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1. Public Service Model in India (Policy and Laws):

- Policy Framework: India follows a public service broadcas ng model, where the focus is
on serving the public interest.
- Prasar Bhara Act 1990: Established Prasar Bhara as an autonomous body to oversee
public broadcas ng in India.
- DD (Doordarshan) and AIR (All India Radio): Key public broadcasters in India.
- Mandatory Public Interest Programming: Regula ons ensure a balance of programs
catering to diverse audiences and promo ng cultural diversity.
2. Global Overview of Public Service Broadcas ng:
- Diversity of Models: Different countries have varied approaches to public service
broadcas ng.
- Funding Mechanisms: Publicly funded through taxes or license fees in many countries.

- Independence: Emphasis on editorial independence to prevent poli cal influence.

- Educa onal and Informa ve Content: Focus on programming that educates and informs
the public.
3. Community Radio, Community Video:
- Community Radio: Locally operated, serving specific communi es or interests.
- Empowerment: Empowers local voices, encourages community par cipa on.
- Regula on: Regulatory frameworks vary, but o en emphasize community engagement.
- Non-profit: Typically operated on a non-profit basis.
4. Par cipatory Communica on:
- Two-Way Communica on: Emphasizes interac on and feedback from the audience.

- Community Involvement: Engages communi es in decision-making and content crea on.

- Digital Pla orms: Social media and online forums facilitate par cipatory communica on.
- Bo om-Up Approach: Informa on flows from the community to the broadcaster.
5. Campus Radio:
- Educa onal Ins tu ons: Operated within educa onal campuses.
- Training Ground: Provides hands-on experience for students in broadcas ng.
- Local Focus: O en focuses on local issues and campus ac vi es.
- Youth Engagement: Targets a younger demographic, reflects student perspec ves.
1. Private Broadcas ng Model in India (Policy and Laws):

- Liberaliza on in the 1990s: India saw a shi from a predominantly state-controlled

broadcas ng to a more liberalized model.
- Cable Television Networks Regula on Act (1995): Governs the opera on of cable
television networks, ensuring content standards.
- TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India): Regulates the broadcast and cable services,
ensuring fair compe on.
- FM Radio Priva za on: Private par cipa on increased with the priva za on of FM radio
sta ons.
2. Structure, Func ons, and Working of a Broadcast Channel:
- Ownership Structures: Can be owned by individuals, corpora ons, or conglomerates.
- Func ons: Content crea on, acquisi on, scheduling, broadcas ng, and marke ng.

- Workflow: Involves various departments like produc on, programming, sales, and
opera ons.
- Revenue Streams: Adver sing, subscrip on fees, and syndica on contribute to revenue.
3. Public and Private Partnership in Television and Radio Programming (India and Britain
Case Studies):
- India:
- Prasar Bhara : Collabora on between public and private en es.
- PPP Projects: Joint ventures for content produc on and distribu on.
- NDTV and Doordarshan Partnership: Examples of private and public collabora on.
- Britain:
- BBC and Independent Producers: Commissioning programs from independent
produc on companies.
- Channel 4 Model: Publicly owned but commercially funded, fostering private
contribu ons.
- Media City UK: Hub for various media organiza ons, showcasing collabora on.
1. News, Interviews, Features:
- News: Timely repor ng of events, facts, and informa on.
- Interviews: Conversa ons with individuals for insights.
- Features: In-depth stories exploring various topics.
2. Sports, Current Affairs, Lifestyle, Reality Shows:

- Sports: Live coverage, analysis, and commentary on sports events.

- Current Affairs: Discussion and analysis of recent events.
- Lifestyle: Programs focusing on fashion, travel, and culture.
- Reality Shows: Unscripted programs showcasing real-life situa ons or compe ons.
3. Why am I the 'Idiot Box'? Debates, Issues, and Concerns of Television Genre:
- Cri cism: Television cri cized for promo ng passive consump on.
- Content Quality: Concerns about the impact of low-quality programming.
- Stereotyping: Debates around representa on and stereotypes.
4. Various Evolving Contemporary Television Genres:
- Drama: Scripted narra ves with fic onal characters.
- Soap Opera: Serialized dramas with ongoing storylines.
- Comedy: Programs designed to entertain and make the audience laugh.
- Reality Television: Unscripted programs o en featuring contests.
- Children's Television: Tailored content for young audiences.
- Anima on: Animated content, both for children and adults.
5. Current and Emerging Trends of Broadcast Media:
- Features: Emphasis on high-quality produc on and storytelling.
- Audience Effec veness: Use of analy cs to understand and engage audiences.
- Adver sements: Integra on of ads with content for seamless viewing.
- Dumbing Down of News: Cri cism of simplified or sensa onalized news coverage.
6. Ethics (Including Censorship) in Presenta on of News:
- Accuracy: Upholding the truth and avoiding misinforma on.
- Sensi vity: Balancing news coverage with respect for privacy and emo ons.
- Censorship: Controversies surrounding the control of informa on.
7. Use of Facebook & Twi er Handles by Radio & TV Channels, Internet TV/Radio, and
Mobile TV/Radio:
- Social Media Integra on: Channels use pla orms like Facebook and Twi er for audience
- Internet TV/Radio: Streaming services offer on-demand content.
- Mobile TV/Radio: Accessibility on smartphones for on-the-go consump on.

1. Wri ng and Producing for Radio:
- Scriptwri ng: Focus on concise, engaging, and descrip ve scripts.
- Use of Sound: U lize sound effects, music, and voice modula on for impact.
- Pacing: Consider the pace of the program for audience engagement.
- Radio Play Formats: Different formats, including dramas, comedies, and documentaries.
2. Public Service Adver sements:
- Purpose: Convey socially relevant messages for the public good.
- Format: Short, impac ul messages addressing social issues.
- Call to Ac on: Encourage listeners to take specific ac ons.
- Target Audience: Tailor messages to specific demographics for effec veness.
3. Jingles:
- Musical Branding: Short, catchy tunes associated with a product or service.
- Memorability: Designed for easy recall and recogni on.
- Lyrics: Simple and o en repe ve, conveying key brand messages.
- Emo onal Appeal: Evoke posi ve emo ons to create a connec on with the audience.
4. Radio Magazine Shows:
- Format: Structured like a magazine, featuring different segments.
- Content Variety: Mix of interviews, features, music, and discussions.
- Audience Interac on: Incorporate listener feedback, calls, and par cipa on.
- Consistency: Follow a regular schedule with themed episodes.
5. Script Format
Jingle Script:
Title: "Taste of Joy" - Ice Cream Adver sement Jingle
[Background Music: Upbeat and Cheerful]

Announcer 1: (Singing) ♫ Taste the joy, feel the freeze, it's a treat you'll never want to leave!

Chorus (Group): ♫ "Taste of Joy," the ice cream delight, on a sunny day or a cozy night! ♫
Announcer 2: Cool off with our new flavors—strawberry bliss, chocolate dreams, and vanilla

Chorus (Group): ♫ "Taste of Joy," a scoop away, make every moment a sweet escape! ♫
Announcer 1: Visit our store today and let the flavors dance on your taste buds!
Title: "City Vibes Express" - Episode 23: "Summer Delights"
Introduc on (Host):
Gree ng and welcome listeners to "City Vibes Express."
Briefly introduce the theme of the episode: "Summer Delights."
Segment 1: "Local Eats Spotlight"
Discuss popular local eateries serving summer specials.
Interview with a chef about unique summer dishes.
Segment 2: "Beat the Heat Playlist"
Feature a curated playlist of songs perfect for summer.
Discuss the mood and vibe of each track.
Segment 3: "Summer Ac vi es Guide"
Highlight upcoming events, fes vals, and outdoor ac vi es.
Interview with an event organizer or local expert.
Segment 4: "Cooling Off Tips"
Share ps for staying cool during hot days.
Include health and wellness advice for the summer season.
Segment 5: "Listener's Corner"
Read and respond to listener messages and shoutouts.
Encourage listeners to share their favorite summer memories.
Closing (Host):
Summarize the episode and express gra tude to listeners.
Tease the next episode or upcoming themes.
Sign off with a catchy closing phrase.
1. Mixing Genres in Television Produc on:

- Defini on: Combining elements from different genres within a single television program.
- Purpose: Enhances crea vity, engages diverse audiences, and offers a unique viewing
- Examples: Dramedy (Drama + Comedy), Sci-Fi Thriller, Reality Compe on with
Documentary Elements.
2. Music Video for Social Comment/As Documentary:
- Purpose: Using music and visuals to convey a social or poli cal message.
- Documentary Style: Incorporates documentary filmmaking techniques.
- Visual Metaphors: Music videos can convey powerful messages through symbolism.
- Examples: "This is America" by Childish Gambino, addressing social issues.
3. Mixing ENG and EFP:
- ENG (Electronic News Gathering): Real- me, on-the-spot news coverage using portable
- EFP (Electronic Field Produc on): Planned and more controlled produc on, o en for non-
news programming.
- Hybrid Approach: Combining the immediacy of ENG with the produc on quality of EFP.
- Example: News features shot with EFP a er ini al ENG coverage.
4. Reconstruc on in News-Based Programming:
- Defini on: Recrea ng events for news coverage when actual footage is unavailable.
- Purpose: Enhances storytelling and provides visual context.
- Ethical Considera ons: Must be clearly labeled as a reconstruc on to avoid
misinforma on.
- Example: Using actors to depict a crime scene in a news report.

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