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Struggling to Write Your Thesis on Multiple Sclerosis?

Crafting a thesis on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can be an arduous task. From navigating through vast
amounts of research to synthesizing complex information, the journey to completing a
comprehensive and well-structured thesis can be overwhelming. As you delve into the intricate world
of MS research, you may find yourself grappling with various challenges along the way.

One of the primary difficulties lies in selecting a suitable research topic. With the abundance of
information available on MS, narrowing down your focus to a specific and impactful research
question can be daunting. Additionally, staying updated with the latest advancements in the field
adds another layer of complexity to the process.

Furthermore, organizing your thoughts and findings into a cohesive framework demands meticulous
attention to detail and analytical prowess. Balancing empirical evidence with theoretical frameworks
while maintaining clarity and coherence requires skillful maneuvering.

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In short, the bodies of the patients under the attack of MS will face multiple problems originating
from the less control of brain over the nerve system. Symptoms vary depending on location of lesions
but can include sensory issues, vision problems, weakness, fatigue, and cognitive difficulties. The
statistics of multiple induration will be given, every bit good as who are most at hazard. Use of
honey and other bee products in human treatment traces back thousands if not hundreds of years and
healing properties are included This is in as much as the sting from the bee itself is fatal if the subject
in discussion has encountered a fierce be attack from many bees whose result is incapacitation if not
death. Though MA was well tolerated by the patients, cardiotoxicity was clearly present in the
patients, even at dosages that were kept well below the maximum levels currently recommended for
the treatment of MS. The findings of this study clearly demonstrate the potential cardiotoxicity in the
use of MX for treatment of MS, and in case it is used as a long-term treatment modality for MS it is
vital that monitoring of cardiotoxicity is put in place (Kingwell et al, 2010). RRMS is the largest
component in MS, making up nearly 85% of all MS cases, and also having a gender bias towards the
female gender (Borazanci et al, 2009). Since MS is a chronic disease, safety and tolerability of the
therapies are important. This include one’s gender where women get affected by the disease twice as
much as their male counterparts. SEMINARIO VIH BIOLOGIA MOLECULAR PDF.pdf
SEMINARIO VIH BIOLOGIA MOLECULAR PDF.pdf Seminario Biologia Molecular - Susana
Cano V.pdf Seminario Biologia Molecular - Susana Cano V.pdf USG,CT AND MR IMAGING OF
HEPATIC MASS LESIONS. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The safeguards
include using clinical MRI, and laboratory assessments to uncover any potential for the development
of PML in MS patients under treatment with Natalizumab. A study was carried out investigating
baclofen effects on gait. Cladribine Cladribine is an oral therapeutic agent for MS that offers short-
course dosing and useful for patient compliance. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Keep on browsing if you are OK with
that, or find out how to manage cookies. The study found out an increase in either external or
internal rotation and also hip adduction or abduction meaning a specific motion range pattern was
favorable as a result of exercise. Although there are other methods of treating multiple sclerosis, the
use of steroid drugs against the disease has been known to be effective. By the end of the exercise,
the study should be in a position to find out if gait patterns associated with MS patients are
determined by training and exercise or by the disease progression. This may hold been for assorted
grounds including timing of injection, side effects or injection techniques. This will also help avoid
the weakening of muscles. Evidence will be given to back up why the multiple induration nurse
specializer is required and the importance of the function in footings of diagnosing, probes and
intervention. The previous research discouraged physical activities among victims of chronic body
conditions. This pain only occurs on one side of the body or on the lower half of the body.
Monoclonal Antibodies Natalizumab Natalizumab is among the new monoclonal antibodies
treatment agents available for MS. Natalizumab binds to the protein, which is known as alpha-4
integrin. These symptoms all vary based on the location of the affected nerve fibers. Moreover,
medical professionals not only have no idea how to cure the disease, it is also unknown how the
individual inherits or acquires the disease. More studies are necessary to confirm the efficacy and
safety of Daclizumab in the treatment of MS (Kim, 2009). Potentials evoked may recognize
additional paraclinical lesions in such a situation as well as abnormalities of the brain and the CSF
(Weiner and Cohen, 2002, p. 145). Her experience with the disease Multiple Sclerosis is also an
important point of concern in her writing from which she suffered at the age of 28 years. By
continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our.
The trigger for the preliminary attack of MS still remains to be uncovered, but it is hypothesized that
genetic and environmental factors are involved in the development of the disease (Borazanci et al,
2009). Now that the disease mostly affects the aged with symptoms such as weakness, numbness,
loss of balance, visual impairment, fatigue, urinary bladder urgency and dizziness, it can be easily
confused with other old aged disorders (Arnold and Mathews, 2002, p. 24). This situation calls for
the need for proper diagnosis and study of its effects be conducted by experienced personnel.
Multiple Sclerosis: Etiology, Diagnosis, and New Treatment Strategies. In the active form of the
disease apparently there is continuing inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes occurring in the
environment of the CNS. Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic
Shock an. The outcome of the study was that there was no striking difference between placebo
treatment and baclofen in gait and postural instability. References Bello-Haas, V. (2009). Exercise
therapy for multiple sclerosis. From the traditional standpoint, immunosupressants that include
cyclophosphamide and azathioprine have been prime contenders in the treatment of MS, with a
variable degree of benefits to the patient. Psychology is basically concerned with behavior of the
individual. The majority of these disease modifying treatments are intended on masking or delaying
the onset of RRMS (relapsing remitting courses). Smith, B., Carson, S., Fu, R., McDonagh, M.,
Dana, T., Chan, M.B.K. The findings also indicated that there existed no correlation between walking
velocity and the pulmonary functions, diagnosis time and the neurology type (Hatzichristou, 2002, p.
44). More than 60 % of the sampled individuals who will be having MS typical type are expected to
have many white matter lesions MRI. Solaro, C., Trabucco, E. and Uccelli, M.M., 2013. Painand
multiple sclerosis. Mitoxantrone Martinelli et al, 2005, reviewed the available results of studies on the
effect and safety of mitoxantrone (MA) in the treatment of MS, as it has shown moderate efficiency
in the treatment of MS. The review of the studies show that MX has a moderate efficiency in
retardation of the progression of the disease in patients with RRMS, PRMS, and SPMS over a short
term period of study of two years. Eventually, the patient develops multiple fractures, anemia,
bleeding disorders and sepsis (Bhargava, and Griffing, 2009). The non white individuals are also
half likely to be diagnosed with the disease as compared to the white individuals hence the non
white persons gait patterns are less likely to be affected by the disorder in if it happens that MS
impacts gait patterns. The disease has the ability to deteriorate the nerves themselves, which is
something that can not be reversed or cured. Schmierer K,, et al. 2004. “Magnetization transfer ratio
and myelin in postmortem multiple sclerosis brain.” Ann Neurol. 56:407. In phase III studies it has
shown good efficacy in the treatment of RRMS, with the added benefit of being well tolerated by
the patients. The difference between the bee venom technique and existing HIV treatment drugs is
that the latter techniques attempt to slow down the virus's ability to duplicate. Magnetic resonance
imaging (IMR) has proved to be a vital tool in diagnosing MS and will be the main tool in this
project. Although it is not possible to determine the actual number of individuals affected by the
disease, it is estimated that there are about 2. 1 million people affected by the disease globally
(Trisolini, et al., 2010; Courtney, 2006). Other researches were also used to determine the impact of
drugs on the disorder as well as how drugs impact gait parameter. In phase II trials Daclizumab has
proved to be useful in providing positive clinical outcomes for MS and decreasing relapse rates. As
aforementioned, suicide is one of the biggest causes of deaths to patients with multiple sclerosis.
Fumaric Acid and its Esters Fumaric acid esters (FAE) have been in use for more than five decades in
the treatment of psoriasis. The individual’s diagnosis presentation with progressive issues should be
carried out after any other causes have been ruled out. Noseworthy J. et al., 2000. Multiple sclerosis.
N Engl J Med. 28;343(13):938-52. These new classes of drugs in the treatment of multiple sclerosis
are Immunomodulatory drugs, like Interferon, Glatiramer Acetate, and Mitoxantrone, and
monoclonal antibodies like Natalizumab, Daclizumab, Alemtuzumab, and Rituximab.
The main equipment used in this project is the CNS imaging. There was argument over betterments
with jobs with disease, and the betterment in quality of life with MS due to the specializer nurse.
Mechanismof action the glatiramer acetate composed of 4 amino acids which is found in. This will
be followed by a magnetic scan in a span of three months following the first MS attack and will be
aimed at identifying new lesions as well as providing dissemination evidence over time. More studies
are necessary to confirm the efficacy and safety of Daclizumab in the treatment of MS (Kim, 2009).
Sometimes the symptoms disappear completely and the person regains lost functions or sometimes a
change in their life causes the symptoms to resurface and return stronger than ever. Noseworthy J. et
al., 2000. Multiple sclerosis. N Engl J Med. 28;343(13):938-52. However, there are various factors
thought to play a role in the disease. Although it is not possible to determine the actual number of
individuals affected by the disease, it is estimated that there are about 2. 1 million people affected by
the disease globally (Trisolini, et al., 2010; Courtney, 2006). The author outlines their various
beneficial industrial, agricultural applications, and medicinal properties that have benefited society
over the years. One such disease that continues to claim thousands of lives each and every year is
multiple sclerosis; also known widely by its abbreviation MS. As a means of seeking to provide the
reader an overview of the symptoms, prognosis, treatments, and developing treatments that are being
sought, it is the hope of this author that this analysis can be useful in providing a great deal of
background information with respect to this horrific disease. This paper is out to examine the impact
of Multiple Sclerosis on gait pattern. This paves the way for evaluating combination of monoclonal
antibodies with immunosuppressants to increase the efficiency in the treatment of MS and reduce
relapse rates (Wynn et al, 2010). Three risk factors associated with the Natalizumab-related PML
have been found. Additionally, an individual’s age may come to play in the disease considering most
diagnoses are done on persons aged 20 to 50 (Carroll, 2010). In a study conducted by the World
Health Organization and Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) to determine the
prevalence of the disease in 122 countries globally, it was found out that the median prevalence is 30
persons in every 100,000 (Trisolini et al., 2010). In US, it is estimated that the number of people
affected by MS stands at between 250,000 and 350,000. MRI abnormal brain presence is normally
associated with a more than 80% risk of conducting definite MS in a span of 10 years (Filippi and
Grossman, 2002, p. 1150). If the brain MRI is defined as not being normal in the case that there are
definite numbers of lesion’s white matter, the investigation will appear as being more sensitive than
potentials that have been evoked and CSF predictions that the individuals will develop the disorder
at follow up. Multiple Sclerosis is a disease which directly affects the spinal cord and brain. Side
effects Munari et al (2003) observed that all the adverse effects of this drug is mild. Indeed, multiple
sclerosis “has an overall familial recurrence rate of 20% (Compston, 2008).” The less that a person is
related to someone, such as the difference between siblings and half-siblings, the less chance that
there is that multiple sclerosis will be developed. Her experience with the disease Multiple Sclerosis is
also an important point of concern in her writing from which she suffered at the age of 28 years. The
cost of wellness attention has been on the addition for decennaries. It is also presumed that prior to
this disruption of the blood-brain barrier and the migration of the T-cells, disintegration of the
occluding and VE-cadherin molecules of the cerebral endothelial cells occurs. The paper concludes
that the specializer nurse continuance to care was evidentiary. Use of honey and other bee products
in human treatment traces back thousands if not hundreds of years and healing properties are
included This is in as much as the sting from the bee itself is fatal if the subject in discussion has
encountered a fierce be attack from many bees whose result is incapacitation if not death. Cladribine
Cladribine is an oral therapeutic agent for MS that offers short-course dosing and useful for patient
compliance. Diet, lifestyle, and exercise are necessary but not sufficient. The significant
heterogeneity of multiple sclerosis and the unpredictable course of the disease are key factors that
make the treatment of multiple sclerosis challenging. Multiple Sclerosis Definition Multiple sclerosis,
also known as MS, is a disease that weakens the body’s immune system and “eats away at the
protective sheath that covers the nerves (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2009).” Due to the absence of the
protective sheath, communication is interfered between the brain and the rest of the body. It is a long
term condition, in which symptoms can wax and wane.
The disorder causes damage to a protective insulation called myelin which surrounds nerves referred
to as axons (Calabresi, 2007). Also B cells pass the BBB and make antibodies against the. The focus
in this paper is on multiple sclerosis (MS), a degenerative disease involving the central nervous
system of the human body. The work on interpretation of genome data is still in. In the CNS the B
cells are believed to be activated by a T-cell-dependent-mechanism to generate antibodies against
myelin antigens (Borazanci et al, 2009). The transverse myelitis tends to be complete and is typically
associated with extensive signal change in the cord extending over many segments with swelling of
the cord. Many viruses and diseases have been connected to multiple sclerosis, so people with
diseases stand a bigger chance at developing the virus. The main causes in this question include;
brain and spinal cord structural lesions and spinal cord compression. Data will be obtained from the
selected individuals identified to be having MS using MRI activity as well as those individuals that
were diagnosed not to be having MS with the use of NB distribution. In vivo studies have
demonstrated that the effect of these antibodies is reduction in the bioavailability of drug and
reduction in the therapeutic effect (Grossberg et al, 2011). The process of 'training' the immune
system with a vaccine is called immuni. The cost of wellness attention has been on the addition for
decennaries. Daclizumab According to Kaufman 2004, p.276, “Daclizumab is a recombinant
monoclonal immunoglobulin of the human IgG1 isotype.” Daclizumab acts by binding to IL-2Ra,
which is expressed on activated T cells, and vital to their clonal expansion. The patient can help
themselves to overcome some of the more painful symptoms. As fatigue is a common symptom,
patients need to be sure to get enough rest. Caucasians, especially those that are from Europe or can
trace their linage to Europe, are at an increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis. According to
Kantarci (2008), Multiple Sclerosis represents one of the most pathologically and clinically intricate
heterogeneous diseases, whose aetiology is not fully known. This drug works against multiple
sclerosis by decreasing inflammation and suppressing a hyperactive immune system. The action of
daclizumab is the inhibition of the binding of IL-2 to IL-2Ra, which interferes with the signaling
system for activation of T cells (Kaufman, 2004). Of all of the diseases that are currently extant
within the world, the most horrifying ones are invariably those that have no cure and only limited
treatments. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Being an idiopathic inflammatory
disorder, MS mostly affects the central nervous system characterized by subsequent axon and
demyelization degeneration. Bhatia, K. 1999. “The paroxysmal dyskinesias.” J Neurol. 246:149-55.
The previous research discouraged physical activities among victims of chronic body conditions.
Several researches have been conducted earlier on the effects of MS on gait patterns with most of
them indicating severe and numerous effects. All individuals with negative brain MRI had not less
than one spinal cord lesion, 56% of such individuals had abnormal VEPs while 87% of them had
OCBs (Kalb, 2008, p. 67). The above situation indicated increased investigation value. A majority of
researchers describe MS as an autoimmune disease where white blood cells get misguided and
instead of fighting disease causing organisms, they attack body cells (Courtney, 2006). Then, they go
through stages in which they experience an increase in their symptoms once more. Multiple Sclerosis:
Understanding the Cognitive Challenges. This paper is out to examine the impact of Multiple
Sclerosis on gait pattern. Oral therapeutic agents used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis include
Fingolimod, Fumaric Acid and its Esters, and Cladribine.

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