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1. What is time management

2. The importance of time management
3. Disadvantages or consequences of time management
4. Is time management strategy effective in your context as a student?

Time management is an act in which a person is able to effectively use the time he
has to perform daily activities . Furthermore, he also benefits a lot and feels satisfied .
Among the examples of the importance of time management is being able to form an
excellent self-personality . For example , time management can well discipline oneself . This
is because, managing our time prudently can prevent us from doing activities that are not
beneficial. As the pearl says: "time is money. Secondly , well managing time can prevent us
from falling into things that should not be . For example, with good time management, a
person spends a lot of time with beneficial activities such as listening to knowledge events
and not engaging in activities such as smoking drugs.Thirdly , good time management can
decrease stress . A person will not be in a stressful situation because the process of
completing the task has been done calmly, instead of being completed hastily when the
expiration period is nearing the end.

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