their family. In olden days men were considered as breadwinners and women were considered as
home makers, but today everything has changed.Both men and women have equal responsibility in
work and family. Women professionals find it difficult to fulfill demands of the family and society
and at the same time do justice to the demands of their profession at workplace. This affects the
person's physical, emotional and social well-being. For testing the hypothesis mean, standard
deviation and Z test were applied. The companies must seek ways to become more efficient,
productive, flexible and innovative, under constant pressure to improve results. The research study
was focused on Women Employee Work-Life Balance of service sector namely Academics, Banks
and IT sector located in SPPU Region. The paper concludes by pointing out that WLB policies need
to be implemented as much as possible in all industries, and on a wider basis in organisations that are
currently using them in order to sustain the business performance. Download Free PDF View PDF
Reconciliation of Professional and Personal life: An Empirical Work Life Balance Study on Context
of Women Empowerment Arafatur Rahaman Comparatively, women's participation in employment
has been more in the service sector. Download Free PDF View PDF A STUDY ON THE WORK
MANNARKKAD MUNICIPALITY IJRMS Journal The role of working women has changed
throughout the world due to economic conditions and social demands. Social Posts Create on-brand
social posts and Articles in minutes.
Organi-sational efforts at providing a supportive work environment are appreciated as they goes a
long way towards enhancing work-life balance. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. This can be seen in the
form of increased absenteeism, high attrition, low recognition and job satisfaction. Data which used
are primary data obtained by the questioners. Yet, the respondents in this sample have reported their
inability to balance work and home. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Work-family balance in the 21st century
The three trends that will shape the value of work-life balance in the 21st century are the increasing
competition, which depends on employee relationships with customers and suppliers in order to
become competitive; changing workforce; and the desire to have more balance with work and family.
Personal and professional life gets affected due to poor work life balance. However, work-life
balance is seen differently in different society. This has resulted in a scenario in which working
women have tremendous pressure to develop a career as robust as their male counterparts while
sustaining active engagement in personal life. Video Say more by seamlessly including video within
your publication. However, about 85% of performance problems reside in the work life balance of
the organizations. This study targets the women professionals working in Madurai and examines
their Quality of worklife balance experiences. In the light of this observation, the paper suggests the
need to improve work life balance practices to enable employees to balance their lives. The aim of
the present research is measuring work-life balance with work-family conflict and family-work
conflict. Many organisations in Delhi are trying to promote Work Life Balance (WLB) through
initiatives which include flex times, part time work, provision of child care facilities etc. The study
sample comprised of 250 doctors working in government hospitals in Nagapattinam District. 250
Questionnaires were distributed. 155 were received back and considered for data analysis using
SPSS version 22. The good work-family balances includes the priorities fixed by working women,
awareness of current working position and environment, update latest technology, fix schedule such
a manner that sufficient time to spend with family, monitoring self performance and improve the area
when and where required. Of course the art of doing lies in balancing among work, non-work and
family aspects of life. Download Free PDF View PDF Work Life Balance of Women in India
nithiyakala venkatesh Work-life balance has become a subject of concern for both research scholars
and business leaders in view of the contemporary demographic, technological, market, and
organisational changes associated with it. Finally, we also discussed about the managerial and
theoretical implications of the work-life balance scale. Women have tremendous pressure to develop
a career as robust as their male counter parts while sustaining active engagement in personal life.
Suitable measures have to be taken by the management to overcome the issue by means of
implementing the work life balance policies in discussion with the women employees. It was tried to
examine how the factors affecting work-life balance influence quality of l. To gather the data
structured five point likert's scale questionnaire was used. The obtained results revealed that there is
no significant difference between BPO employees dwelling as nuclear and joint families in Quality
of work life. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and more with
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Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Put simply, if your people don't view work as a chore, then
they will work harder, make fewer mistakes and are more likely to become advocates for your brand.
The problem of balancing work-life must be learned in the concept of labor market dynamics and
trends in working time.

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