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Name : Urba sari Thursday, 28 March 2024

Class : 4BB
Title : The Importance of Valuing Time
Abstract :
∙ Purpose : Explain the importance of time management and its impact in life.
∙ Important : By understanding the value of time, individuals can utilize their potential to
lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives.
∙ Plan : The three essentials of time are that it is an irreplaceable asset, reflects one's
priorities, and enriches life.
Body 1
Abstract: Time is an irreplaceable asset
∙ Every moment that passes cannot be returned or repeated, making it extremely valuable.
∙ Losing time means losing the opportunity to do something meaningful or productive.
∙ Utilizing time wisely allows us to optimize our potential and achieve our goals more
Conclusion: Time is a priceless asset because every moment that passes cannot be returned
but by utilizing it wisely, we can achieve our potential and goals more effectively.
Body 2
Abstract: Time reflects one's priorities
∙ How we spend our time reflects what we consider important in life.
∙ Structuring our time wisely according to our priorities helps us lead more meaningful and
fulfilling lives.
∙ When we allocate time to things that are in line with our values and goals, it brings us
Conclusion: A person's priorities are reflected in how they allocate their time, which helps
determine satisfaction and meaning in their lives.
Body 3
Abstract: Time can enrich life
∙ Effective time management helps us avoid stress and anxiety, and improves our work-life
∙ With more time available, we can pursue our hobbies, spend time with family and friends,
and take care of ourselves.
∙ Utilizing time wisely helps us enjoy life more fully and enriches our experiences.
Conclusion: Managing our time wisely allows us to avoid stress, create balance, and enrich
our lives with valuable experiences.
Conclusion :
∙ Restate the plan : Time is an irreplaceable asset that reflects our values and priorities, and
effective time management can improve productivity, well-being and overall life
∙ What next : take proactive steps for effective time management.
∙ Personal note : Time is a precious gift, limited in its nature but infinite in its potential.
Let us cherish every moment and utilize every second on our journey to success.

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