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CBA Review-Key

Circular Motion

1. An object that moves uniformly in a circle can have a constant ___________________ but a changing
a. speed, velocity b. velocity, speed

2. For an object moving in uniform circular motion, the velocity vector is directed _____.
a. radially inwards towards the center of the circle
b. radially outwards away from the center of the circle
c. in the direction of the tangent line drawn to the circle at the object's location

3. Use your average speed equation to determine the speed of ... . (Given: Circumference = 2•PI•R)
a. ... a rider on a carousel ride that makes a complete revolution around the circle (diameter = 21.2-meter) in 17.3
seconds. PSYW
v = d/t = 2•π•R/T where R is the radius (10.6 m) and T is the period (17.3 s).
v = 2•π•(10.6 m)/(17.3 s) = 3.85 m/s

4. A roller coaster car is traveling over the crest of a hill and is at the location
shown. A side view is shown at the right. Draw an arrow on the diagram
to indicate the direction of the velocity vector.

5. A car that is moving in a circle at a constant speed of 30 mi/hr is _____.

a. not accelerating since there is no change in velocity
b. not accelerating despite the fact that there is a change in velocity
c. accelerating since there is a change in velocity
d. accelerating despite the fact there is no change in velocity.
e. accelerating, but not for either reason mentioned above.

6. An object that is moving in a circle at a constant speed has a velocity vector that is directed ________and an
acceleration vector that is directed ________.
a. tangent to the circle, tangent to the circle b. tangent to the circle, outwards
c. tangent to the circle, inwards d. inwards, tangent to the circle
d. inwards, outwards f. outwards, tangent to the circle

7. An object that is moving in uniform circular motion will definitely have a large acceleration if it is _____.
a. moving very fast
b. moving along a sharp turn
c. turning at a rapid rate

Justify your answer:

An object can be moving very fast yet have such a wide turning radius that it has a very small acceleration; the moon
is an example. Another object can be moving along a very sharp turn yet so slowly that its acceleration is very small;
a slow moving truck along a tight expressway ramp is an example. For objects moving in circles, acceleration is most
closely linked to the rate of direction change - that is, to the turning rate. A rapid turning rate may be due to either a
high speed or a sharp turn or both

8. Noah Formula guides a golf ball around the outside rim of the
green at the Hole-In-One Putt-Putt Golf Course. When the ball
leaves the rim, which path (1, 2, or 3) will the golf ball follow?
_2__________ (Note that this diagram depicts the God's eye view.)
Explain why.

The ball moved along a circular path because of the force of the rim.
Once the rim force is gone, the ball moves in a straight line

Universal Gravitation
9. The universal of Newton's law of universal gravitation is a common source of confusion. The universal means that ____.
a. the amount of gravitational forces is the same for all objects.
b. the acceleration caused by gravity is the same for all objects.
c. the force of gravity acts between all objects - not just between the Earth and an object, but also between two
people. All objects with mass attract.

10. According to Newton's gravitation law, the force of gravitational attraction between a planet and an object located
upon the planet's surface depends upon _____. Choose all that apply.
a. the radius of the planet b. the mass of the planet
c. the mass of the object d. the volume of the object
e. … nonsense! None of these variables affect the force of gravity.

11. The more massive that an object is, the ______ (more, less) that the object will be attracted to Earth.

12. The greater that Earth's radius is, the ______ (more, less) that another object will be attracted to Earth.

13. TRUE or FALSE:

Two lab partners attract each other with a gravitational force. However, it is impossible to calculate such
a force since it is only an unproven theory.
Answer: FALSE. Knowing their masses and separation distances, the force of attraction can be


(6.67 x 10-11)*60*60/12=2.4 x 10-7

(6.673 x 10-11)*( 5.98x1024)*60/(6.37x106)2=2.4 x 10-7

14. Use the gravitational force equation to fill in the following table (G = 6.673 x 10-11 N•m2/kg2).

Mass of Mass of Distance of Fgrav

Object 1 Object 2 Separation* Significance of Numbers
(kg) (kg) (m) (N)

60.0 60.0 1.0 Two typical students in

2.4 x 10-7 physics class
60.0 A typical student on the
5.98x1024 6.37x106 590 surface of the Earth

The Inverse Square Law of Universal Gravitation

Use Newton's gravitational law in a conceptual manner in order to fill in the following blanks.
15. Two objects gravitationally attract with a force of 18.0 N. If the distance between the two objects' centers is doubled,
then the new force of attraction is ______ N. 4.5
Increase in distance=decrease in force; 18/22=18/4=4.5

16. Two objects gravitationally attract with a force of 18.0 N. If the distance between the two objects' centers is decreased
by a factor of three, then the new force of attraction is ______ N. 162.0
Decrease in distance=increase in force; 18*32=18*9=162

17. Two objects gravitationally attract with a force of 18.0 N. If the mass of one of the objects is doubled and the
distance between their centers is doubled, then the new force of attraction is ______ N. 9.0
Mass of One object doubled = increase in force(x2)= 18 x 2=36
Increase in distance=decrease in force; 36/22=36/4=49


Key Concepts:
A projectile is an object that has the following characteristics.
• The only force acting on it is a gravitational force; it is a free-falling object.
• The acceleration is directed downwards and has a value of 9.8 m/s2.
• Once projected, it continues its horizontal motion without any need of a force.
• As it rises, its vertical velocity (vy) decreases; as it falls, its vy increases.
• As it travels through the air, its horizontal velocity remains constant.

Y axis(how high, from what height)

a= -9.8

X axis(how far)

18. A toy car runs off the edge of a table that is 1.225 m high. If the car lands 0.400 m from the base of the table, how long
does it take the car to fall? What is the horizontal velocity of the car?

d = vi t + ½ a t 2
-1.225 = 0 + ½ (-9.80)(t)2
t = 0.500 s

v = 0.400/0.500
v = 0.800 m/s

19. Janet jumps off a high-diving platform with a horizontal velocity of 2.8 m/s and lands in the water
2.6 sec later. How high is the platform, and how far from the base of the platform does she land?

d=vit + 1/2at2
d=0 + ½(-9.80)(2.6)2
d = -33 m

v = d/t
2.8 = x/2.6
d = 7.3 m

20. A dart player throws a dart horizontally at a speed of 12.4 m/s. The dart hits the board 0.32 m below the height from
which it was thrown. How far away is the player from the board?
d = vit + 1/2at2
-0.32 = 0 + ½ (-9.80)(x)2
t = 0.26 s

v = d/t
12.4 = x/0.26
d = 3.2 m

21.At what point is the magnitude of the ball’s velocity vector the smallest?
The magnitude of the ball’s velocity is the smallest at the ball’s maximum height because the magnitude of the
vertical component of the ball’s velocity is zero

22.What can be said about the relationship between the vertical component of the ball’s velocity at the moment it leaves
the ground and the moment it returns to the ground?
The two velocities are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

23.What can be said about the relationship between the horizontal component of the ball’s velocity at the moment it
leaves the ground and the moment it returns to the ground?
The two velocities are equal in magnitude and in direction.

24.Calculate the current in a circuit with a 1.5 V battery and a lamp that provides a resistance of 3 .
1.5=I * 3

Refer to the circuit diagram to the right to answer questions #25 – 29.
25. Is this circuit a series circuit or a parallel circuit?

26. If R1= 3,R2 =3, R3 = 3, what is the total resistance in the circuit?

27. Using the resistance from #26, what is the current in this circuit?

28.If instead R1= 1, R2 = 2,and R3 = 3 , what is the total resistance in the circuit?

29. Using the resistance from #28, what is the current in this circuit?

Refer to the circuit diagram to the right to answer questions #30 – 32.

30. Is this circuit a series circuit or a parallel circuit?


31. If R1=3, R2 =3 R3 = 3, what is the total resistance in the circuit?

32.Using the resistance from #12, what is the current in this circuit?

Static Electricity
33. Charged objects interact with one another. One can observe the interactions and infer information about the type of
charge present on an object. Complete the following statements to illustrate your understanding of the three types of
charge interactions:

a. Oppositely-charged objects will attract each other.

b. Like-charged objects will repel each other.
c. A charged object and a neutral object will attract each other.

34. Your physics teacher has prepared the room for the class's entry by
suspending several inflated balloons from the ceiling. Upon entering the
physics room, you observe two balloons being drawn towards each other
as shown at the right. The attraction of these balloons for one another
provides evidence that ______. Answer: E
a. both balloons are charged with the same type of charge
b. both balloons are charged with the opposite type of charge
c. both balloons are charged - either with the same type or opposite type
of charge
d. only one of the balloons is charged; the other is neutral
e. at least one of the balloons is charged; the other is either charged or

35. As you look around the room, you observe two other balloons being
pushed away from each other as shown at the right. The repulsion of
these balloons from one another provides evidence that ___. Answer: A
a. both balloons are charged with the same type of charge
b. both balloons are charged with the opposite type of charge
c. both balloons are charged - either with the same type or opposite type
of charge
d. only one of the balloons is charged; the other is neutral
e. at least one of the balloons is charged; the other is either charged or

Last page-Circuit



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