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(What are the problems and what can be done to solve it?)

The internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed,
but it has also created problems that did not exist before. What are the most
serious problems associated with the internet and what solutions can you

There is little doubt that information overload is a far-reaching problem in

modern society. This is unquestionably the catalyst for reduce interaction
with each other and being dependent on the internet reduces creativity, yet it
is resolvable through self-manage time.

The most notable consequence of this problem is people interact less

Loss of creativity should also be taken into account.

In order to rectify this situation, there needs to be a policy of independently

handle time.

Thus, it can be seen that worldwide web is the source of insensitivity and
determined by the network. Therefore, there is ample evidence to conclude
that a plan of organization of time effective is a sound course of action.

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