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University of Dhaka

Institute of Business Administration

Fall 2023

H401: Learning & Development

‘Homework on Chapter 6: Training Evaluation’

Submitted to
Professor Dr. Khair Jahan Sogra
Guest Faculty

Submitted by
Amir Hamja Naim, Roll: 33
Shapar Shamim, Roll: 97

Submitted on November 4, 2023

Answer to the Question no 5
a. Training result levels are divided into five categories. The first one measures how
participants respond to and are satisfied with the training program. It is called
Reacting, Satisfaction & Planned Action. Training, which assesses acquired
knowledge and skills, is the second stage. Application and implementation come in
third and are used to assess how much behaviour has changed. The fifth metric is
return on investment, which compares the monetary value of the business outcomes
with the costs associated with employee training. The fourth metric assesses the
business impact. Option four will yield the most suitable training outcome, which will
be determined by taking into account output, quality, costs, and time.

b. Various evaluation designs can be utilised to measure ROI, including output, quality,
time, costs, work habits, work climate, and attitudes, among others. We suggest using
an output evaluation, as it focuses on quantifiable outcomes like units produced, units
sold, overall productivity, and product variety. This approach is valuable for assessing
whether the program accomplishes its goals, such as increasing upselling of cable
television services (e.g., premium channels) and promoting the sale of other products
(e.g., email and web access). Additionally, it can support marketing efforts, aid in
decision-making regarding program investments, and assist in setting priorities for
funding allocation.

c. Cablevision can easily assess the return on investment (ROI) by following these steps:
- Start by tracking the sales of premium services and other products achieved by
untrained individuals over a specific period, like a month.
- Then, under the same conditions, introduce newly trained individuals and collect
data on their sales performance, including the number of new subscribers, premium
product sales, and other products sold.
- Finally, compare the difference in sales between the two groups to determine if the
training was worthwhile. Additionally, calculate if the increased sales outweigh the
training costs.

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