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Introduction to NPM Characteristics/Elements Comparison between Bureaucratic

model (BM) & NPM

Aimed at improving efficiency Hood (1995) Pollitt (2003) Hughes (2003)
public sector ,
, ↑

f Zu Y
and performance in the
delivery of services .
1 change in management's focus from inputs

major emphases/values Actors Strategies

ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency and processes to output cresult) & outcomes core objectives

↳ focu from
ending BM : rational & efficient organizational BM : hierarchical control , clear lines BM : Public bureaucracy
in public services I
. beginning to

NPM ideology
change towards measurement and model for the pursuit of goals
. of responsibility , accountability ,

existing structures and policies of the government quantification .
PM : Enhance
efficiency & quality in continuity
, probity ·
M :
Markets and

are primary causes of inefficiency & poor performance . 3) Restructuring public sector .
NM :
Downsize government , contract ,

It claims that changing the structure of governmental ↳ downsizing public sector through regulation and competition , flexibility

agencies alone will not fix the government's problems Privatization & Commercialization

since they are so widespread and complex. 4) Preference :

more specialized ,
I can & Advantages of NPM

Hence , a number of drastic reforms and market-based flat autonomous organizational forms 1) Promotes individualism

5) substitution of ↳ leads
fixes are provided by PM proponents ,
formal hierarchical to efficiency & effectiveness in
delivery of good & services

example :
relationship to contracts and contract -
2) New public management
downsizing the public sector through privatization & like relationship improves product delivery

deregulation. b) shift to greater competition in public 3) Makes bureaucratic system to be more efficient and cost benefit .

enhanced role of private sector sector . 4)
Improves structures of public sector

> introduction
of private management principles 7) Empharis on private sector-style ↳ reducing the cost &

into the public sector .

management & flexibility ,
cost recovery
, NPM advocates maximising the role of the private sector and entrepreneurship
. Disadvantages of NPM

in governance and service delivery since it views the 'market ·) shift towards a management culture 1) Blurred lines between policymaking & providing services

as a remedy for an expansive and inefficient governmental sector .

customer orientation I due to regulation can be .

Three integrating themes of NPM (Dunleavy et al . (2006) ↳ accountability for results -

2) Questions have been raised about

~ ↓ -
> ↳ potential politicization of the
public service
↳ executives
Disaggregation competition incentivization are hired on contract under pay-for-performance systems

splitting up large
purchaser -
provider split ·
linking incentives to 3) will be a challenge for citizen to effectively choose the appropriate government services they need .

Provider public servant


public sector ·
competition among performance. H) There are concerns that public managers more away from trying to meet citizens' needs & limitations

hierarchies . providers ↳ 'money reward' on accountability to the public .

↳ task will be divided ↳

bagus 5) Question integrity for
orang Kerja nya & compliance when dealing with incentives public managers .

↳ award
less responsibility , diberk e .

: managers being more

g or less faithful arise.

increase performance.
Public interest is at risk & could undermine the trust in government·

"Government must be accountable larger public interest , not individual immediate

to the
only to

customers or consumers of government services .

Public Sector Reformation

Introduction to New (NPS)

Public Service Characteristics of New Public Service CNPS] 4) Serve citizens ,
not customers.

The NPS approach' is a concept that describes how According to Denhardt et. al (2000) and Kusnadar (2019) -

Instead of the accumulation of individual self-interests , the public interest comes from a

administered & provided 1) serve , rather than steer

discussion about shared values
public services are ·

strategy places strong emphasis working Instead of trying Consequently

a on to dominate or reshape society , public -

rather than just attending to the needs of their 'customers' , public servants

together , getting involved and using technology to servants are playing a more and more crucial role concentrate on
building relationships of trust and collaboration to and
among citizens ..

increase productivity transparency

and citizen satisfaction- in assisting citizens in expressing and achieving their 5) Accountability is not simple .

, Public Services been provided by common interests-

hierarchical , bureaucratic structures that prioritize rules 2) The public interest is the aim , not the by-product
and regulations over and innovation.
flexibility Building collective

a ,
understanding of the public

There has been realization in recent yearss public interest
increasing interest of the is a
responsibility of

that this traditional method is insufficient to meet the public administrators.

needs of 21st-century citizens
. -
The goal is not to achieve quick solutions driven by

. Rather ,
individual choices it is the creation of shared

interests and shared responsibility


3) Think strategically act democratically


The most efficient and ethical ways to develop policies

and programs that address public needs are through

teamwork and cooperative methods



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