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Age of Nationalism Aamir Rahim

Q:01: Democratic Government might seem weak but what they have an internal strength

to cope with emergent crises. Elucidate with special reference to the Third French



“Democracy is the worst Political Setup.

But we do not have an alternate”

(Winston Churchill)


The pure democracy, definitely poses the strength to survive under hard circumstances.

However, to elucidate the strength of Democracy in context of 3rd Republic of France, one must

highlight the crises under which the 3rd Republic had survived till 1914 (WWI) almost 64 years,

4 times larger of any government after 1791 down fall of old regime.

Outline Line:

 Background.

 Hurdles during emergence of 3rd Republic.

Age of Nationalism Aamir Rahim

o Commune Conflict/Civil War.

o Royalist opposition.

o Constitutional Crises.

 Crises faced by 3rd Republic.

o Boulanger Affair.

o Panama Scandal.

o Dreyfus Case/Court-Martial.

 Democratic Measures to Cope with Crises.

o Re-institution of Dreyfus.

o Counter of Clerical influence and anti-Clerical Legislation.

o Liberty of Unions and Press.

o Financial Reform for industrial development.


Thanks to the Franco-Prussian war, Prussia under leadership of Bismarck defeated the France

and the napoleon found incapable and republicans seek opportunity to establish 3rd republic.

However, it faced problems before the emergence of republican constitution and internal

problems after the constitution. The occupied forces according to the Frankfurt peace treaty had

to stationed in France till the war indemnity pays off.

The Emerging Hurdles of 3rd Republic:

Age of Nationalism Aamir Rahim

National Assembly selected Thiers as leader. He signed peace treaty of Frankfurt and Franco-

Prussian under condition of, France pays war indemnity, till than the occupied forces station in

France, 2nd France lost the Lorain and Alsace.

Paris Commune Conflict:

The Paris commune did not digest the loss of territories. Denied the leadership of Thiers, formed

and vowed for communes in France with loose Federation. Thiers fought back and captured all

other communes, soon Paris commune was too suppressed but after a “Bloody Weak” of fight in

streets of Paris.

Royalist Opposition:

The majority of Assembly was of Royalists. Threatened by Republican views of Thiers they

successfully forced him to resign. Mac-Mohan, a royalist elected as president. He began to

smoothen the way for re-institution of Monarchy but failed due to the division of Monarchist

among supporter of Orleans, Bonaparte and Bourbon.

Republican Constitution:

The division of Monarchists and case of Bourbon white flag’s demand, caused a deadlock for

Monarchy. Fortunately for republicans, they gain the majority in By-Elections and turned the

case in national Assembly. The Now majority of Republicans passed the Republican

Constitution under Royalist President in 1875. However.

The Crises to 3rd Republic:

The republic faced certain internal crises:

1 The Boulanger Affair:

Age of Nationalism Aamir Rahim

A handsome Military General inspired French people with his good oration and slogan of

‘Taking Revenge from Germans’. He elected for ministry and gained the support of Royalist and

Catholics/Clerics but dropped due to his fam, which further increased with fall of Grevy as his

Son-in Law found guilty of selling ‘Legion of Honor’. Boulanger struggled for Assembly and

won constituency after constituency. But soon revealed that he conspired a Coup D’etat against

Republic and his bubble fam bursts and he forced to flee abroad and commits suicide on grave of

his mistress.

2 The Panama Scandal:

It was a Canal building project by the company of France. After the successful sues Canal, this

project starts. However, it proved a blunder and failure and caused many French investors loss of

their wealth. The scandal burst in 1892, It declared that many ministers took bribes and company

went bankrupt. The Republicans lost many electoral to Socialists. However, Republic Survived.

Dreyfus Case:

A was a Jewish army officer in French army. He court-martialed of treason and selling military

secrete of France to Germany. Sentenced for life imprisonment. The catholic and Monarchist

found an opportunity to oppose the republican. Soon it found that the Dreyfus was innocent and

evidence were altered by some other army officers and now this case turned the honor of army.

There began to form two groups, one in support of Dreyfus (Republicans and middle class of

France) and other was comprised of Clerics and Monarchist to oppose Dreyfus.

Republic Cope with Crises:

After all of the above-mentioned crises and problems, Republic survived and successfully

brought them down and made reforms in certain aspects:

Age of Nationalism Aamir Rahim

Re-institution of Dreyfus:

A re-trail was opened for Dreyfus case and he found innocent. All the credit goes to head of

military intelligent, Emile Zola and republican president. Dreyfus were re-institute on his post

and promoted.

Military Reforms:

The military was organized on modern pillars. And it made mandatory of five-year military

service for everyone later on reduced to 3 years.

Containing Clerics:

The clerics, one the biggest enemies of Republic were reduced from power by “Law of

Association”. Their monopoly on education eliminated by Waldeck Rousseau and Combes.

Moreover, the republican president Combes abolished the Napoleon Concordat and church was

separated from state 1905.

Social Betterment:

The Republic successfully curbed the social evils. The Republicans, Gambetta and Jules ferry

worked for the child and female labors to enforce safety measures in in mines and factories. The

trade unions were allowed to operate and press freedom were assured under republic such as

Zola published ‘I accuse’

Financial Development:
Age of Nationalism Aamir Rahim

The French republic somehow manage to pay all its war indemnity within two years. Republic

brought financial reforms and colonial policy helped industries to prosper the wealth of country

increased sharply till 1914.


Democracy is the only setup available for globe to represent the rights of individuals and assure

the liberty, though democracy poses many loopholes, however it poses strength to survive in

hardships and can relatively deals the crises well. In case of 3rd French Republic, the democracy

shows its immunity and coped with all the struggle, during the emergence of Republic and

during the republic and successfully survived till 1914 (WWI).

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