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(A) He’s parking a truck.
(B) He’s lifting some furniture.
(C) He’s starting an engine.
(D) He’s driving a car.
(A) Some curtains have been closed.
(B) Some jackets have been laid on a chair.
(C) Some people are gathered around a desk.
(D) Someone is turning on a lamp.
(A) One of the women is reaching into her bag.
(B) The women are waiting in a line.
(C) The man is leading a tour group.
(D) The man is opening a cash register.
(A) The man is bending over a bicycle.
(B) A wheel has been propped against a stack of bricks.
(C) The man is collecting some pieces of wood.
(D) A handrail is being installed.
(A) An armchair has been placed under a window.
(B) Some reading materials have fallen on the floor.
(C) Some flowers are being watered.
(D) Some picture frames are hanging on a wall.
(A) She’s adjusting the height of an umbrella.
(B) She’s inspecting the tires on a vending cart.
(C) There’s a mobile food stand on a walkway.
(D) There are some cooking utensils on the ground.

(A) He’s folding some clothes.
(B) He’s looking into a laundry cart.
(C) He’s removing some clothes from hangers.
(D) He’s standing in front of a washing machine.
(A) The man is leaning against a doorway.
(B) The man is opening up a package.
(C) One of the woman is plugging in a printer.
(D) One of the woman is wearing glasses.
(A) She is attaching price tags to some merchandise.
(B) She is piling up some boxes.
(C) She is holding up some fruit.
(D) She is throwing away a plastic bag.
(A) A jacket has been placed on the ground.
(B) A man is watering some flowers.
(C) A garden has been planted outside of a building.
(D) A man is putting some tools in a toolbox.
(A) Some chairs are stacked in the corner.
(B) Some light fixtures are mounted on the walls.
(C) Some tables are covered with tablecloths.
(D) Some funiture is on display in a window.
(A) One of the employees is walking with an empty tray.
(B) One of the employees is taping signs to a board.
(C) One of the employees is carrying a pải of scissors.
(D) One of the employees is hanging an apron on a hook.

(A) He’s leaning over the container.
(B) He’s digging in a garden.
(C) He’s replacing some floor tiles.
(D) He’s trimming some trees.
(A) A customer is picking up some clothing at a dry cleaner’s.
(B) A customer is trying on a jacket.
(C) A customer is handing a worker some cash.
(D) A worker is typing on a computer.
(A) She’s paying for her meal.
(B) She’s pouring a beverage.
(C) She’s facing a refrigerated display case.
(D) She’s ordering her lunch from a server.
(A) He’s putting vegetables into a bag.
(B) He’s setting up a tent.
(C) The rear doors of a van are closed.
(D) Some boxes have been stored inside a vehicle.
(A) The speaker is positioned next to a podium.
(B) The man is drawing a graph on a presentation board.
(C) One of the women is watching a video.
(D) One of the women is adjusting her glasses.
(A) Some chairs have been arranged on a balcony.
(B) A clock has been propped up on a shelf.
(C) Some place mats are laid out on a beach.
(D) A light fixture is hanging above a dining area.

(A) She’s kneeling in front of a chalkboard.
(B) She’s sweeping a tile floor.
(C) She’s singing a receipt.
(D) She’s cleaning off a countertop.
(A) A man is polishing the floor.
(B) A man is unzipping a suitcast.
(C) A man is picking up a cushion.
(D) A man is drinking from a bottle.
(A) An announcer is setting down a microphone.
(B) Some workers are constructing a platform.
(C) There are some performers on a stage.
(D) Some musicians are unpacking their equipment.
(A) The woman is hanging up some posters.
(B) The woman is writing on a document.
(C) A laptop is being put away.
(D) A flowerpot is being stored on a shelf.
(A) The presenter is closing a window.
(B) The presenter is standing behind a podium.
(C) The audience is facing a screen.
(D) The audience is seated in a circle.
(A) Some passengers are waiting on the walkway.
(B) Some bicycles are mounted on a bus.
(C) A bus is being driven down a road.
(D) A garage door has been opened.

(A) She’s taking something to a customer.
(B) She’s stading at the reception desk.
(C) She’s about to send a fax.
(D) She’s talking on the phone.
(A) The women are in an exercise class.
(B) The instructor is sitting on a star.
(C) They’re waiting at the window.
(D) The curtains are closed.
(A) He’s examining a card in the garage.
(B) He’s trying to repair the car door.
(C) He’s driving the car into the repair shop.
(D) He’s fixing a tire on the car.

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