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I think this sets an interesting precedent, and shows why it's important to pay

attention to the sometimes incoherent and paranoid viewpoints of the right-wing.

I've said before that liberals are those people that pretend they're not racist in
order to fit in, and conservatives are those who pretend that they are racist, in
order to fit in. The point is that politics is about image. Most people are
practical, and when push comes to shove, will defend the comfort and well-being of
themselves, their friends and family. The political viewpoints that people adopt
are mostly about how that individual would like to be seen by others. This is
doubly true for politicians.

Now, let's look at this bill. It's pretty clear that religious freedom was never at
stake. Nobody's religious freedom is harmed by having two people marry. Any church
or mosque or whatever could refuse services to anyone before the bill is signed,
just like any cake shop can refuse to make cakes for someone for any reason.
However, the right had a narrative that "the gay agenda is to have gay weddings and
goat sacrifices to Satan in YOUR neighborhood church." So, by acknowledging this
narrative, the Democrats don't lose any legislative ground at all, and the
Republicans can safely vote for the bill without being labeled "woke."

This is great news! Think about all of the crazy conspiracy theories that could
lead to useful legislation! As it turns out, the only thing the right-wing was ever
looking for was a little acknowledgement. I can envision future legislation being
written along the same lines:

"A bill making intentional misgendering a hate crime, and providing basic legal
protections for the trans community against discrimination in the workplace, at
school, and in public bathrooms was passed today. The bill included a rider that
excluded children claiming they are helicopters, cats, or dinosaurs, and made it an
expelling offense if a child defactes in a litter box on school property, claiming
to be born and identify as a cat."

"Landmark legislation was passed today to expand Medicaid for all that need it. The
major health insurance companies will be forced to accept government regulation
aimed at minimizing price gouging and cut down on beaurocratic red tape. A rider
was added recently that would disqualify a citzen for life if they used Medicaid
payouts to buy Lambos, Gucci bling, or drip of any kind."

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