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- mplex sentence: one independent and one dependent clause or more dependent clauses.

In complex sentences with time clauses, a comma is needed when the dependent time
clause comes before the independent clause.
- Some common time subordinators: after, as soon as, before, since, until, when,
whenever, while.
Task 1: Combine the following sentences to make a compound or complex one:
1. People take a vacation. Some people like to relax and do nothing.
2. Some people like to travel. Some people like to have an adventure.
3, Some people spend their vacations learning. Some people spend their vacations
helping others.
4. A friend of mine likes to help people. He spent his summer helping to build a school in

5. He returned home. He wanted to go back to help to build a medical clinic.

6. People may find life at home a little boring. They have climbed volcanoes or ridden

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Task 2: Complete the following sentences.
1. As soon as I got home,…….
2. I left my hometown when……
3. The trip began badly when…….
4. Before we could put on our rain coat,….
5. Every night, after I finish my homework,…..
6. Before I learned to speak English well,……
7. Whenever we have a school holiday, …………
8. My father works late at night while …………..

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