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Alamat: Jalan Kaktus, No. 1-3 Mataram. Telpon: 0370-641275

Student Number : 2083048


Penulis (Author/s) : Baiq Haula
Abstrak (Abstract) The study is titled “Conceptual Metaphor in News Titles: A Study of Cognitive
Semantics”. The selection of news title diction is not
only explicitly delivered, but also implicitly that is by
using metaphors. This research is included in
qualitative research that is descriptive. The source of
metaphoric data comes from online news site The methods used in data collection are
in the name of the method of simak with the technique
of note as the basic technique and method of data
analysis using the method of clay with advanced
techniques for direct elements (BUL). The results of the
study showed three types of metaphors that were found,
namely structural metaphors as much as two data,
orientational metaphors as many as two data, and
ontological metaphors as many as two data. Based on
metaphorical mapping between the source domain and
the target domain of the dominant image scheme
formed is identity.
Jurnal (Journal) : Pascasarjana Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas
Padjadjaran Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km. 21,
Jatinangor, Sumedang 45363 Pos-el:
Pendahuluan (Introduction) : Humans use language as the primary medium of
communication, language plays crucial role in
conveying messages and meanings to tohers, both
orally and in writing. Essentially, language serves
function that are used according to human needs.
Kerangka Teoretis : To support this research data obtained by the
(Literature Reviews) author, the theories used are related to metaphor in
cognitive semantics and image scema. Semantics
theories in the cognitive paradigm treat meaning as
conceptualization; the meaning of a linguistics
expression as a concept activated in the speaker’s
or listener’s mind, so meaning in the relationship
between linguistic expression expressions and the
mind, not with the external world
Conceptual metaphor (Lakoff & Johnson, 2003) is
result of mental construction based on the principle
of conceptual analogy, conceptualizing one thing
in terms of another.
Metodologi (Methodology) : the method used in this research is a qualitative
method that is descriptive in nature. (Djajasudarma, 2006)
states that qualitative method is a procedure that produce
descriptive data, both orally and in writing, which exists
or is present in society. In this case, data is presented as it
is, factually, systemically, and accurately, in accordance
with the news titles available on the online news site
the data collection method employed is
observation with note-taking as its basic technique.
According to (Mahsun, 2014) this data collection method
is called observation because the way data is obtained is
by observing language usage. The term “observation” is
not only related to oral language usage but also written
language usage. The data was obtained from the news
titles published on the news site
the data collection method used in the distribution
method with advanced techniques for direct elements
(BUL). The BUL technique aims to identify the source
domain and target domain in the metaphorical data found
in the news titles.
The process of data provinsion involves several
stages, as follows:
1.the author searches for and marks news titles that
contain conceptual metaphors
2. the author takes note of news titles that have the
potential to become data.
3. the author reduces the data that falls under
conceptual metaphors and classify it based on the types of
metaphor according to lakoff & johnson’s theory.
4. the author analyzes the data using the BUL
Pembahasan : The following discussion will be presented based
(Findings/Discussions) on the types of metaphors found. The overall
findings of this research reveal the image schema
of identity because the discovered data depict
similarities or conceptual shifts from one concept
to another.
1. Structural metaphor
In this research, two data points of structural
metaphor were found. Both of these
metaphorical data have the image schema of
identity (matching).
2. Orientational metaphor
In this research, two data points of
orientational metaphor were found. Both of
these metaphors have the image schema of
space, specifically the up-down orientation.
3. Ontological metaphor
In this research, two data points of ontological
metaphor were found. Both of these metaphors
have the same image schema, which is identity,
but with different characteristics, namely
matching and superimposition.
Kesimpulan (Conclusions) : Based on the analysis and discussion of metaphors
in the news titles on the news
website, three types of conceptual metaphors were
found. (1) structural metaphors with two instances,
and (2) orientational metaphors with two instances,
and (3) ontological metaphors with two instances.
Among the three types of metaphors found,
different image schemas were generated, but the
dominant one was the image schema of identity.
This indicates that the news titles on the website depict something indirectly,
portraying concepts without directly mentioning
their intentions and purposes.
Bibliografi Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors We Live
(Bibliography/References) By. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Lakoff,
& Johnson, M. (2003). Methapors we live by. London:
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Meyridah. (2015). Pemakaian Metafora dalam Judul-
Judul Berita di Media Massa Cetak Kalimantan Selatan
(The Use Of Metaphors In Headlines News Of Mass
Media In South Kalimantan). Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra,
Dan Pembelajarannya, 5(1), 94–99. Saeed, J. (2003).
Semantics. Oxford: Blackwell Publisher Inc. Subhan,
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Konseptualisasi Sifat dan Perbuatan dalam Metafora
Alquran, Berunsur Tubuh “Tangan” Pada AlQuran),
(Trait and Action Conceptualization in Metaphor of
“Hand” at The Koran), 15(1), 61–74. Sudaryanto.
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