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Explain the steps in developing positive attitudes (10 Marks)

1. Self-awareness:
 Understand and acknowledge your current attitudes.
 Reflect on how your attitudes impact your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

2. Identify Negative Attitudes:

 Recognize any negative attitudes that may hinder your positivity.
 Address and challenge these negative attitudes.

3. Cultivate a Growth Mindset:

 Embrace challenges and view them as opportunities for growth.
 Believe that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication
and hard work.

4. Practice Gratitude:
 Acknowledge and appreciate the positive aspects of your life.
 Regularly express gratitude for both small and significant blessings.

5. Surround Yourself with Positivity:

 Associate with positive and supportive individuals.
 Minimize exposure to negativity, whether it be people, media, or

6. Positive Affirmations:
 Develop and repeat positive affirmations to reinforce a positive self-image.
 Challenge and replace negative self-talk with positive statements.

7. Set Realistic Goals:

 Establish achievable and meaningful goals.
 Break larger goals into smaller, manageable steps to foster a sense of

8. Learn from Challenges:

 View setbacks and failures as opportunities to learn and improve.
 Focus on solutions and lessons rather than dwelling on problems.

9. Adopt a Positive Communication Style:

 Use positive language and tone in your interactions.
 Provide constructive feedback and avoid unnecessary criticism.

10. Regular Reflection and Adjustment:

 Periodically assess your attitudes and adjust as needed.
 Be open to continuous improvement and refining your positive mindset.


Explain with examples, the FOUR (4) elements that determines self-motivation
(10 Marks)

Self-motivation is driven by various elements that influence an individual's ability to

initiate and sustain their own motivation. Here are four key elements that determine
self-motivation, along with examples. Firstly, is goal setting. Setting clear and
achievable goals provides direction and purpose for self-motivation. For example, if
an individual aim to lose weight, they may set specific, measurable, and time-bound
goals, such as losing a certain number of pounds within a specified timeframe.
These goals serve as motivators, driving the person to adopt healthier habits and
stay committed to their fitness routine.
Next is, intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from within and
involves pursuing activities for personal satisfaction and enjoyment rather than
external rewards. For example, an artist who creates art not for financial gain but
because of the joy and fulfilment it brings them. The internal satisfaction derived from
the creative process is the primary motivator, and the artist is less reliant on external
validation or incentives.
Besides that, self-efficacy. It refers to the belief in one's ability to accomplish
tasks and achieve goals. For example, a student with high self-efficacy believes in
their capability to excel in exams. This belief influences their motivation to study
diligently, persist through challenges, and seek out resources for better
understanding. The confidence in their own abilities enhances their overall
Lastly, autonomy. Autonomy involves having a sense of control and
independence in one's actions and decisions. For example, an employee who is
given autonomy in their work, allowing them to make decisions and have a say in
how they approach tasks, is likely to be more self-motivated. This sense of control
fosters a deeper commitment to the work, as the individual feels a personal
connection to the outcomes and takes ownership of their responsibilities.

a) Define your own time management as a university student (2 Marks)

As a university student, effective time management is crucial for balancing academic

responsibilities, personal activities, and overall well-being. Time management as a
university student involves the strategic allocation of time to various academic and
non-academic activities in order to maximize productivity, achieve academic
success, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. It encompasses prioritization,
organization, and disciplined execution of tasks to meet deadlines, engage in
learning, and address personal needs.

b) Describe TWO (2) university students’ symptoms and possible

solutions/actions of poor time management
(8 Marks)

1. Symptoms: Procrastination and Missed Deadlines

Delaying the start of assignments or studying until the last minute, feeling
overwhelmed by looming deadlines. It can increase stress, rushed work, lower
quality of output, and a negative impact on overall academic performance. The
possible solutions are, breaking tasks into smaller steps. Help the student set
realistic and achievable goals with clear deadlines. Setting milestones for each task
can provide a sense of structure and accomplishment, preventing the build-up of
stress associated with looming deadlines.

2. Symptoms: Overwhelmed and Poor Work-Life Balance

Constantly feeling overwhelmed, neglecting personal well-being, and struggling to
balance academic and personal commitments. It can burnout, decreased overall
well-being, and potential negative impacts on academic performance. The possible
solutions are guide the student in prioritizing tasks and using time-blocking
techniques. Help them allocate specific time blocks for studying, attending classes,
and engaging in personal activities. This approach ensures a more balanced
distribution of time and reduces the risk of feeling overwhelmed. Learning to say no.
Encourage the student to evaluate their commitments and learn to say no when
necessary. Overcommitting to extracurricular activities, social events, or additional
responsibilities can contribute to poor time management and increased stress.
Setting realistic boundaries is essential for maintaining a healthy balance.

Get the stuff done, please

En Mansur is the manager of Mewah Holdings Company. He gave an assignment to

Marina through email. Marina was asked to submit the assignment the next day by
8.00 am. Marina, who has been assigned various tasks to be completed previously,
failed to submit the assignment on time. Marina was upset with her manager and
vent her anger via social media. She feels that her manager is giving her too much
on her plate. En Mansur, on the other hands, feels that Marina is exceedingly difficult
to talk to and not a team player. The two of them arguing and ended up not talking to
each other.


In a workplace, human relation and interactions among individuals are

imperative. Express briefly the FIVE (5) reasons why En Mansur and Marina
should improve their human relationship? (10 Marks)

1. Enhanced Communication:
 Improved human relations foster open and effective communication. This is
crucial for ensuring that expectations, assignments, and concerns are
conveyed clearly, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings.

2. Increased Productivity and Cooperation:

 A positive relationship between a manager and an employee contributes to a
more collaborative work environment. When individuals feel supported and
valued, they are more likely to work together cohesively, enhancing overall

3. Employee Satisfaction and Well-being:

 Positive human relations contribute to higher levels of employee satisfaction
and well-being. When employees feel understood, respected, and
appreciated, it positively impacts their job satisfaction, reducing stress and
enhancing job performance.

4. Effective Conflict Resolution:

 Building a strong human relationship provides a foundation for effective
conflict resolution. In situations of disagreement or misunderstanding,
individuals with a positive relationship are more likely to approach conflicts
constructively and seek resolutions.

5. Organizational Harmony:
 A harmonious workplace environment is essential for the overall success of
the organization. Positive human relations contribute to a healthy
organizational culture, attracting and retaining talented employees, and
fostering a positive reputation both internally and externally.


The intensity of conflict between En Mansur and Marina may escalate unless a
conscious effort is made to end it. Determine the possibility of conflict
intensification to happen. (10 Marks)

1. Miscommunication and Misunderstanding:

 If both parties fail to address the root cause of the conflict and continue to
misinterpret each other's intentions or messages, the conflict may intensify.

2. Lack of Conflict Resolution Skills:

 If En Mansur and Marina do not possess effective conflict resolution skills, the
issues may persist and escalate. Without proper mediation or communication
strategies, the conflict can become more entrenched.

3. Negative Escalation on Social Media:

 Marina's venting of anger on social media can exacerbate the conflict. Publicly
expressing dissatisfaction can lead to a more hostile work environment and
damage the professional reputation of both parties.

4. Rumors and Gossip:

 If there is a lack of confidentiality and rumors start circulating within the
workplace, it can further fuel the conflict. Gossip can distort the facts and
create additional tension.

5. Escalation of Emotional Responses:

 If En Mansur and Marina continue to respond emotionally rather than
rationally, it may lead to an escalation of negative emotions, making it
challenging to find common ground.

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