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Evidence 1.

Three kinds of empathy

Luisa Fernanda Marin Tarifa

Carlos Andres Rojas

English IV – PRECHU2401B010106

Hotel and tourism business administration

March – 2024
1- Watch any of the following videos about empathy:
Ruffalo: EmpathyLinks to an external site.
What is empathy?Links to an external site.
All About Empathy (for kids!)Links to an external site.

2. a)-Last semester my cousin dropped out of college, he had trouble

continuing because he felt too much pressure from his family to get
better grades, I put myself in his shoes because I know how hard it
can be to feel like you have to meet your family's expectations and I
know how difficult it was for him to drop out of his career.

I was able to show cognitive empathy by understanding and

acknowledging my cousin's feelings and experiences. By
understanding how difficult it was for him to drop out of his career
because of this pressure, an empathetic capacity for understanding
and perspective is evident.

b) Yesterday at work I saw that my colleague Jorge was pensive,

restless and it was very difficult for him to breathe, I decided to
approach him and ask him if something was wrong, he said he felt
stressed because his salary was not enough for everything he had to
pay, I understood his situation and supported him, I listened to his
problems and decided to find a solution, I also gave him some
exercises that helped me to relieve stress in my past, the situation
previously written is emotional empathy, by showing understanding
and care towards his emotions and feelings.

c) lately i have not been feeling very good about my life, i have been
going over and remembering moments that made me feel bad and go
through a difficult situation, i have a younger brother 11 years old,
very mature for his age he approached me and told me that he was
old enough to listen to me and that i could stop hiding in the
bathroom to cry, in a panic attack I told him everything I was feeling
and my worries, he cried and understood my situation as if he was
living it, he became my safe place where I could express my feelings
explaining emotional empathy.



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