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3/1/24, 6:20 AM 1.3.

Notes [ ± 60 min ] | Eduvos

1.3. Notes [ ± 60 min ]

3. Sentences

Introduction to the Sentence

We need to have a thorough understanding of verbal communication, as it is fundamental in

communicating our ideas and thoughts in life, within academia and the workplace. A sentence
is a sequence of words ‘capable of standing alone to make an assertion, ask a question or
give a command’ (Taggart, C. & Wines, J.A.: My grammar and I (or should that be me?):117).
This means that all sentences have:

A subject
An object
A verb
A capital letter at the beginning
A full stop, question mark or exclamation mark at the end

In addition, sentences contain subjects and/or objects:

Subject – who is doing the action.

Object – to what or whom is the action being done.

For example, I wrote a simple sentence:

I (subject) wrote (verb) a simple sentence (object). 1/1

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