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Year 10 POU

Geometrical Figures

TIME ALLOWED: 30 Minutes

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions on the examination paper provided

Show ALL necessary working out
Calculators of an approved type allowed


Part A – Multiple Choice and Short Response
Geometrical Figures 16
Part B – Extended Response
Geometrical Figures 10

Name: __________________________________
Part A: Multiple Choice and Short Response

Geometrical Figures

Q1 All the sides of a regular polygon are _________________.

(A) parallel

(B) equal in length

(C) not parallel

(D) not equal

Q2 In the diagram below, which expression represents x , the degree measure of the exterior
angle shown?

(A) a+ b

(B) a – b

(C) a+ c

(D) b+ c
Q3 A quadrilateral with only one pair of opposite sides parallel is called a:

(A) pentagon

(B) triangle

(C) trapezium

(D) rectangle
Multiple Choice
Geometrical Figures continued

Q4 The value of x in the following figure is:

(A) 120o

(B) 80 o

(C) 100o

(D) 60 o
Q5 Diagonals of a rectangle:

(A) are equal to each other

(B) are not equal

(C) has one which is double the length of the other

(D) none of these

Q6 Calculate the value of x . All measurements are in cm.

Which of the following is true?

(A) 2.5 cm

(B) 6.3 cm

(C) 4.9 cm

(D) 3.2 cm
Multiple Choice
Geometrical Figures continued

Q7 The test used to prove that the triangles below are congruent is:




Short Response Questions
Geometrical Figures

Q8 Are these shapes similar? Justify with appropriate mathematical reasoning.

Q9 In the diagram, LMNP is a parallelogram whose diagonals intersect at Q .

Given that ∠ MLN =55 º and ∠ MPN =32º , find the size of ∠ PQN .

Give reasons for your answer.

Q10 What is the value of each interior angle in a regular octagon?

Short Response Questions
Geometrical Figures continued

Q11 ∆ BCA is similar to ∆ STU .

Determine the size of ∠ B and give a reason for your answer.

Q12 ∆ JIH is similar to ∆ KIL.

Determine the size of y with appropriate mathematical working out.

Short Response Questions
Geometrical Figures continued

Q13 Calculate the value of x and y represented in the sketch below.

Part B: Extended Response Questions

Geometrical Figures

Q1 Consider the diagram below.

In the diagram ∠ AQB=∠ ABC .

Prove that ∆ AQB is similar to ∆ ABC . Give reasons for each step.

Q2 How many sides has a regular polygon with external angles of 20o ?

Extended Response Questions
Geometrical Figures continued

Q3 Find the value of x . Give reasons for each step.

Q4 ABCD is a square. Let P lie on AB ,Q lie on BC and R lie on CD such that AP=BQ=CR .



Prove that ∆ PBQ is congruent to ∆ QCR . Give reasons for each step.

Extended Response Questions
Geometrical Figures continued

Q5 A city engineer reviews a plan for four city streets.

The numbered streets will be parallel and run East and West.

The plan below shows two other parallel roadways that intersect First Street and Third

Maple Avenue forms a 54 ° angle with Third Street as shown.

What is the measure of ∠ 1 ?


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