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Roshan’s Generosity Corner/ Donation Station

Organizing a donation station at your workplace can be a great way to encourage generosity and support
charitable causes.

Set Up a Collection Area

Designate a dedicated space within your workplace where employees can drop off their donations.

Communicate the Initiative

Spread the word about the donation station through various communication channels such as email,
newsletters, bulletin boards, or company-wide announcements. Explain the purpose, guidelines, and
what items are accepted.

Create Donation Guidelines

Clearly outline what items are accepted and any specific requirements or restrictions. For example, if
you're collecting clothing, specify whether you accept gently used or new items, and if there are any size
or style preferences.

 Gently used clothes

 Shoes
 School bags/bags
 Books
 Toys

Recognize and Appreciate Contributions

Show appreciation for employee’s generosity by acknowledging their donations. Consider displaying a
thank-you board or sending out recognition emails to express gratitude.

Maintain Regular Communication

Continuously promote the donation station and remind employees of its existence. Regularly update
them on the progress, impact, and any upcoming donation drives or events.

Call for Action

Confirm a date on which the drive may take place. Invite everyone, drop and drop can make ocean.

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