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AI’s Objective will be to gather power tokens. You can prevent it from doing so by fating it.
Set up your realm, your cards and your mover as usual.
Make space for the realm of the AI, you will put there his gathered tokens and you will place
Heroes, represented by +1 strength tokens, when necessary on 4 imaginary locations.
You will need 2 6 sided dice, one red and one blue.
Place the big fate token on the table with 2 -1 strength tokens under, they will be used to
reduce your chances of being fated when you have been on previous turns.
Randomly select the first player and give 1 power token to the other.
Play your turn as usual.
If you fate, throw both dice and choose the result of one:
- 1 or 2: nothing happens.
- 3: AI loses 1 power token.
- 4: Place a Hero in AI’s realm.
- 5: AI loses 1 power and place a Hero in AI’s realm.
- 6: AI loses 2 power tokens.
To represent Heroes use +1 strength tokens from the last expansion or from Marvel
Villainous. Maximum of 4.
If 2 Heroes or more are present in AI realm, you’re only fated on a 1 or a 2 on the red die (see
further rule on AI’s turn).
At your opponent’s turn, throw the red and blue dice. Add their result to see how many power
token will gain the AI, but withdraw 1 to the result for every location blocked by a Hero:
 2 or less: AI gains 0 power tokens
 3–5: AI gains 1 power token
 6–8: AI gains 2 power tokens
 9 – 11 : AI gains 3 power tokens
 12 : AI gains 4 power tokens

Red Die, fating:

If the red die shows between 1 and 3, the AI fates you: draw two cards from your fate deck
and play one. Choose the more devastating for you, in case of doubt choose the first drawn
To place a Hero in your realm, choose the most penalising location, without other Heroes,
and without strong enough Allies, except if it penalises you more. In doubt choose randomly
(you may need a 4 or 8 or 12 sided die to randomly select between 4 locations).
If it’s an Effect, play it the most efficient way, else randomly.
Next turn, reduce by 1 the chances to be fated, place a -1 strength marker on the Fate
Marker as a reminder (max 2). Remove the markers if you haven’t been fated this turn. AI
may not be able to fate you, if it fated you twice in a row and 2 Heroes are in its realm.
Auto Fating: For every Villain you can play, there is a condition under which the AI will fate
you automatically, because you are close of your winning conditions. Throw the dice as usual,
but if the red die doesn’t show a fating action will occur, change its face to a 1 before adding
them (this simulates the fact the AI forces itself to fate you, sacrificing its own progression).
Don’t activate auto fate twice in a row, the AI fates you the round after an auto fate only if
the die thrown as usual shows it. Have a marker to remind you of the auto fate status.
Blue Die:
- 1 to 3, the AI will defeat a Hero. Remove a +1 strength token that represents it.
- 5 or 6, you may play a Condition card. You can play multiple copies of the same card
but not different type of cards.

1. Throw both dice.
2. Check for auto fate, modify the red die accordingly.
3. Sum the dice and subtract 1 for each Hero in Ai’s realm:
- 2 or less: AI gains 0 power tokens
- 3–5: AI gains 1 power token
- 6–8: AI gains 2 power tokens
- 9 – 11 : AI gains 3 power tokens
- 12 : AI gains 4 power tokens
4. Fate yourself if the red die tells you to: 3 or less, -1 for each -1 token on the fate
marker, and -1 if 2 Heroes. Else, remove all -1 tokens from the fate marker.
5. According to the blue die:
- 1 to 3, AI defeats a Hero.
- 5 or 6, you may play a Condition card.

1. The AI wins when it starts its turn with 20 power tokens.
2. Or, you can play against the score. Note the Villain played and AI’s result, and try to
do better next time.
3. Else, set the difficulty by fixing yourself a threshold of points for the AI.

Each Villain will have Auto Fate conditions, and some will have special rules for some cards
or particular gameplay.

Auto Fate:
- Peter Pan in play and moved from Hangman’s Tree.
- 4 or more combined strength at Jolly Roger (including neighbour boarding party).

Auto Fate: victory conditions.
Deception: to play it, throw a single die and fate AI accordingly.

Auto Fate: victory conditions.
Flora: +1 on the dice result of the AI for power gaining purpose, when Flora is in play.


Auto Fate: victory conditions.

Auto Fate:
- 4 guards in play.
- 2 wickets on 2 different locations.

Auto Fate:
- Crown and Trident in play, at the bottom of the realm
- 1 of them at Ursula’s Lair.
- Crown at Ursula’s Lair.
- King Triton with the Trident and a Binding Contract attached.

Auto Fate:
- Talisman in play.
- Rule New Orleans in the Fortune Pile.
- Facilier’s Mover away from Voodoo Emporium.

Auto Fate:
- Snow White in play.
- 3 poison tokens or more.

Auto Fate: victory conditions.

Auto Fate:
- The Robot Queen at Buckingham Palace or already discarded.
Devious: you may play it when and only when AI fates you.

Auto Fate: victory conditions.

Auto Fate:
- Yzma’s mover away from The Palace
- And:
 Either Kuzco in play
 Or Kronk in play with either the Dagger attached, or Imperial Guards in play.

Yzma’s Fate deck gameplay: Place the 4 fate decks above each location of her realm.
- When you know the content of a fate deck, place it face up.
- When AI fates you choose a random deck, look at it and choose the most efficient card
to play against yourself. Then:
 If the deck was face up (you knew its content), place a power token on it to
signify the AI also knows its content.
 If it was face down, shuffle it with all face down decks. Then distribute the
same number of cards for each deck as there was before you shuffled (2 for a
location with 2 previous cards, 4 for a location with 4 previous cards). This way
you lose track of the revealed cards and the decks keep the same size.
 If later, the AI fates you and a face up deck with a token is present, and a good
card to play against you is present there (like a well-timed On the Run), play
this deck. Let the token on it.
- When AI has to shuffle fate decks together as a result of a fate card, take the maximum
amount of decks and shuffle as wisely as possible (a face up deck with a face down
deck for example). Do your best to penalise you on this regard.
- When Tipo or Chaca, are returned to a deck, put them in a single deck not shuffled,
and leave only their card face up as a reminder they are in this deck. So the AI may
play them when needed.

Auto Fate: victory conditions.

Auto Fate: victory conditions.

Auto Fate:
- 2 Objectives Completed and:
 Either 3 Items, in a single location.
 4 Allies or more in play.
- 3 Objectives Completed.

Auto Fate:
- Belle is not in play.
- 3 Obstacles remaining, or less.

Auto Fate:
- 3 Cauldron Born on 3 different locations.
- 2 power tokens.
- The Power of the Black Cauldron active.

Auto Fate:
- Either Ball Gown Anastasia or Ball Gown Drizella in play and 2 of those conditions
 Wedding Bells in play
 The Ballroom unlocked.
 Neither Ball Gown Cinderella nor Fairy Godmather in play, if no Daughter is
in The Ballroom, and also no Glass Slipper in play.
Vicious Practical Jokes: you may play it when and only when AI fates you.
And One More Thing: you may play it on AI’s turn, on a 4, 5 or 6 on the blue die.

Auto Fate:
- 4 Heroes and Buzz Lightyear in the Caterpillar Room.
- Or, 3 Heroes or more with 0 strength.
Smells Like Strawberries: you may play it when and only when AI fates you.
Something Snapped: you may play it on AI’s turn, on a 4, 5 or 6 on the blue die.

Auto Fate: 1 Card or less, remaining in the Merlin Transformation deck.
Condition cards: you may play them on AI’s turn, on a 4, 5 or 6 on the blue die.

Auto Fate: Omnidroid v.10 in play.
Condition cards: you may play them on AI’s turn, on a 4, 5 or 6 on the blue die.
- Not A Sidekick:
 On a 4 draw 1 card.
 On a 5 draw 2 cards.
 On a 6 draw 3 cards.
- Who’s Super Now:
 On a 4 gain 1 power.
 On a 5 gain 2 power.
 On a 6 gain 3 power.
- Bio Probe:
 On a 4 defeat a Hero with 2 strength or less.
 On a 5 defeat a Hero with 4 strength or less.
 On a 6 defeat a Hero with 6 strength or less.

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