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we can give this text as a title: the importance of English

1. Benefits of learning English

o English is often considered the language of global business which often
uses it for communication, even among people who do not speak the
same native language.
o English can let a person more easily communicate wiht others and find
more job opportunities not only in his or her home country, but around
the world as well.
o There are many professional informative publication printed in English
o English include broadening their employment opportunities, since it is
used so commonly in business.

1. English is used by the international business community because The

international business community often uses it for communication, even among
people who do not speak the same native language.

1. Make four(4) sentences with HEAR, LISTEN TO, SAY and TELL :
o I hear my mother screaming at my little sister
o My dad doesn't like to listen to music
o I always say what I think
o I tell my aunt yesterday's film

1. Pour beaucoup de gens, les avantages de l'apprentissage L'anglais comprend

l'élargissement de leurs possibilités d'emploi, car il est si couramment utilisé
dans les affaires.


1. We use say for direct or indirect speech. While We use tell to report what we
have been told.
2. False
3. Watch, see, look at
4. Vrai
o he can't go to school today because he's sick
o He must be 27 years old
o he shall be the president !
o it may rain today

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