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Republic of the Philippines


Teacher's Education Department
Taculing Road, Bacolod City,6100,
Taculing Campus (034) 707-7469


1st Semester AY 2023-2024

I. LEARNING COMPETENCY: (EN10LC-Ia-11.1) Use information from news

reports, speeches, informative talks, panel discussions, etc. in everyday
conversations and exchanges.


At the end of the lessons, students will be able to:
a. identify the differences of news reports, speeches, informative talks,
and panel discussions;
b. Use information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, panel
discussions, etc. in everyday conversations and exchanges; and
c. appreciate the importance of using information through news reports,
speeches, informative talks, and panel discussions in everyday life.


A. TOPIC: Incorporating Current Events and Public Discourse into
Everyday Conversations
B. REFERENCE: Grade 10 Learning Material, English 10 Quarter 1
C. MATERIALS: Laptop, PPT, Monitor
D. VALUE FOCUS: Promoting Informed and Engaged Citizenship Through
Effective Communication


Teacher’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities: (10 min)


Good morning, everyone. I hope you're all feeling ready and excited for today's class. Let's dive in and make
the most of our time together.

Great! Let’s begin!


Have you ever found yourself using information or insights from news reports, speeches, informative talks,
or panel discussions in your everyday conversations or exchanges with others?

Have you ever changed your perspective on a topic after hearing about it in a speech or informative talk,
and then discussed this change with someone else?

Can sharing information from news reports or panel discussions make your conversations more engaging
and informative?

And that’s what we are going to talk about this morning.


As we begin today’s class, we're going to explore different types of information sources and see if we
can identify them correctly. These sources include news reports, speeches, informative talks, and
panel discussions. In pairs or small groups, please read the excerpts carefully and discuss which
category (source type) each excerpt belongs to. Consider the style, content, and any clues that might
help you identify the source type. You will have about 5-7 minutes to complete this task. Please make
sure everyone in your group participates and shares their thoughts.

Excerpts from various sources labeled accordingly:

Group 1: "Breaking News: Scientists have discovered a new species of marine life in the depths of the
Pacific Ocean. This remarkable discovery has generated excitement among marine biologists

Group 2:
"Ladies and gentlemen, today I stand before you to address a pressing issue that affects us
all—climate change. It is imperative that we take immediate action to combat this global crisis."

Group 3:
"We will delve into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence. I'll explain how AI works, its
current applications, and its potential impact on various industries."

Group 4:
Panelist 1: "I believe that education reform is crucial for our future. We need to invest more in
our schools and teachers."
Panelist 2: "I agree, but we should also focus on providing access to quality education for
underprivileged communities."
Moderator: "Thank you for your insights. Let's now turn to our next topic, healthcare reform."

Excellent observations! It's clear that you've carefully considered the style and content of each excerpt.
This skill is crucial for understanding and using information effectively.


Information from sources like news, speeches, talks, and panels shapes our understanding and
conversation. Learning to use this information enriches discussions, helps us decide wisely, and
connects us with others. Let's explore using diverse sources in our daily interactions.

Now that we've completed the "Source Sorting" activity I'd like to hear from some of you. What did you
find challenging about identifying the source types in this activity? Were there any excerpts that were
particularly tricky?

Students, the activity that we had a while ago, actually leads us to our main discussion today which is
about “Incorporating Current Events and Public Discourse into Everyday Conversations.”

As we start our lesson let's discuss the importance of understanding these different source types.

How might this skill benefit us in real life?

Yes! That’s good.

Knowing different kinds of sources helps us check information better, adjust how we talk to people, and
become smarter users of information.

As we proceed, let us ask ourselves, Why do you think it's essential to use information from news
reports, speeches, informative talks, panel discussions, etc., in everyday conversations?


Those are excellent insights. It's clear that using information from diverse sources enriches our
conversations and empowers us to make informed choices.

Can anyone share an example of a time when using information from various sources enhanced a
conversation or exchange?

Those are great real-life examples of how using information from different sources can make a
significant difference in various contexts.

These are the various forms of sources.

First, we have the News Reports.

News It is package information about news events happening around the world. It can be shared or
moved to different media platforms through word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, and
electronic communication.

News reports - are found in newspapers and their purpose is to inform readers of what is
happening in the world around them. A news report follows a certain structure

Common Topics for News Report:

● Terrorism
● Politics
● Business
● Sports
● Events
● Entertainment
● Celebrities
● Places
● Government
● Health

To kick things off, let's consider this: What do you think are the primary purposes of news reports?

Excellent points. News reports indeed play a vital role in keeping us informed and aware.

let's talk about panel discussions. What do you think is the primary purpose of a panel discussion?


A panel discussion or simply a panel, is a public exchange of ideas, giving experts and audience
members the chance to discuss a particular topic

It involves a group of people gathered to discuss a topic in front of an audience, typically at

scientific, business, or academic conferences, fan conventions, and on television shows.

The panelists discuss the issue or topic with each other by asking questions or reacting to the
views and opinions of other panel members. The leader, moderator or chairman opens and closes
the discussion and provides a summary of panel presentations and discussion.

Now, let's shift our focus to speeches/Informative Talk.

a. It is how people generate shared meaning through the use of verbal and nonverbal symbols
or language.

b. It provides enlightenment regarding a specific topic the audience knows nothing about.

Here is Types of Speech According to Delivery.

Memorized Speech – a speech that the speaker has mastered in his mind and heart. The
speaker is normally in total control of the wording because he/she had planned it.
Examples: Valedictory Speech, Speech Choir, Toast Speech, Roast Speech

Extemporaneous Speech – a type of speech delivery that involves the preparation of speaker
notes before delivery, associated with the conversational style of delivery.

Examples: Lecturing, Hosting

Impromptu Speech- a speech intended to be done without any preparation at all and also known
as on the spot speaking.

Examples: Recitation, Question and Answer Portion on a Pageant, Debate, Interview.

Here are the Types of Speech According to Purpose.

Informative Speech - written to present fascinating and useful information to increase the knowledge
of your audience.

The Persuasive Speech - usually challenges an audience’s beliefs and or tries to move those in
attendance to change existing viewpoints or at least recognize the validity of opposing viewpoints.

Demonstrative Speech - a speech that tells/shows an audience how to do something. It requires

that you provide instruction by using materials in which to perform a specific task.

Argumentative Speech - is a persuasive speech in which the speaker attempts to persuade

his audience to alter their viewpoints on a controversial issue. It aims to radically change the
opinions already held by the audience. This type of speech is extremely challenging; therefore,
the speaker should be careful to choose a topic which he feels prepared to reinforce with a
strong argument.

How do you think the purpose of a speech might differ from that of a news report?

That's a key distinction. Speeches often carry a speaker's personal perspective and emotions, while
news reports strive for neutrality.

How might the purpose of an informative talk differ from that of a news report or a speech?

Well put. Informative talks are a valuable source of detailed information and expertise.

And that’s the different platforms. Now let us recall the different forms of communication. We have the
news reports, speeches/informative talks, and panel discussions.

Do you have any questions with what we have discussed?

Here are the essential use of information from various sources in everyday conversations:

1. Stay informed
2. Enhance Knowledge
3. Promote Critical Thinking
4. Make Informed Decisions
5. Adapt to Different Audiences
6. Foster Empathy
7. Stay Connected

Did you get it?

Why do you think it's essential to use information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, panel
discussions, etc., in everyday conversations?

Very well said.

It's clear that using information from diverse sources enriches our conversations and empowers us to
make informed choices.


Identify the differences of news reports, speeches, informative talks, and panel discussions
What are the "information sources" or "media sources." ?


GROUP DISCUSSION: I'm going to divide you into groups again, and in these groups, you will review
your list of sources from our previous activity. Specifically, I want each group to identify one traditional
source (like a book or a printed newspaper) that you believe could be replaced with a digital source
(such as an online article or a TED Talk) to enhance your conversation on the chosen topic. Take a
moment to discuss within your groups which traditional source you want to replace and why you made
that decision. Consider how the digital source might provide more up-to-date information, diverse
perspectives, or other advantages.

3. Assignment

Information Source Analysis:

Select one topic of interest to you. This topic can be related to current events, social issues,
technology, or any subject that intrigues you.

Identify and collect information from at least two different sources among the following:

A news report
A speech
An informative talk (e.g., TED Talk)
A panel discussion

Summarize the key points and insights from each source. Include the title, author/speaker, and the
publication or event date.


Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is a formal address or discourse that is delivered to an audience?

a. informative talk
b. news report
c. speech
d.panel discussion

2. A __________ is a public exchange of ideas, giving experts and audience members the chance to
discuss a particular topic.
a. speech
b. panel discussion
c. news report
d. informative talk

3. It is a specific type of speech in which the speaker has a goal of convincing the audience to accept
his or her point of view.
a. argumentative speech c. informative speech
b. demonstrative speech d. persuasive speech

4. These are found in newspapers and their purpose is to inform the readers of what is happening in
the world around them.
a. news report
b. informative talk
c. panel discussion
d. Speech

5. What is the goal of an informative speech?

a. to help explain a specific subject and to help the audience remember the knowledge later
b. to convince your audience to accept your viewpoint as the speaker
c. to teach the audience how to complete a task or process
d. to change the audience’s mind by convincing them to agree with your point of view

Prepared by:

English- Subject Teacher

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