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Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Bachelor Degree of Sarjana at English Education Study Program
Language and Art Education Department
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Tadulako University





A121 19 225


Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Bachelor Degree of Sarjana at English Education Study Program
Language and Art Education Department
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Tadulako University





A121 19 225


Diajukan sebagai salah satu syarat untuk mendapatkan gelar Sarjana

pada Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Tadulako



“Be a good person and

make friends with lots of people”


Hanif Mohammad Dj. Hanusu (A 121 19 225). “A Study on the

Implementation of Clustering Technique in Teaching Writing”. Skripsi, English
Education Study Program, Language and Art Education Department, Teacher
Training and Education Faculty, Tadulako University. Under the supervisor of
Konder Manurung and Zarkiani Hasyim

This research aimed at reviewing how the clustering technique

implemented in teaching writing recount text and how effective the
implementation of clustering technique in teaching writing recount text. This
study was conducted through library research method. The data sources were
taken from documents based on scientific articles and undergraduate theses
between 2013 and 2022. There are two scientific articles and three undergraduate
theses reviewed, they are : Samsiati (2014); Puspitasari (2016); Sholihah, Sutapa
and Susilawati (2018); Mad-Adam (2020); Juanda, Amri, and Syafrizal (2022).
The results of the analysis showed that the implementation of clustering technique
in teaching writing recount text was conducted in procedures of clustering
technique from different experts. The researchers on five studies adapted and
modified procedures of clustering technique from Rico (1983), Buscemi (2002),
Meade (2010) and Kalandadze (2007). Five studies showed that the researchers
implemented clustering technique in different ways. 1) Samsiati allowed students
free to express their ideas as the topic and related words. 2) Puspitasari let
students to think and write as many ideas and words as possible related to the
main topic. 3) Sholihah, Sutapa and Susilawati guided students to work in groups,
pairs, until individuals in each meetings. 4) Mad-Adam provided the procedures
in more detail and added one creative procedure. 5) Juanda, Amri and Syafrizal
explained the procedure more simple and understanding. Based on the five
reviewed studies, they showed that the clustering technique is effective and
successful in improving students writing recount text. 1) by using clustering
technique, it can help to motivate the students in write English. 2) most of the
students enthusiastic to learn writing recount text by using clustering technique. 3)
clustering technique makes the students more creative in producing ideas. 4) the
researcher found that the students have understood about how to write a recount
text. 5) students problems can be solved after the implementation of clustering
technique. It means that the implementation of clustering technique in teaching
writing recount text is effective even though it used in different ways.

Key words: clustering technique, writing recount text


Hanif Mohammad Dj. Hanusu (A 121 19 225). “Studi tentang

Implementasi Teknik Clustering dalam Pengajaran Menulis”. Skripsi, Program
Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas
Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Tadulako. Di bawah bimbingan
Konder Manurung dan Zarkiani Hasyim.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau bagaimana teknik clustering

diimplementasikan dalam pengajaran menulis teks recount dan seberapa efektif
pengimplementasian teknik clustering dalam pengajaran menulis teks recount.
Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode penelitian kepustakaan. Sumber data
diambil dari beberapa dokumen artikel ilmiah dan skripsi antara 2013 dan 2022.
Ada dua artikel ilmiah dan tiga skripsi yang ditinjau, yaitu : Samsiati (2014);
Puspitasari (2016); Sholihah, Sutapa dan Susilawati (2018); Mad-Adam (2020);
Juanda, Amri, dan Syafrizal (2022). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa
implementasi teknik clustering dalam pengajaran menulis teks recount dilakukan
dengan prosedur teknik clustering dari para ahli yang berbeda. Para peneliti pada
lima studi mengadaptasi dan memodifikasi prosedur teknik clustering dari Rico
(1983), Buscemi (2002), Meade (2010) dan Kalandadze (2007). Lima studi
menunjukkan bahwa para peneliti mengimplementasikan teknik clustering dengan
cara yang berbeda. 1) Samsiati membebaskan siswa untuk mengungkapkan ide-
ide mereka sebagai topik dan kata-kata terkait. 2) Puspitasari membiarkan siswa
berpikir dan menulis sebanyak mungkin ide dan kata yang berhubungan dengan
topik utama. 3) Sholihah, Sutapa dan Susilawati membimbing siswa untuk bekerja
dalam kelompok, berpasangan, hingga individu dalam setiap pertemuan. 4) Mad-
Adam memberikan prosedur lebih rinci dan menambahkan satu prosedur kreatif.
5) Juanda, Amri dan Syafrizal menjelaskan prosedur yang lebih sederhana dan
mudah dipahami. Berdasarkan lima studi yang ditinjau, mereka menunjukkan
bahwa teknik clustering efektif dan berhasil dalam meningkatkan kemampuan
menulis teks recount siswa. 1) dengan menggunakan teknik clustering, dapat
membantu memotivasi siswa untuk menulis bahasa Inggris. 2) sebagian besar
siswa antusias untuk belajar menulis teks recount dengan menggunakan teknik
clustering. 3) teknik clustering membuat siswa lebih kreatif dalam menghasilkan
ide. 4) peneliti menemukan bahwa siswa telah memahami tentang bagaimana
menulis teks recount. 5) masalah siswa dapat diselesaikan setelah penerapan
teknik clustering. Itu berarti bahwa pengimplementasian teknik clustering dalam
pengajaran menulis teks recount efektif meskipun digunakan dengan cara yang

Kata Kunci: teknik clustering, menulis teks recount


Alhamdulillahi rabil ‘alamin, the researcher expresses his highest

gratitude to Allah S.W.T for blessing, love, opportunity, health, and mercy, to

complete this skripsi. Then, shalawat and salam always are given to our prophet

Muhammad S.A.W who has brought us from the darkness to the brighter path in

this life also become a motivation for the researcher in finishing this skripsi. This

research entitled “A Study on the Implementation of Clustering Technique in

Teaching Writing” submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Bachelor Degree of Sarjana at English Education Study Program, Language and

Art Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Tadulako


In arranging this skripsi, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice,

and support for the researcher. In this valuable chance, the researcher intends to

express his gratitude and appreciation to all of them.

First, this skripsi would not have been possible without the help, support

and patience of his supervisor, Prof. Konder Manurung, DEA., Ph.D for his

supervision, advice, and guidance from the very early stage of this research as

well as giving him extraordinary experiences throughout the past few months.

Then to his co-supervisor Zarkiani Hasyim, S.Pd., M.Pd who has helped him

patiently finishing this skripsi by giving suggestion, guidance, and correction until

the completion of this skripsi. Greatest appreciation goes to Dr. Hj. Rofiqoh,

M.Ed as his reviewer and the Coordinator of English Education Study Program

for her advice, supervision, and crucial contribution in the improvement of the

result of this skripsi. Also appreciation goes to Drs. Mochtar Marhum, M.Ed.,

Ph.D and Afrillia Anggreni, S.Pd.I., M.Pd as the Chairperson and Secretary in his

skripsi examination.

The researcher presents his sincere appreciation to Prof. Dr. Ir. Amar, ST.,

MT, IPU., ASEAN Eng as the Rector of Tadulako University, Dr. Ir. Amiruddin

Kade, S.Pd., M.Si as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Dr. Hj.

Sriati Usman, M.Hum as the Head of Language and Art Education Department,

and all staff for their administrative assistance, especially Rahayuni, S.Si as the

Operator of English Education Study Program. Moreover, the reseacher sincere

appreciates to all lecturers of English Education Study Program for their guidance

in his academic activities.

He gratefully thanks to the head of UPT. Tadulako University Library, Dr.

Nurhayati, S.Sos., M.Si for allowing him to conduct the research there. Also to

the staff for allowing him to conduct his research in the library. He could never

have finished this without their great guidance.

Deepest appreciation goes to his beloved parents, his late mother Surni

S.Pd for the endless love, pray, and support. And his father, Djisman G. Hanusu

for the phone call every week in order to remind him to keep going and never give

up. Also to the princes and princeses of his family, his beloved brothers and

sisters. Ririn, Titin, Didi, Pipin, Dani, and Aril who never stop asking about the

completion of his study. Their text messages keep him annoyed but magicaly give

him reason to be focus to finish his study as soon as posible. Furthermore, the

researcher thanks to his big family of Hanusu family.

He is very grateful to have some close friends who always support him.

They are Malik, Audi, Nisa, Iyah, Dian, Sasa, Fia, Della, Shasa, Pute, Naurah,

Ana, Jihan, Tasya, Rinia, Dimas, Rara, Anissa, Ekhy, Farid, and Ridha. They are

always good listeners for every problem he faced, especially when he had to

revise this skripsi and re-start over and over again. Their opinions never stop

surprise him and also allow him to see his problem from a different angle. His

gratitude also goes to his work partners. They are Vani, Rizky, and Devi for every

support in any form at our working area.

He would like to say thanks to his brothers and sisters of Fearless Class

19th, thank you for being such a good second family who always ready to help

him, and thanks for the time that they have every day and night.

Finally, the researcher would like to thank everybody who are important to

the successful realization of this skripsi, especially big family of HIMABRIS.

This skripsi is far from perfect, but it is expected that it will be useful not only for

the researcher, but also for the readers. For this reason, constructive thoughtful

suggestion and critics are welcomed.

Palu, September 2023

The researcher

Hanif Mohammad Dj. Hanusu


1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problem Statements 3
1.3 The Objective of the Research 3
1.4 Scope of the Reseach 3
1.5 Significance of the Research 4
1.6 Operational Definitions of Key Terms 4
2.1 Literature Review 5
2.2 Theoretical Framework 15
3.1 Research Design 17
3.2 Data Source 17
3.3 Technique of Data Collection 18
3.4 Technique of Data Analysis 18
4.1 Findings 19
4.2 Discussion 27
5.1 Conclusion 33
5.2 Suggestion 34



Figure 2.1 Main Topic (Beginning Stage) 13

Figure 2.2 Ideas (Second Stage) 14
Figure 2.3 Finishing (Last Stage) 14
Table 4.1 Findings 21


Appendix 1: Abstract Documentation 40

Appendix 2: Surat Izin Penelitian 46
Appendix 3: Surat Balasan Penelitian 47
Appendix 4: SK Pembimbing 48
Appendix 5: Pernyataan Keaslian Tulisan 49
Appendix 6: Curriculum Vitae 50
Appendix 7: SK Journal Submission 51



1.1 Background

Writing is one of the four language skills in English besides speaking,

reading and listening. Writing is used to convey ideas, thoughts, information or

any message. Hyland (2003) states writing is among the most important skills that

need to develop and it involves composing skill and knowledge about texts,

contexts and readers.

In learning writing ability, students have a lot of problems since it is the

most challenging of the four English skills, because Choudhury (2013) states

writing skill needs the ability to create, organize ideas, and translate them into a

cohesive text that is readable as well. Writing is a complex process for English

learned because at least English learners must have read, mastering English

structure, and be interested in writing. In writing, students have some problems in

using grammar correctly and have limited vocabulary, therefore they are difficult

to arrange the sentences and structure of the word.

The teacher needs several techniques in teaching writing, therefore

students’ ability in writing can be improved. The teachers need to use an

appropriate methods and a media in teaching and learning process to solve the

problems which make the students interest and enthusiastic. One of the several

methods or techniques that can be used to teach writing is clustering technique.

Clustering technique is a technique that groups ideas from general to more

specific. Based on that, it can be assumed that clustering technique looks similar


to mind mapping technique. However, Buzan (2007) states mind map uses all

pictures and make possible the ideas to association in radial design. Information

can be illustrated with symbols, image, words, links, color, and attachments to add

context, helping to reveal new directions, greater clarity, and big ideas. Then,

Langan (2006) argues clustering is a technique that groups the ideas from general

to more specific and more guided. The students can use this technique to produce,

to develop, and to group their ideas in a good way. In clustering, to show

relationship among the ideas and details that occur to them, the students can use

line, boxes, arrows and circle. Both of these techniques are appropriate method in

teaching writing. However, in this research the researcher is interested to the

clustering technique because it is simple and effective to use in teaching writing.

On curriculum 2013, students are able to produce a kind of text genre in

writing. Recount text is one genre that is required for students to write well.

Recount text aims to provide information on events or experiences that occurred

in the past. Anderson and Anderson (1997) state that recount text is a piece of text

retelling past events, usually in the order in which they happened. The purpose of

recount text is to give the audience a description of what occurred and when it

occurred. Clustering technique is an effective technique to help students to

develop their ideas in writing, especially recount text.

Based on the related studies findings, clustering technique is effective to

use for teaching students’ writing ability. This research aimed to review related

studies findings about the implementation of clustering technique in teaching

writing recount text on scientific articles and undergraduate theses. Therefore, the

researcher was interested to conducted a research on “A Study on The

Implementatin of Clustering Technique in Teaching Writing”.

1.2 Problem Statements

Based on the background, the researcher planned to review about how is

the clustering technique implemented and how effective is the implementation of

clustering technique in teaching writing recount text. Therefore, the researcher

formulated questions in this research as follows:

1. Based on the review results, how is the clustering technique implemented in

teaching writing recount text?

2. Based on the review results, how effective is the implementation of clustering

technique in teaching writing recount text?

1.3 The Objective of the Research

Concerning the research questions, the objective of this research were to

review how is the clustering technique implemented in teaching writing recount

text and how effective is the implementation of the clustering technique in

teaching writing recount text.

1.4 Scope of the Research

This research focused on reviewing the implementation of clustering

technique and the effect of clustering technique in teaching writing recount text

from related studies on the implementation of clustering technique in teaching

writing recount text. The researcher collected academic writings such as

undergraduate theses and scientific articles between 2013 until 2022 about the use

of clustering technique in teaching writing, especially recount text.


1.5 Significance of the Research

The outcome of this research was expected to have theoretical significance

and practical significance, as follows:

1. Theoretical significance

This research can be used as references and theories for researcher who

want to research the implementation of clustering technique in teaching writing

ability, especially recount text.

2. Practical significance

For teachers, this research can be a reference providing the technique in

English teaching-learning process. For students, this research can improve their

writing ability, especially recount text by experiencing this technique in their

learning process.

1.6 Operational Definitions of Key Terms

To illustrate the title of this research and evade misunderstandings about

the meaning of the terms used in this research, the researcher provided some


1. Clustering Technique is a technique that groups ideas from general to more


2. Writing ability is an ability to convey ideas between the reader and writer

3. Recount text is a kind of text that tells about experience in the past


2.1 Literature Review

2.1.1 Definition of Writing

Writing is an activity or process to express ideas, thoughts, information or

any message into the written text. According to Brown (2008), writing as the

process of putting ideas down on paper to transform thought into words, to

sharpen your main ideas, to give them structure and coherent organization.

Harmer (2006) states writing is an activity to help students solve problems with

their thinking by focusing on using language and structures accurately and

developing language into written form clearly. Nunan (2008) defines writing is a

mental act that creates ideas and expresses ideas into sentences and even

paragraphs so that the reader's understanding is clear and detailed.

Based on the definitions, the researcher concluded writing is how students

creates or expresses their ideas of their thoughts into sentences or paragraphs

using good and correct language in learning English. However, writing is

important to learn such as the most used ability in academic learning besides

speaking, reading, and listening.

2.1.2 Genres of Writing

In English, writing has several genres of text that should be learned in

English. According to Dirgeyasa (2014:3) “there are some genres of text in

writing, namely descriptive, recount, narrative, procedure, report, explanation,


discussion, discussion, hortatory exposition, analytical exposure, news item,

spoof, anecdote, commentary, book review and critical review”.

Writing has many genres of text. However, there are five genres of text

that are generally used and should be learned in school, such as: 1) narrative text,

it contains an entertaining story and a series of connected events; 2) procedure

text, it explains and helps us in making or using something; 3) descriptive text, it

provides information and describes any thing such as humans, animals, plants and

objects in detail; 4) report text, it provides a general description and it is written

based on existing scientific facts; 5) recount text, it has the goal of describing past

experiences by retelling the incident sequentially.

Due to the quotation, there are some genres of text and all of those texts

are important in taching and learning writing. Genres of writing are important

because they facilitate effective communication and convey meaning

appropriately in texts even though they provide different structure and


2.1.3 Writing Ability

Writing ability is an ability to convey ideas between the reader and writer.

Siahaan (2008) defines writing ability is the skill of a writer to communicate

information to a reader or group of readers. It means writing ability is students’

ability to convey information or messages in written form to readers.

In learning writing ability, there are some aspects that should be ordered to

make a good writing. According to Heaton (1988:135), five major aspects are

accompanied by explicit description of what is meant by the different band-scales.

The criteria of good writing, there are:

1) content (the ability to think creatively and to develop thoughts); 2)

organization (the ability to write in appropriate manner); 3) vocabulary
(the ability to use of word/idiom); 4) language use (the ability to write
appropriate structure); and 5) mechanic (the ability to use punctuation,
capitalization, spelling and layout correctly).
Due to the quotation, those five aspects are all essential components of

good writing. Each element plays a vital role in conveying ideas, engaging

readers, and ensuring clarity and accuracy. Developing proficiency in these areas

improves the overall quality of writing and enhances the students’ writing ability

to communicate effectively.

Those five aspects can be used by teacher, lecturer, or researcher to asses

the students’ writing ability. Writing ability is very important for the students

especially to get a good writing. Brown (1994:343), gives some tips that can help

to improve writing ability, such as:

1) use acceptable grammatical systems; 2) express a particular meaning in

different grammatical forms; 3) use cohesive device in written discourse;
4) use the rhetorical forms and conventuins of written discourse; 5)
appropriately accomplish the communicative functions of written texts
according form and purpose; 6) convey links and connections between
events and communicate such relations; 7) distinguish between literal and
implied meaning when writing; 8) correctly convey culturally specific
references in the context of the written text; 9) develop and use battery of
writing strategies; and 10) brush up on grammar and style.
Due to the quotation, improving writing ability is important for effective

communication, academic success, and critical thinking in teaching and learning

process. Therefore, those tips in the quotation empower students to develop their

writing skills and achieve their desired level of proficiency in learning writing.

2.1.4 Teaching Writing

Teaching writing is very important when learning a second language, as

writing is the most used ability in academic learning. According to Weigle (2002),

writing is an important part of the curriculum in the schools from the earliest

grade onward, and most children in countries that have a formal education system

will learn to write, at least at a basic level in that setting. It means the teacher

should know the problems faced by the students during teaching learning process

to know the efficient technique to solving the writing problems in writing class.

As the most used ability in academic learning, writing has reasons why it

should be taught in learning English. Seth (2004:123) explains the reasons why

writing is taught in English teaching and learning as follows:

1) good writing task get learners using their English to communicate to

others and to express their creatively, either can be very motivated the
learners; 2) writing gives students time to develop their thoughts; 3)
writing can create a beneficial time of quite where all are working
simultaneously on a beneficial task; and 4) written work gives the teachers
hard evidence of level and progress.
Based on the quotation, teaching writing is not only how the teacher helps

and guides students to reinforce learning. Teacher plays a vital role in supporting

students in the writing process, teacher inspires, instructs, and empowers students

to become confident and proficient in writing. Besides part of the curriculum,

teaching writing also has reasons and the teacher should use the proper technique

so that students’ writing ability can be improved. Those reasons in the quotation is

crucial for effective communication, critical thinking, self-expression, and

academic success.

2.1.5 Recount Text

Recount text is a kind of text that tells about experience in the past. Knapp

and Watkins (2005) define recount text basically written out to express an

experience of a series of related events. Anderson and Anderson (1997) state

recount text has a purpose to tell what happened in the past. Examples of recount

text are newspaper reports, letters, conversation, and speeches. Due to that, it can

be assumed recount text is about past events or activities. In recount text students

expect to express their ideas about their experience in past to entertain the readers.

According to Hardy and Klarwein (1990:26), there are generic structures

of recount text that should be used in recount text, namely:

1) orientation, this part introduces participants, place, and time. Besides, it

provides the information of background. The question of 5W (what, who,
when, where, and why) often use to give an information in the orientation;
2) sequence of events, it refers in describing the information about
sequence of events. This part tells what happened in chronological order;
and 3) reorientation, it states the personal comments of the writer to the
Referring to the quotation, the researcher concluded that recount text is a

text retelling about past event or experience. It has a purpose to entertain or give

an information to the readers. In reaching a good recount text, students need to

pay attention about generic structures of recount text that should be used in

recount text. Types of Recount Text

There are a few different types of recount text in writing. And it may

function as the chief or headword in many structures of modification. Derewianka

(1990:14) states recount text is divided into five types, namely:


1) personal recount, it is a type of recount text retells of an activity where

the writer personally involved in; 2) factual recount, it is usually used to
give an information of past accidents such as, newspaper, police report,
and historical events; 3) imaginative recount, it refers to entertain the
reader by retelling imaginary events such as fiction; 4) procedural recount,
it refers to sequential steps to achieve a result. It has purpose in completing
a task or procedure; and 5) biographical recount, it is a text to inform the
readers by retelling person’s life story about the achievements in past
Based on the quotation, it can be concluded that there are some types of

recount text that has the same purpose to entertain the readers by retelling

activities or events in the past. Understanding the importance of different types of

recount texts helps us communicate effectively, comprehend information, and

develop writing ability. Language Features of Recount Text

Recount text has language features that should be used in writing that

needs to be considered before starting to write recount text. According to

Derewianka (1990:15), recount text usually uses some language features, such as:

1) specific participants or proper noun which explain who that involved in

the story; 2) descriptive word to give detail about person, place, time,
setting, and plot of the story; 3) use simple past tense which indicates an
action that happened in the past; and 4) words that show the order of
events such as, first, second, then and so on.
2.1.6 Technique in Teaching Writing

One significant factor that affects students' writing ability is teaching

technique. Richard and Rodgers (2008) define technique is an implementation that

occurs or is done in the classroom. It is like certain tricks, strategies, or

discoveries used to achieve learning goals effectively. In teaching writing, there

are several techniques or strategies can be used by the teacher, such as mind

mapping by Buzan (1974), collaborative writing by Dewey (1980), clustering by

Rico (1983), picture series by Wright (1989), number head together by Kegan

(1993) and others. “In the implementation of those teaching techniques, the

teacher must be creative so that the learners are motivated” (Manurung, 2012).

Clustering and mind mapping are two examples of techniques that can be

used in teaching writing. Clustering and mind mapping are effective techniques in

teaching writing and these two techniques have similarity in “Mapping” or

“Grouping” ideas from general to more specific. Based on Buzan (1974) mind

mapping can be illustrated with symbols, image, words, links, color, and

attachments to add context, helping to reveal new directions, greater clarity, and

big ideas. Then, based on Rico (1983), clustering can be illustrated with line,

boxes, arrows and circle to produce, to develop, and to group their ideas in a good

way. Clustering Technique

One of the techniques used in writing is clustering technique. Clustering

technique is a technique that was introduced by Gabriele Lusser Rico, a professor

of English and Creativity at California’s San Jose State University in the 1980s.

According to Rico (1983), clustering technique provides you with two things

essentially: choices from which to formulate and develop your thought, and focus

useful enough to impel you to write. It is a type of prewriting that allows writer to

explore many ideas as soon as possible. Clustering Technique is a kind of

technique in teaching writing to grouping ideas from general to specific. Oshima


and Hogue (2005) define clustering is a brainstorming activity that can be used to

generate the ideas.

By implementing clustering technique, students can free their thought from

the constraints of sentences and paragraphs to generate ideas by using clustering

technique. Students can draw boxes or circles in the middle of the paper and then

make lines while the students get an idea for the main topic and words related to

the main topic. This technique gives students more convenience to explore ideas

and free to write down whatever idea comes to mind. By using clustering

techniques, teachers can support students in generating ideas, organizing thoughts,

and improving writing ability. Teachers should provide guidance, scaffolding, and

opportunities for reflection to maximize the effectiveness of clustering techniques

in teaching writing. clustering techniques can contribute to the improvement of

students' writing ability. Procedures of Clustering Technique

In carrying out a learning technique, there are certain procedures to doing

it. Rico (1983:23) as the founder of clustering technique explains the general

principles of clustering technique are:

1) begin with a nucleus word as main topic, circled, on a fresh page; 2)

now you simply let go and begin to flow with any current ideas or
thoughts that come into your head; 3) write these down rapidly, each in its
own circle, radiating outward from the center in any direction they want
to go; and 4) connect each new word or phrase with a line to the preceding
circle. 5) When something new and different strikes you, again at the
central nucleus and radiate outward until those associations are exhausted.
Rico (1983) explains in implementing procedures of clustering technique,

the writers are free to express the ideas that are in their minds without worrying

in any ways as long as they are in accordance with the core of procedure of

clustering itself. Reinforced by Rico (1983:24) “there is no right or wrong way to

cluster. Begin to write, the words will come. The writing takes over and writes

itself”. Rico (1983:27) also adds “clustering is effective because it seems to be a

reflection of the way the design mind naturally works-that is, it clusters for

patterns meaningful to it all the time as it scans its universe”.

Based on the procedures of clustering technique from Rico, Clouse

(2008:24) explains the procedures of clustering technique in more detail as


1. Take a sheet of paper and write your main topic in the middle of a sheet of

paper and circle it.

Figure 2.1 Main Topic (Beginning Stage)


2. Write ideas relating to that topic around it, circle them, and connect them to

the central circle. Write them quickly, move into another space, write some

more down, move to another blank, and just keep moving around and writing.

Figure 2.2 Ideas (Second Stage)




3. Write down ideas, examples, facts, or other details relating to each idea, and

join them to the appropriate circles.

4. Repeat. As you write and circle new words and phrases, draw lines back to

the last word, the central word, or other words that seem connected.

5. Keep going until you can think nothing else relating to our topic. Then, see a

set of cluster that have done, if one particular circle of the clustering is

enough to begin a draft, you can cluster again to expand the branches and or

you also can cross out the words and phrase that seem irrelevant, and begin to

impose some order by clustering and begin to a first draft in writing.

Figure 2.3 Finishing (Last Stage)

Shared with neighbors Went to beautifull beach


Mother Cooking Fishing Father

Made a tasty cake Got a big fish

Grand mother My friends

Holiday School Teacher

New friends
My lovely hometown Cleaned our dirty class The Advantages and Disadvantages of Clustering Technique

Clustering Technique has many advantages in improving writing. First, It

helps students to generate and develop their ideas (Reid, 1993). Second, it allows

the students focus on an occasion they want to describe in his paper (Wyrick,

2011). Third, clustering technique can help students arrange their ideas in the

sense that they will not include any irrelevant thought or unimportant points

(Sosilawati, 2012).

Besides the advantages of the clustering technique, it also has some

disadvantages. First, clustering technique is not a good technique when it is used

to write an essay writing which has long paragraph. Second, clutering technique

will confuse the students how to start their writing (Styati, 2010).

2.2 Theoretical Framework

Writing has a crucial role in English as one of the abilities besides

speaking, reading and listening. Teaching writing in junior and senior high school

is difficult for the teacher, especially in recount text. Students must to think

critically and understand what they have written. Students learn writing very

effectively if the teacher can find a good techniques to teach it.

One of the techniques that can be used to teach writing is clustering

technique. Clustering technique is a kind of techniques that can make it easier for

students to think critically by grouping ideas from general to specific. This

technique is expected to improve students’ writing abilty therefore the teaching

and learning process will be easier and exciting. According to Rico (1983:23), the

general principles of clustering technique are:

1) begin with a nucleus word as main topic, circled, on a fresh page. 2) now
you simply let go and begin to flow with any current ideas or thoughts that
come into your head. 3) write these down rapidly, each in its own circle,
radiating outward from the center in any direction they want to go. 4)
connect each new word or phrase with a line to the preceding circle. 5) when
something new and different strikes you, again at the central nucleus and
radiate outward until those associations are exhausted.

In implementing procedures of clustering technique, Rico (1983) explains

that the writers are free to express the ideas that are in their minds without

worrying in any ways as long as they are in accordance with the core of procedure

of clustering itself.


3.1 Research Design

In this research, the researcher used a qualitative research design and the

library research method. Zeid (2004) defines library research is a research used

library sources to get the data. Library research is a collection of sources of

information and similar resources made accessible to a defined community for

reference or borrowing. Sugiyono (2012) describes library research is a theoretical

study, references and other scientific literature related to cultural values and

norms that develop in situations social research.

The researcher selected this method because the researcher wanted to

understand and review a social phenomenon related to the use clustering

technique in teaching writing reount text.

3.2 Data Source

The researcher took the data using secondary sources from the previous

studies of three undergraduate theses and two scientific articles about the use of

clustering technique in teaching writing recount text conducted between 2013

until 2022. Zeid (2004) states the researcher uses library research to collect the

data from secondary sources such as thesis, journals and articles to analyze a


3.3 Technique of Data Collection

The researcher applied a qualitative approach with documents as the form

of the data, these documents are undergraduate theses and scientific articles

related to the research topic. Marshall and Gretchen (1994:97) explain “qualitative


approach typically relies on four methods for gathering information: 1)

participating in the setting, 2) observing directly, 3) Interviewing in-depth, and 4)

analyzing documents”.

In collecting the data, the researcher only used analyzing documents. The

researcher collected data from documents related to the research topic. These

documents were obtained from the library and internet, then documents were

analysed, organized, and described for findings.

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the researcher used the content analysis method.

Haggarty (1996) defines content analysis is a research method that allows the

collection of both qualitative and quantitative data in one study, then analyzed

systematically and reliably so that generalizations are obtained from it in relation

to the category. The data was presented in descriptive way. According to Luo

(2022:4) content analysis is a research method used to identify patterns in written

communication. To conduct content analysis, the researcher systematically

collects data from a set of texts, which can be written, spoken, or visual. The

researcher can apply procedures as follows:

1. Reading and identifying the data sources to find the information needed.

2. Understanding the content and key information of the data sources.

3. Describing the information found in the data sources.

4. Organizing the information and explanations.

5. Making conclusion of the data sources’ descriptions which were obtained.

To answer the provided research questions, the data was described. The

results of the data analysis was presented in a descriptive form.



4.1 Findings

This research aimed at answering the questions about the implementation

of clustering technique in teaching writing recount text based on the studies

findings related to the research topic between 2013 until 2022. In collecting the

data, the researcher used secondary data that obtained from academic writing,

including undergraduate theses and scientific articles about the implementation of

clustering technique in teaching writing recount text conducted by other

researchers. The researcher found out that there are 19 studies which had been

conducted related to the implementation of clustering technique in teaching

writing recount text between 2013 until 2022.

Based on the data source, the researcher focused on reviewing five studies

about the implementation of clustering technique in teaching writing recount text

as a representative. Those five studies are as follows : Samsiati (2014) The

Effectiveness of Using Clustering Teaching Technique to Improve Writing Skill of

Recount Text of The Eighth Grade Students of Junior High School Barata

Semagung In The Academic Year 2013/2014; Puspitasari (2016) The

Implementation of Clustering Technique to Improve Students' Writing Skills of

Recount Text; Sholihah, Sutapa and Susilawati (2018) The Use of Clustering

Technique in Teaching Writing Recount Text; Mad-Adam (2020); The Use of

Clustering Technique to Improve Writing Ability in Recount Text of The Eighth

Grade Students at SMPN 12 Palu; and Juanda, Amri, and Syafrizal (2022).


Teaching Writing Recount Text Through Clustering Technique at 10th Grade of

MA DDI Pulau Kijang.

After identifying and understanding five studies related to the research

topic, the data reviewed in this research were organized into their classifications

based on technique of the data analysis which included researcher names, title,

method, years, settings, procedures and results. The researcher provided findings

in table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Findings

No. Researcher Title Method Year Setting
Procedure(s) Result
1. Atik The Effectiveness Quasi- 2014 Junior This study was conducted in four The use of
Samsiati of Using Experimental High activities: giving pre test, first clustering
Clustering Research School treatment, second treatment, and post technique in
Teaching Design Barata test to each group and the research teaching writing at
Technique to Semagung was conducted in four meetings for the eighth grade
both experimental and control group. students is
Improve Writing The researcher adapted procedures of effective and can
Skill of Recount clustering technique from Buscemi help to motivate
Text of The (2002) A Reader for Developing the students to
Eighth Grade Writer. Such as : write English. It
Students of Junior can be seen that
High School 1. Begin with a blank sheet of paper; the mean score of
Barata Semagung 2. In the center, write and circle the experimental
In The Academic word that expresses the broad group was
Year 2013/2014 subject which one to write about; higher than the
3. Think of ideas and details related mean score of
to this subject; control group. It
4. Organize the ideas before it showed that Sig.
develop in sentence or paragraph. (2-tailed) is lower
than 0.05
In implementing procedures of (0.015<0.05).
clustering technique, the researcher
allowed the students free to express
their ideas to write words they like to
be used as the main topic and related

words to the main topic in

implemented it. By allowing the
students free to express their ideas,
the students were motivated to learn
writing skill, especially in
implementing the clustering
2. Ria The Classroom 2016 MTS Al In this study, the researcher used The
Puspitasari Implementation Action Uswah Classroom Action Research (CAR). implementation of
of Clustering Research Bergas The activities carry out a series of clustering
Technique to Design activity cycle. They were cycle I and technique
Improve Students' cycle II. In each cycle has the stages improved students'
of planning, action, observation, and ability in writing
Writing Skills of
reflection. The researcher adapted recount text. It can
Recount Text procedures of clustering technique be seen
from Meade (2010) Procedures of that there is
Clustering Technique. Such as: significant
improvement of
1. Write a word or phrase on a clean the students’
piece of paper; writing skill of
2. Circle the word and let recount text by
connections flow, writing down using clustering
each new word or phrase that technique in
come to mind, circling it, and teaching writing.
connecting it with a line; Proven by the
3. Keep hand moving all the time; mean score for the
4. Cluster for a while; pre-test was 62.05
5. Continue adding to the cluster; and the mean
6. Write a piece without worrying score of students’
about perfection. writing post test
cycle 2 was 74.83.

In implementing the procedures, the By using

researcher guided the students to clustering
think and write as many ideas and technique. the
words as possible related to the main process teaching
topic given by the researcher. By and learning
letting the students to think and write writing recount
as many as possible, the students will text is going
be more accustomed in learning smoothly and most
writing. of the students
enthusiastic to
writing recount
3. Awalia The Use of Pre- 2018 SMP The researcher conducted this The clustering
Sholihah, Clustering Experimental Islam research in five meetings. The technique gave the
Y. Gatot Technique in Research Bawari meetings were pre-test, three times of strong positive
Sutapa, and Teaching Writing Design Pontianak treatments, and post-test. The effect in teaching
researcher applied procedures of writing recount
Endang Recount Text
clustering technique adapted from text to the eighth
Kalandadze (2007) English Academic grade students. It
Writing. Such as: was indicated by
the different scores
1. Begin with your topic circled in that were gotten
the middle of a sheet of paper; by the students
2. Draw a line out from the circle before and after
and write ideas associated with it; the treatments
3. Study your map to find new implemented in
associations about your topic and their class.
to see the relationship of ideas. Reported by the
findings, 𝑡𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛
In implementing the procedures, the is higher than

researcher familiarized the students to 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 on

working in groups, pairs, until significant level
individuals in each meetings. By α=0.05 (10.55>
guiding the students to work in 2.032) and
groups, pairs, until individuals in each significant level
meetings, the students more easly get α=0.05
ideas before they express their own (10.55>2.728).
ideas in individuals work. Clustering
technique is
making the
students more
creative in
producing ideas
and generating
their ideas
systematically in
learning English.
4. Almas The Use of Pre- 2020 SMPN 12 This research consisted of one After conducting
Mad-Adam Clustering Experimental Palu meeting for pre-test, eight meetings the treatment, the
Technique to Research for treatment, and the last meeting for researcher found
Improve Writing Design post-test. The researcher adapted and that the students
modified procedures of clustering had understood
Ability in
technique based on Rico (1983) about how to write
Recount Text of
Writing the Natural Way. Such as: a recount text
The Eighth Grade especially in using
Students at 1. Writing a word in the middle of grammar and
SMPN 12 Palu the sheet of paper and circle it; making a good
2. Writing down the first thing that paragraph.
comes to mind next to it, circle it, Clustering
and connect the two circles with a technique is
line; effective to

3. Writing down the next thing that improve the

you associate either with the word students’ writing
in the middle on your first ability in recount
association; text.. It was
4. Keeping repeating this process. proved by the
As you add more words you result of 𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑
might find that they connect to (8.19) was higher
more than just one circle.; than 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 (1.734).
5. Writing down anything that
comes up;
6. Adding words and linking them to
other circles
7. When you feel you have put down
enough associations, review your
8. Marking ideas that belong
together in the same color.

In implementing procedures of
clustering technique, the researcher
modified procedures from Rico and
added one creative procedure to
coloring ideas or words which seem
connected. The researcher also used
the same way as the statements from
Rico by letting the students free to
express the ideas that are in their
minds without worrying. By letting
the students to write without
worrying, the setudents can be more
enthusiastic in expressing their ideas

5. Rian Teaching Writing Pre- 2022 MA DDI In this research the researcher only Teaching writing
Juanda, Recount Text Experimental Pulau taught four times a week for recount text
Samsul Through Research Kijang. experiment class. The researcher through clustering
Amri, and Clustering Design adapted and modified procedures of technique
clustering technique based on is effective. It was
Syafrizal Technique at 10th
procedures from Rico (1983) Writing proved through the
Grade of MA
the Natural Way. Such as: result of the t-test,
DDI Pulau There is a
Kijang. 1. Choosing a topic the first step is significant
to choose a general topic difference in the
2. Generating subtopics once you achievement after
have your topic the students are
3. Generating details now it’s time using clustering
to go back to the subtopics you technique. The t-
just wrote down and take a look at test showed that t-
them observe 4,19 was
4. Doing it backwards there is higher than t-table
another way 2,074 (5%) and
5. Wrap-up at this point 2,819 (1%). By
using clustering
In implementing procedures of technique in
clustering technique, the researcher teaching writing
adapted and did some modifications recount text,
in the procedures to make it easy to students problems
understand. The researcher can be solved
implemented procedures in the same after.
way from Rico by letting the students
free to express their ideas to give the
students opportunity to try and
express their ideas.

4.2 Discussion

This part covers the explanations the use of clustering technique in

teaching writing recount text. The researcher used secondary data to review

previous studies on the implementation of clustering technique in teaching writing

recount text. From the five studies related to the research topic showed in table

4.1, the researcher found out that all of them adapted and modified procedures of

clustering technique from different experts in their studies to implemented

clustering technique in teaching writing recount text. The researcher had divided

the discussion into five parts:

1. Atik Samsiati (2014)

The first study was conducted by Samsiati (2014). The purpose of her

study was to find out whether teaching writing using clustering technique is

effective or not in teaching writing. The researcher adapted procedures of

clustering technique from Buscemi (2002) A Reader for Developing Writers.

Buscemi modified procedures of clustering technique based on Rico (1983). Their

procedures of clustering technique still has related similarities about the

connection between the main topic and related words. The differences of their

procedure are Buscemi provided the procedures in four stages and added one

stages to organize the ideas before it develops in a sentence or paragraph.

By looking on the procedures, it is found out that the researcher

implemented the clustering technique by allowing the students free to express

their ideas write words they like to be used as the main topic and related words in

implemented the clustering technique to made it easier for the students to write.

Supported by Manurung (2015), that the EFL learners are motivated to learn

speaking skills when the topics are related to the interest of the learners. In her

study, the researcher guided the students to play a more active role in the teaching

and learning process so that students can understand what they have written. After

analyzing the procedures, it is also found out that the findings showed the

implementation of clustering technique is effective in improving students writing

ability, especially recount text. It is reported that the improvement is significant

where the mean score of experimental group is higher than mean score of control

group (69.20>62.71).

2. Ria Puspitasari (2016)

The second was conducted by Puspitasari (2016). Her study was a

classroom action research and aimed to find out the improvement of the students'

writing skills of recount text through clustering technique. In her teaching

procedures, the researcher adapted procedures of clustering technique from Meade

(2010) Procedures of Clustering Technique. Comparing with the procedures of

clustering based on Rico (1983), Meade described her procedures of clustering in

more concise and clear for easy understanding. Meade’s procedures focused in

making students free to add their ideas related to the main topic or other words,

also added a procedures about to write a piece without worrying about perfection.

Due to the procedures of clustering technique that adapted by the

researcher, it is found out that the researcher implemented the clustering

technique by letting the students think and write ideas as many as possible in

implementing it. Due to that, the students can freely express their ideas in their

writing as many as they can. Clustering technique is one of the techniques that

helped students easier in getting the ideas as many as possible. Line with Pica

(1986), clustering technique is very helpful to unleash ideas, images, and feelings

related to the main topic in writing. The students can write without hesitation by

allowing them to express their ideas in their writing. Based on the comparison

calculation of the findings, it is also found out that the implementation of

clustering technique is successful to improve students’ writing skill of recount

text. It is proven by the result, there is better improvement of students’ mean score

from pre-test and post-test.

3. Awalia Sholihah, Y. Gatot Sutapa and Endang Susilawati (2018)

The third previous study was conducted by Sholihah, Sutapa and

Susilawati (2018). Their study was to find out whether or not the use of clustering

technique is effective in teaching writing recount text and if it is effective how

effective is the use of clustering technique in teaching writing recount text. They

adapted procedures of clustering technique from Kalandadze (2007) English

Academic Writing in their teaching procedures. Kalandadze described the

procedures of clustering shorter than Rico (1983). Kalandadze described the

procedures in three stages, however her procedures of clustering are still focused

on the main topic and ideas related to the main topic.

Based on the procedures of clustering technique adapted by the researcher,

it is found out that the researcher implemented the clustering technique by

familiarizing the students to working in groups, pairs, until individuals in


implementing it. the researcher gave assignments to the students by working in

groups, pairs and individuals to provide different experiences each meetings in the

study. By applying clustering technique the teacher be more creative in providing

the topic which can make students interested in writing activity. Related to

Smalley, Ruetten and Kozyrev (2000) by using clustering technique, the students

allowed to think creatively and associatedly in learning writing. Regarding the

research findings, it is also found out that the use of clustering technique gave the

positive contribution toward the students’ ability in writing recount text and in

their learning. It is indicated by the different scores that are gotten by the students

before and after the treatments implemented in their class.

4. Almas Mad-Adam (2020)

The fourth study was conducted by Mad-Adam (2020). The objective of her

study was to know whether the clustering technique is effective to improve

writing skill in recount text of the eighth grade students. She adapted and

modified procedures of clustering technique based on Rico (1983) Writing the

Natural Way. In her procedures, the researcher described more detail about the

procedures adapted in her teaching and learning process by making it into eight

stages and also added one stages in her procedures of clustering technique about

coloring words or ideas that have a relationship with the same color to make it

look more creative and fun. Supported to Sugiarti (2012), by making the

clustering technique fun, students are more motivated in learning writing. Due to

the findings, it is also found out that the students had understood about how to

write a recount text.


Referring to the procedures of clustering adapted and modified by the

researcher, it is found out that the researcher provided more detailed procedures of

clustering technique to the students so that students better understand the ideas or

words they have written and adds a creative procedure to guide the students on

marking or coloring their ideas which seem connected. The researcher focused on

making students good and creative in using the clustering technique by making

the procedures in more detailed and giving a creative stage to make clustering

technique fun. It is reported by looking the result of post-test of the study.

5. Rian Juanda, Samsul Amri and Syafrizal (2022)

The fifth study was conducted by Juanda, Amri and Syafrizal (2022).

Their study analysed teaching writing recount text through clustering technique.

In this study, the researcher adapted and modified procedures of clustering

technique in his teaching procedures based on procedures from Rico (1983)

Writing the Natural Way. The researcher procedures have little differences with

procedures based on Rico (1983). However, even the researcher modified

procedures of clustering technique by making it in five stages and changing the

sentences, their procedures of clustering technique still has the same goal.

Based on the procedures and findings, it was found out that the researcher

adapted the same procedures created by Rico, the differences of their procedures

are the researcher explained it into five procedures and changed the words in each

procedures for more understanding. It also found out that there is a significant

difference in the achievement between students before they are using the

clustering technique and after they are using it, it is proved through the result of

the t-test in her study. As Sides (1995) Stated, the clustering technique is useful

for students to develop their ideas and make it more organized.

In conclusion, even though they adapted and modified procedures of

clustering technique from different experts in implementing clustering technique

in their studies, all of the procedures are still focused on the main topic and related

words or phrases to the main topic. Also the result of their studies remain

consistent. Their studies showed that using clustering technique to teach writing

recount text is successful and effective in improving students writing recount text.

It means even though they used different ways in implementing procedures of

clustering technique, it does not really have impact on teaching writing recount

text by using clustering technique.



5.1 Conclusion

Based on the five studies had been reviewed, the researcher concluded

there are different ways in implementing procedures of clustering technique. The

researchers on five studies adapted and modified procedures of clustering

technique from different experts. First, Samsiati (2014) adapted procedures from

Buscemi and allowed the students free to express their ideas to write words they

like to be used as the main topic and related words. Second, Puspitasari (2016)

adapted procedures from Meade and let the students think and write ideas as many

as possible in implementing the clustering technique. Third, Sholihah, Sutapa and

Susilawati (2018) familiarized students to work from groups until individuals and

adapted procedures from Kalandadze. Fourth, Mad-Adam (2020) provided more

detailed procedures and added a creative procedure on coloring their ideas which

seem connected, she adapted and modified procedures based on Rico. Fifth,

Juanda, Amri, and Syafrizal (2022) explained procedures into five procedures and

changed the words in each procedures for more understanding, they adapted and

did some modifications in procedures based on Rico.

Depending on procedures and results of five reviewed studies about the

implementation of clustering technique in teaching writing recount text between

2013 until 2022, this technique is effective, succesfull and has strong positive

effect to use in teaching writing recount text. First, by using clustering technique,

it can help to motivate the students in write English. Second, most of the students


enthusiastic to learn writing recount text by using clustering technique. Third,

clustering technique makes the students more creative in producing ideas. Fourth,

it is found out that the students have understood about how to write a recount text.

Fifth, students problems can be solved after the use of clustering technique. Based

on the data had been obtained and reviewed on findings, those five studies were

modified and adapted procedures of clustering technique from different experts to

implemented clustering technique in teaching writing recount text, also used

different ways in implementing it. However, the procedures of clustering

technique are still focused on grouping of words and prhases which are still

connected to the main topic by using lines or arrows and boxes or circle. The

results of those five studies remain consistent, five studies showed that using

clustering technique to teach writing recount text is effective. It was proved by the

results of those five studies in pre-test and post-test.

5.2 Suggestion

Due to the conclusion, the researcher would like to suggest about the use

of clustering technique in teaching writing recount text to the teachers and next

researchers. First, in order to involve the students in the teaching and learning

process, the teacher should be more creative when choosing topics for the main

topic of the clustering technique so the students will be enthusiastic and motivated

to start their writing. Second, if the teachers want the students to write an essay

writing which has long paragraph by using clustering technique, the teacher

should guide them more after they are implementing clustering technique and

preparing to write their paragraph.



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