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Topic : some people think that there are things individuals can do

to help prevent global climate change. Others believe that action by

individuals is useless and irrelevant and that it is only
governm,ents anf large businesses which can make a difference.
Disvuss both views and give your opinion
It is a debatable problem that only big corporations can make a
significant progress in preventing global warming and individuals efforts
are so futile ,while some have an opposite thought that there are various
things a person can do to stop climate change . This essay will discuss
both views before showing why I partly agree with the first statement. .
Global warming is a phenomenon of increasing average air
temperatures near the surface of Earth which is mostly caused by the
burning of fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas. Global warming
causes climate change, which poses a serious threat to life on Earth in
the forms of widespread flooding and extreme weather.On the one hand,
there are plenty of methods individuals can take into account such as
switching to renewable energy or zero-carbon provider ; where feasible,
we can drive electric vehicles instead of those that burn fossil fuels or we
can use mass transit instead of driving our own cars; where possible ,we
reduce our food’s carbon footprint, buy local and seasonal foods, we’ll
both be helping small businesses or farms locally and reducing fossil
fuel emissions associated with transport and cold chain storage. ; where
affordable, we can conserve energy by better insulating our homes and
buildings, and by replacing old, failing appliances with more energy-
efficient models ; Where practicable, we can counterbalance our annual
carbon dioxide emissions by planting trees .
On the other hand , big companies can make use of funding to invest in
organizations or commercial sevices that draw down an equal amount of
carbon out of the atmosphere through carbon capture and storage
techniques. Spreading the word is the most simple way to reduce carbon
footprints for the government as it is accessible for everyone to see , to
know or to understand. Nonetheless , the government has enforced
many programmes that help slow climate change down . For instance ,
To decrease emissions, around two-thirds of U.S. states have
implemented clean energy standards—laws that encourage utility
companies to generate a certain percentage of their electricity from low-
emission energy sources, such as solar or wind power.
Almost all experts agree that governments—not just individuals or
private businesses—play a critical role in the fight against climate
change and so do I . It is important that everybody need to be aware of
what would happen if they do not stop pollute the environment. As far as
I am aware, corporations are more financially stable in supporting
environmental organizations than those are the breadwinner of the
family. Additionally, companies can make benefits out of organizing
nature-protect activities as individuals engaged in investing social
services such as reduce plastic waste, switch to solar energy
appliances, pick up garbage on the coast,… . However, we do not know
how hard people try to make an effort to the invironment. Such things
the government can not control as decrease electrical and water waste,
using organic food and so on.
In conclusion , Not only big corporations can create a great impact on
stopping the crisis but also individuals that help decrease the percentage
of greenhouse effects . There are such simple thing that people can do
and also complex ones . It doesnt matter if we choose the simple tasks
or the hard ones , every small actions can make a big progress in the
future .

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