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SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Depositional Sedimentary Structures 593

Rocks: Mineralogy and Classification. Unidirectional Dzulynski S and Walton EK (1965) Sedimentary Features of
Aqueous Flow. Flysch and Greywackes. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Leeder MR (1982) Sedimentology; Process and Product, ch.
Further Reading 5, 6, 9. London: Allen & Unwin.
Leeder MR (1999) Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins,
Allen JRL (1982) Sedimentary Structures: Their Character ch. 5, 6, 10. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
and Physical Basis. Developments in Sedimentology 30A Mutti E (1992) Turbidite Sandstones. Milan: Agip.
& B, pp. 593–663. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Pettijohn FJ and Potter PE (1964) Atlas and Glossary of
Allen JRL (1985) Principles of Physical Sedimentology, Primary Sedimentary Structures. Berlin: Springer.
ch. 8. London: Allen & Unwin. Ricci-Lucchi F (1970) Sedimentografia. Bologna: Zanichelli.
Collinson JD and Thompson DB (1989) Sedimentary Struc- Selley RC (2000) Applied Sedimentology, 2nd edn., ch. 5.
tures, 2nd edn., ch. 3–4. London: Chapman & Hall. San Diego: Academic Press.

Depositional Sedimentary Structures

J Collinson, John Collinson Consulting, Beech, UK the two. Clearly, for waves to affect sediment move-
ß 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ment, the bed has to be above wave base (i.e., within
the depth range of the waves), and it is important in
many settings to recognize the distinction between
Introduction fair weather and storm wave base.
Depositional sedimentary structures reflect closely Suspension
the processes by which sediment was transported
immediately prior to deposition, and therefore pro- Sediment is carried in suspension provided that the
vide an important starting point for environmental intensity of turbulence within the fluid remains high.
interpretation through facies analysis (see Sediment- A current that is underloaded with suspended sedi-
ary Environments: Depositional Systems and Facies). ment can take more material into suspension up to a
Their interpretation requires an appreciation of the certain critical capacity. Sediment is deposited when
hydrodynamics or aerodynamics of fluid–sediment the level of turbulence can no longer support all the
interactions. suspended grains. This usually occurs when the cur-
rent decelerates, often as a result of flow expansion
at a channel mouth, but also through the waning of
Sediment Transport and Deposition a high-energy event, such as a storm or flood. Coarser
Excluding highly concentrated sediment–water mix- particles, with higher settling velocities, fall from
tures, sediment is transported by fluid in two distinct suspension first. Sedimentation is commonly acceler-
ways. Finer grained material, commonly clay and silt, ated in river mouth and estuarine settings where a
but sometimes including sand and coarser material, freshwater suspension meets saline water and par-
is carried along with the fluid in ‘suspension’, when ticles coagulate into larger flocs. Deposition from
particles are supported by the upwards component of suspension occurs in many settings and produces a
turbulence. Coarser grained material tends to move in variety of types of bedding and lamination. ‘Bedding’
intermittent contact with the bed, once its critical is used for units of centimetres or larger thickness,
boundary shear stress has been exceeded. This move- whilst ‘lamination’ is used for features at the scale of
ment, referred to generally as ‘bedload transport’, millimetres.
takes place through rolling or, more commonly, boun- At coastal delta fronts, a floating plume of turbid
cing of grains on the bed, a process called ‘saltation’. freshwater floats over denser seawater and may
At its most vigorous, saltation grades into suspension. extend many kilometres offshore before it disperses.
Sand particles in saltation, on colliding with a bed of In freshwater lakes, the reverse situation may apply,
similar sand, set other grains in motion as their kinetic with denser turbid water hugging the lake floor as a
energy is dissipated, a process especially important in density underflow. Such relatively sustained under-
wind-blown transport. flows contrast with more episodic underflow surges,
which are features of deep marine settings. These
Bedload Transport
turbidity currents carry a wide variety of grain sizes
Bedload transport in water results from unidirec- in suspension and the interaction of density contrast,
tional currents, wave action, and combinations of down-slope movement, resultant turbulence, and
594 SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Depositional Sedimentary Structures

consequent sediment load leads to a phenomenon are termed ‘bedforms’, and their hydrodynamic sig-
referred to as ‘autosuspension’. Changes to the bal- nificance and relationships to internal lamination in
ance amongst the variables, mainly through changes sands and sandstones are key elements in interpreting
in bottom gradient, lead to accelerations or decel- processes and environments of deposition.
erations and to phases of erosion and deposition,
respectively. Current Ripples and Ripple Lamination
When sand starts to move, the surface becomes
Lamination in Fine-Grained covered by ‘current ripples’, small-scale, repetitive,
Sediments asymmetrical bedforms, a few centimetres high and
a few tens of centimetres in wavelength (Figure 1).
In settings in which low energy prevails, only the Their dimensions scale with grain size rather than
finest sediment, carried in suspension, settles as mud. with the properties of the flow. Their asymmet-
If the bottom waters are well oxygenated, sediment rical profile parallel to flow has a steep ‘lee side’
will usually be disturbed by burrowing organisms and facing downstream and a gently inclined ‘stoss
the depositional lamination destroyed. If the bottom side’ facing upstream. Soon after formation, current
waters are anaerobic, a fine depositional lamination ripples have rather straight crest lines, orientated
may be preserved. In all cases, burial compaction transverse to flow, but this pattern soon breaks
flattens the original fabric and creates a foliation or down into more complex three-dimensional ‘lin-
lamination of later origin. Only where early cementa- guoid’ geometries, whereby the ripples have strongly
tion occurs, usually as concretions, is depositional curved crest lines, usually convex downstream and
and early postdepositional fabric and lamination with scour pits in front of gaps between adjacent
preserved. ripples. These shapes are intimately related to the
In areas of higher sediment supply, such as a coastal patterns of fluid turbulence over the ripples, with
river mouth, lamination and bedding in sediments flow separation at the crests and downward-directed
deposited from suspension often result from changes eddies converging to create lee-side scour pits. As an
in river discharge. In marine settings, deposition from array of ripples moves downstream, sand is swept
a floating turbid plume can give gradational thin bed- from the scour pits over downstream stoss sides and
ding or lamination due to gradual changes in discharge deposited on lee sides. Ripples and dunes (dealt with
or in the position of the plume. In lakes, where under- below) are together referred to as the ‘lower flow
flows are more common, bedding and lamination may regime’ of bedload transport (Figure 2).
be more sharply defined, particularly in proglacial set- The deposition of sand on the lee sides of ripples
tings where seasonal discharge variations are shown leads to inclined lamination that records successive
by varves (rhythmites; see Sedimentary Environments: positions of the lee side. This cross-lamination is com-
Lake Processes and Deposits). monly defined by micas and other platy grains. It is
In certain tidal settings, particularly estuaries, preserved only when ripple migration takes place
where fine-grained suspended sediment occurs due during vertical aggradation of the bed (Figure 3).
to both river supply and erosion by waves and tidal
currents, the deposition of mud is particularly associ-
ated with slack water periods between tidal flows.
These occur four times a day in subtidal settings and
twice a day in intertidal areas. High concentrations of
suspended mud and the effects of flocculation cause
the deposition of discrete ‘mud drapes’ within the
space of a few hours. When associated with sand
deposition, reflecting higher energy tidal flows, these
help to create ‘heterolithic facies’, which are discussed

Aqueous Sandy Bedforms and their

Internal Structures
Figure 1 Small-scale asymmetrical current ripples formed by a
Once sand or coarse silt begins to move under a uni-
unidirectional flow from left to right. Gently inclined stoss sides
directional water current, the sediment surface takes are inclined upstream and steeper lee sides face downstream.
on a succession of dynamic morphologies in response Note the variability in the curvature of the crest lines. Tana River,
to changing current strength. These morphologies Norway.
SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Depositional Sedimentary Structures 595

Figure 2 A plot of stream power vs. grain size showing the fields of occurrence of the main classes of bedform produced by
unidirectional water flows.

Figure 3 Climbing ripple cross-lamination in fine sand. The

trajectories of the ripple crests reflect the balance between the
rate of bed accretion and rate of ripple migration. Where the angle
of climb exceeds that of the ripple stoss sides, stoss-side lamin-
ation is preserved. Holocene terrace deposits, Tana Valley,
Figure 4 Block diagram to show the main types of three-
dimensional geometries of cross-bedding and cross-lamination
and the terminologies used.
Where migration occurs without aggradation, lee-side
scour removes the cross-laminated sand deposited by
the preceding ripple. When aggradation occurs, the In three dimensions, the geometry of ripple cross-
trajectory of the scour zone climbs downstream, lamination most commonly occurs as a series of inter-
allowing the partial preservation of cross-laminated secting troughs, each filled with curved cross-laminae
sand. The angle of climb determines the extent of pre- that are concave both upwards and downstream
servation, but, in many cases, the angle is not apparent (Figure 4). The troughs are the curved erosion sur-
because of the random component of erosion created faces cut by the migration of the scour pits and the
by migrating scour pits. Where climb angles are high, laminae record their filling by the migration of the
due to high aggradation rates, the inclination of erosion succeeding ripples. Usually, only the lower parts of
surfaces between cross-laminated sets may be appar- lee-side laminae are preserved. In plan view, trough
ent, and the style is referred to as ‘ripple drift’ or cross-lamination appears as a pattern of flow-parallel
‘climbing ripple lamination’ (Figure 3). Where climb zones of curved laminae, known as ‘rib and furrow’,
angles exceed the inclination of the stoss sides, stoss- which is an important palaeocurrent indicator.
side laminae are preserved with no erosion between Palaeocurrents are most accurately measured from
sets. the axes of the troughs. Rib and furrow is a more
596 SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Depositional Sedimentary Structures

common record of current ripples than the preserva-

tion of ripple forms on bedding surfaces. Where
ripple forms are preserved, they are usually overlain
by a drape of finer grained sediment due to a rapid
reduction in current strength.
Dunes, Sand Waves, and Cross-Bedding

As current velocities increase above those appropriate

for ripples, sand beds deform into larger bedforms,
termed ‘dunes’ or ‘sand waves’, provided that the
water is deep enough (Figure 2). These have a similar
asymmetry to current ripples, although the wave-
lengths are greater, seldom less than 1 m and Figure 6 A wide sandy braided bed of the Tana River, Norway,
extending to many tens of metres. Heights are in tens showing large, low-relief sand wave bedforms. These examples
of centimetres or even metres. There is a clear hydro- have curved crest lines (convex downstream), superimposed
dynamic distinction between ripples and dunes, illus- ripples, and, locally, smaller dunes on their upper surfaces.
Whilst their spacing is in hundreds of metres, the heights of
trated by the superimposition of ripples on the larger their lee faces seldom exceed 1 m. The larger areas of sand,
forms under equilibrium conditions. Dunes, there- which separate the river into discrete channels, are compound
fore, are not just large ripples. The orientations of bedforms or bars. Tana River Delta, Norway.
superimposed ripples reflect the direction of flow
close to the bed over and around the dunes, recording
patterns of eddy separation and reattachment, espe- volumes of sand must be moved to remould large
cially those associated with scour pits. forms and, in rivers where discharge varies quickly or
Dunes and sand waves occur in a wide range of in tidal settings, large-scale bedforms are often in a state
plan forms, from straight crested through highly three of disequilibrium. In intertidal settings or on emergent
dimensional, and also span a wide range of height to river beds, larger bedforms are commonly modified by
length ratios (Figures 5 and 6). Steep, strongly three- the process of emergence. Changing flow patterns over
dimensional forms are mainly a response to strong and around the forms and the action of waves both
and relatively deep flows, whilst straight-crested or rework ripple patterns and reduce the angle of the lee-
low-relief forms, which tend to lack scour pits, are side slipfaces. In subtidal settings, sand waves often are
responses to less strong or more shallow flows. The present on the seabed where they are susceptible to
dimensions of dunes and sand waves reflect the proper- semi-diurnal reversals of flow. Asymmetrical profiles
ties of the flow, rather than the sediment. They seem may reflect quite a small asymmetry in strengths of ebb
particularly susceptible to changes in flow depth. How- and flood tides.
ever, it is quite difficult to interpret large bedforms As with ripples, internal lamination produced by
in terms of flow parameters as they are commonly dune-scale bedforms is dominated by inclined lamin-
out of equilibrium with the prevailing current. Large ation, generally referred to as ‘cross-bedding’ (Figure 7).
The individual dipping laminae are termed ‘foresets’,
whilst packages of foresets produced by the migration
of individual dunes are ‘sets’. Sets range in thickness
from around 10 cm up to several metres, and foresets
are generally defined by slight differences in grain
size, related to avalanches of grains (grain flows) on
the lee side and to fluctuating turbulence in that area.
In vertical section, some foresets are straight with
an angular basal contact (termed ‘planar’), whilst
others have a tangential or asymptotic contact. The
sets fall into one of two classes depending on the shape
of the set boundaries. Where these are broadly subpar-
allel and flat-lying, the sets are described as ‘tabular’.
Where set boundaries are concave-upwards erosion
Figure 5 Small, three-dimensional dunes with well-developed surfaces, they compare, except in scale, with ripple
scour pits in their lee-side areas. Note how the superimposed
ripples fan out to reflect the pattern of eddying over the dunes
cross-lamination, and the term ‘trough cross-bedding’
close to the bed. Note also the difference in scale of the dunes and is used. The foresets of trough sets are predominantly
the ripples. Tana River Delta, Norway. concave upwards and tangential, whilst the foresets of
SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Depositional Sedimentary Structures 597

Figure 8 Reactivation surface within a tabular cross-bedded

set produced by the migration of a low-relief sand wave. The
discontinuity reflects modification of the lee side of the bedform
during emergence during falling water discharge. Tana River,

Compound Bedforms and Bars

In many wide, sandy rivers, the large repetitive bed-

forms described above are organized into compound
forms, which commonly appear to scale with the chan-
nel itself. Some of these features are attached to channel
banks, whilst others are located in mid-channel. Some
examples have a clear asymmetry to their stream-
parallel profile with a slipface at the downstream
Figure 7 Examples of cross-bedding in sandstones. (A) Coset end. In other cases, dunes descend a more gently in-
of small sets with slightly asymptotic foresets. The bounding clined lee side. These compound features are com-
surfaces between sets are themselves inclined downstream, sug-
gesting deposition on the downstream side of a larger compound
monly referred to as ‘bars’, of which there are many
bar form. Westphalian, Northumberland, England. (B) Tabular sets types. The important point, in terms of internal struc-
with thin units of ripple lamination between sets. The foresets are ture and its interpretation, is the relative movement
essentially planar. Namurian, Staffordshire, England. directions of dunes and of the accretion of the bar.
Where the bar advances downstream, in the same
direction as the dunes, either a large, cross-bedded
tabular sets vary in shape. This reflects the association
set will be present beneath smaller cross-beds, or
between trough sets and lee-side scour pits and the fact
the bounding surfaces between sets will be inclined
that steep, three-dimensional dunes, which commonly
downstream. Where bars move laterally as a result of
have such pits, are associated with stronger currents.
dunes migrating along their flanks, bounding surfaces
Tabular sets record the migration of dunes or sand
dip in a direction highly divergent from that of the
waves without scour pits, probably with straight or
cross-bedding (lateral accretion surfaces).
only gently curved crest lines.
Changes in the shape of foresets along a set re-
Upper Flow Regime Bedforms and Lamination
cord changes in flow strength during the life of the
bedform. They are a particular feature of tidal sedi- In situations in which water flow is very rapid and/or
ments and the deposits of rivers with large discharge very shallow, saltating sand close to the bed moves
variations. Wave action on emergence during the fall- continuously over an essentially flat surface. This
ing stage may create low-angle erosion surfaces, trun- phase of movement is known as ‘plane bed transport’
cating the foresets. Succeeding foresets re-establish with the moving grain layer termed a ‘traction
the higher angle dips above these ‘reactivation sur- carpet’. When the flow is particularly strong, the
faces’ (Figure 8). Flow reversals in subtidal settings bed develops gentle undulations, forming ridges
produce similar structures and tidal slack water can transverse to flow or three-dimensional domes.
cause mud drapes to be interbedded with the fore- When this happens, the water surface also takes on
sets. In exceptional cases, the spacing of drapes can a wave form which parallels that on the sediment
be interpreted in terms of spring-neap tidal cycles surface. These undulations are ‘standing waves’
(‘tidal bundles’). (Figure 9). Where the standing waves on the water
598 SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Depositional Sedimentary Structures

surface grow beyond a critical height, they move Wave Ripples and their Lamination
rapidly upstream and break, a case described as ‘anti-
The to-and-fro movement of water associated with
dunes’. Breaking antidunes temporarily wipe out the
waves is able to move sediment, both on its own and
undulations and the cycle of growth and breaking is
in conjunction with unidirectional currents. Sand
repeated. This whole family of transport mechanisms
moved by waves is readily moulded into ripples,
is referred to as ‘upper flow regime’ transport.
which are distinguished in several ways from current
Standing waves and antidunes are highly ephem-
ripples. Wave ripples, most distinctively, have straight
eral features and preservation of their deposits is rare.
crests, which may be rounded or quite cuspate in
However, where plane bed conditions coincide with profile (Figure 11). Their profile is also commonly
bed aggradation, distinctive parallel and horizontal
symmetrical, although not always so. Where the
lamination forms. This may be accentuated by mica
strength of the wave surge is stronger in one direction
and gives rise to flaggy sandstones that split easily
than in the other, or where waves coexist with cur-
parallel to bedding. The bedding surfaces themselves
rents, asymmetry results. Wave ripples vary quite
show a distinctive lineation (‘parting lineation’)
widely in spacing, depending on the grain size, the
(Figure 10) parallel to the current, which is a useful
strength of the waves, and the water depth. Less
palaeocurrent indicator. Rarely, parting lineation
common are ripples produced by coexisting wave
occurs on the bedding surfaces of undulatory lamin- trains with differing propagation directions. These
ation, indicating the chance preservation of standing
show interference patterns, reflecting the wave sets
As well as producing ripples in their own right,
waves also modify pre-existing bedforms, particularly
under emergent or near-emergent conditions. Wave-
modified current ripples are particularly common on
tidal flats.
Internally, wave ripples produce small-scale cross-
lamination which is not always easy to distinguish
from that of current ripples. Interfingering bundles
of laminae with opposed dips, draping laminae over
symmetrical ripple crests, and discordances between
internal lamination and ripple forms all suggest wave
influence, but many cases are difficult to fully diagnose
(Figure 12).
As well as producing ripples, waves also create
Figure 9 Standing waves on the surface of a shallow, rapidly plane bed conditions. This occurs most readily in
flowing stream. In-phase undulations on the underlying, rapidly the swash zone of beaches where the run-up and
moving sand bed may produce undulating lamination with low backwash of waves produce the shallow, rapid flows
preservation potential.

Figure 10 Upper bedding surface of parallel laminated sand- Figure 11 Small, straight-crested wave ripples with symmet-
stone showing a clear parting lineation or primary current linea- rical, rather rounded crest lines. The straightness of the crest
tion. This lies parallel to the direction of the shallow, rapid flow lines and the tuning-fork junctions along the crests are most
that produced it. Middle Jurassic, Yorkshire Coast, England. characteristic of wave influence. Tana River Delta, Norway.
SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Depositional Sedimentary Structures 599

Figure 12 A wave-ripple bedding surface with clear, symmet- Figure 14 Heterolithic interlaminated sand and mud typical of
rical ripple profiles, underlain by a unit of ripple laminated sand many tidal settings where energy levels fluctuate between strong
showing bundled laminae and trough forms in a view normal to currents capable of transporting sand and still conditions where
the crest lines. Namurian, County Clare, Ireland. mud falls from suspension to drape the bed morphology. Lower
Cretaceous, Isle of Wight, England.

suspension, it is common for mixed sand–mud sedi-

ments to be deposited. These record the alternation of
suspended and bedload sediment deposition and are
a particular, although not exclusive, feature of tidal
settings. The sandy components are often ripple
laminated with ripple profiles commonly preserved,
so that current and wave forms can be distinguished.
Collectively, these interlaminated sediments are
termed ‘heterolithic’ (Figure 14) and are subdivided
using the proportions of sandy and muddy compon-
Figure 13 Sandstone bed with undulating lamination with
convex-upwards sectors and undulatory erosion surfaces. This
ents. Where mud dominates and sand forms isolated
assemblage of hummocky and swaley cross-stratification is typical ripple lenses, the term ‘lenticular bedding’ is applied,
of deposition from storms under conditions of coexisting, intense whilst ripple-laminated sand with discrete mud
current and wave activity. Upper Jurassic, Dorset, England. drapes is called ‘flaser bedding’. More or less equal
components are referred to as ‘wavy bedding’. Some
confusion surrounds the application of these terms.
needed. Parallel lamination and parting lineations Laminae rich in mica and carbonaceous debris in
result if the sand is preserved. normal ripple cross-laminated sand can look superfi-
cially like flaser bedding, but the term is best reserved
Wave–Current Interaction
for cases with a clear separation of sand and mud.
During storms, shallow-water shelf or nearshore
areas are commonly subjected to energy regimes
involving a combination of waves and currents.
Aeolian Bedforms and
Under such conditions, sand falling from suspension Internal Bedding
may be reworked into low-relief, rounded forms Wind, blowing over dry sand, initiates movement in
and may be re-eroded by higher energy surges. The much the same way as water. Above a certain critical
result is an undulatory lamination, characterized by velocity or shear stress, grains begin to move as bed-
gentle convex-upwards patterns and gentle scours. load. However, in comparison with water, wind
Where the convex-upwards laminae dominate, the moves a much narrower range of grain sizes in this
structure is called ‘hummocky cross-stratification’, way. The buoyant effect of water is much greater than
and where the scours dominate, it is termed ‘swaley that of air and, in addition, the viscosity of water
cross-stratification’ (Figure 13). dampens collision impacts between grains in salta-
tion. The result is that sands moved by air tend to
Heterolithic Lamination
be very well sorted and also well rounded. The first
In settings in which energy levels fluctuate and in bedforms to develop on dry sand are ripples. These
which there is a significant amount of sediment in have low relief compared with aqueous current
600 SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Depositional Sedimentary Structures

ripples and are less clearly asymmetrical. They are have superimposed smaller dunes, which leads to
commonly straight crested with the bifurcation of complex morphologies. The size of the largest forms
crest lines. means that they change shape only over long periods
The vigorous saltation leads to grains following of time and thus reflect a wind regime rather than a
asymmetrical trajectories: a steep uplift from the particular wind episode. Some are out of phase with
bed, and a lower angle approach and impact. The the current regime as a result of lag effects.
impact throws other grains into motion, but the extent Internally, dune sands show complex cross-bedding
of this depends on the inclination of the bed at the at scales up to many metres thick. The inclined
point of impact. If the bed slopes upwind, the impact laminae are commonly well defined and it may be
is steep and energy is dissipated strongly into grains possible to differentiate grainfall, grain-flow and
near the impact point, throwing some into saltation wind-ripple laminae. Wind-ripple laminae generally
and advancing others by a process of creep. If the occur in more gently inclined intervals, whilst grain
bed slopes downwind, energy is dissipated more flow is commonly close to the angle of rest (ca. 30 ).
gently and grains accumulate. Wind ripples reflect Aeolian dune cross-bedding is characterized by dis-
this behaviour and their wavelength scales to the cordances or bounding surfaces at several scales. In-
saltation path length and, hence, to the wind strength. dividual cross-bedded sets are separated from one
Where wind blows dry sand across a surface that is another by erosion surfaces, and internally they may
immobile, such as a rock surface, a gravel bed, or a also be punctuated by low-angle erosion surfaces
damp surface, wind ripples may be widely spaced and similar to the reactivation surfaces of aqueous cross-
may begin to cluster together into larger forms that beds. These record the complexity of the wind regime
are incipient dunes. Where the surface is damp, salt- whereby the lee sides of dunes become sites of erosion
ating grains may adhere on impact through surface during particular wind episodes. They may also result
tension and patterns of wind ‘adhesion ripples’ or from the migration of dunes over slipfaceless draas
‘adhesion warts’ may form. These irregular warty or the oblique migration of scour pits along the flanks
forms have steeper sides pointing upwind. All wind of dunes.
ripples have quite a low preservation potential, but
examples do occur in the rock record. Wind ripples
Structureless Sand and Sandstone
commonly produce subparallel lamination, ‘pin-
stripe’ lamination with inverse grading, and rare Not all sand and sandstone has visible internal lamin-
cross-lamination. It is an important component in ation. This happens for several reasons. First, it may
the cross-bedding produced by aeolian dunes. have been deposited in that way. The dumping of
Vigorous wind transport commonly leads to the sediment from suspension from, for example, a decel-
development of larger bedforms, ‘aeolian dunes’ (see erating current, may have been so rapid that there
Sedimentary Processes: Aeolian Processes), which was no time for the sand to be reworked into bed-
occur in isolation on hard substrates or as parts of forms and laminae. On the other hand, sand that
larger accumulations of sand. Dunes vary greatly in was initially laminated may have lost its lamination
both scale and shape, and it is quite common for through later remobilization, perhaps due to liquefac-
dunes of several scales to occur superimposed upon tion. Finally, lamination may be lost through the
one another. An important distinction is between activities of burrowing organisms, which have the
dunes with their own slipfaces and those without ability to totally homogenize laminated sediments
such surfaces. Slipfaces occur downwind of crest (see Trace Fossils).
lines where sand accumulates through grain flow
avalanches. Such processes commonly occur in con- Decelerating Flows and the
junction with grainfall, whereby grains are thrown
over the dune crest and accumulate on the lee side.
Bouma Sequence
Where grainfall dominates, the inclination of the sur- Many sandstone beds in interbedded sandstone–
faces may be lower and reworking by wind ripples mudstone successions show an internal vertical se-
may occur, particularly in the lower, more gently quence of lamination types that are diagnostic of
inclined parts of the dunes (‘plinths’). decelerating flows. The sandstones are sharp based
Where sand supply is insufficient for the substrate and may have erosional sole marks (see Sedimentary
to be fully covered, ‘barchan dunes’ or, more rarely, Processes: Erosional Sedimentary Structures). Above
‘linear (seif) dunes’ occur. In sand seas, a variety their bases, they show one or more intervals of five
of more complex forms occurs. These include trans- different lamination types that occur in a constant
verse dunes, barchanoid forms, and star-shaped relative order even though they are rarely all present
dunes. The largest forms, termed ‘draa’, commonly in the same bed. These five types are: A, structureless
SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Depositional Sedimentary Structures 601

Figure 15 A schematic profile through a turbidite sandstone bed showing a complete sequence of Bouma intervals and their
hydrodynamic interpretation.

(commonly graded) sandstone; B, parallel laminated

sandstone; C, ripple cross-laminated sandstone; D,
horizontally laminated (commonly silty) sandstone;
E, mudstone. The complete succession of lamination
types is known as the ‘Bouma sequence’ (Figure 15).
The A interval records rapid deposition from suspen-
sion, with graded bedding reflecting sorting within the
flow of a mixed grain size population. The B interval
records upper flow regime plane bed transport, whilst
the C interval records ripples moving in the lower
flow regime. Climbing ripple lamination is quite
common, recording rapid rates of bed aggradation, Figure 16 Coarse fluvial gravels showing clear pebble imbrica-
and convolute lamination may also result from rapid tion. The flat surfaces of the clasts dip upstream, indicating that
deposition. The D interval, often poorly displayed in flow, in this case, was from left to right. Holocene, Pyrenees, Spain.
weathered exposures, records fallout from suspen-
sion with weak reworking on the bed, whilst the crevassing of river banks during floods. Similar sands
E interval grades into the background sedimentation also occur in shallow marine settings as a result of
from suspension. storms, although the Bouma sequence may then be
The overall succession, however complete or incom- modified to include hummocky cross-stratification
plete, records an episodic current, possibly erosional in and wave ripples.
its early stages, and progressively decelerating there-
after. Most commonly, the Bouma sequence is asso-
ciated with deep-water settings where the episodic
Gravel Forms and Fabric
flows are turbidity currents (see Sedimentary Processes: Whilst the preceding section deals mainly with sands
Particle-Driven Subaqueous Gravity Processes), but and finer grained sediments, powerful water currents
similar decelerating flows occur in shallow-water set- also transport gravel, and its deposition can lead to
tings of floodplains, shallow lagoons, and lakes due to distinctive structures and fabrics (see Sedimentary
602 SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Post-Depositional Sedimentary Structures

Rocks: Rudaceous Rocks). Where gravel moves as a Further Reading

traction load, on a stream bed or on a beach, it may
become lodged on the bed, particularly where clasts Allen JRL (1982) Sedimentary Structures: Their Character
and Physical Basis. Developments in Sedimentology 30A
land amongst similar sized clasts. If the clasts are
& B, pp. 593, 663. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
flattened, they will tend to be deposited in an imbri-
Allen JRL (1985) Principles of Physical Sedimentology.
cated fabric with an upstream dip. This is the most ch. 4. London: Allen & Unwin.
stable position beneath the prevailing flow and, when Brookfield ME and Alhbrandt TS (eds.) (1983) Eolian Sedi-
seen in the rock record, ‘imbrication’ (Figure 16) is a ments and Processes. Developments in Sedimentology
valuable palaeocurrent indicator. 38, p. 660. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Gravel is also deposited in bars on river beds and Collinson JD and Thompson DB (1989) Sedimentary Struc-
these commonly have slipfaces at their downstream tures, 2nd edn., ch. 5–7. London: Chapman & Hall.
ends. Cross-bedding results from the avalanching that Leeder MR (1982) Sedimentology; Process and Product,
takes place there. Depending on the overall sediment ch. 6–8. London: Allen & Unwin.
population, sandy and gravel-rich foresets may be Leeder MR (1999) Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins,
ch. 4–12. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Mutti E (1992) Turbidite Sandstones. Milan: Agip.
Pettijohn FJ and Potter PE (1964) Atlas and Glossary of
See Also Primary Sedimentary Structures. Berlin: Springer.
Pye K and Lancaster N (eds.) (1993) Aeolian Sediments
Sedimentary Environments: Depositional Systems and Ancient and Modern. Special Publication of the Inter-
Facies; Lake Processes and Deposits. Sedimentary Pro- national Association of Sedimentologists 16, p. 167.
cesses: Erosional Sedimentary Structures; Post-Depos- Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
itional Sedimentary Structures; Aeolian Processes; Reineck HE and Singh IB (1980) Depositional Sedimentary
Particle-Driven Subaqueous Gravity Processes. Sedi- Environments, 2nd edn. Berlin: Springer.
mentary Rocks: Rudaceous Rocks. Trace Fossils. Uni- Selley RC (2000) Applied Sedimentology, 2nd edn., Ch. 5.
directional Aqueous Flow. San Diego: Academic press.

Post-Depositional Sedimentary Structures

J Collinson, John Collinson Consulting, Beech, UK Deformation in gravels and conglomerates is rare,
ß 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
except in glacial and periglacial settings, or where
there is abundant muddy matrix. The structures have
an entirely physical origin and must be distinguished
Introduction from organic deformation structures, such as burrows
Primary sedimentary structures and lamination in and trails of animals and disturbance by plant roots (see
clastic sediments result from deposition under differ- Trace Fossils). In addition, tectonic structures are often
ent hydrodynamic regimes. However, there are other geometrically identical with syndepositional struc-
secondary structures, which originate during or very tures, and the boundaries between widespread tectonic
soon after deposition as a result of sediment instabil- deformation and more local, sediment-induced de-
ity, extreme climatic effects, or chemical changes formation may be blurred.
during burial. The last group involves the precipita- Deformation structures are quite difficult to classify
tion of mineral cements within the sediment. Some of as they result from rather diverse processes. However,
the early physical structures deform primary depos- all attempts at interpreting physical soft-sediment
itional structures and lamination, whilst others origin- deformation structures must consider two discrete
ate entirely as a result of the deformation processes. questions. First, why did the sediment lose its strength
Those associated with cementation often help to pre- and become susceptible to deformation? Second, what
serve original lamination and other delicate features, forces operated on the weakened sediment to cause
particularly in fine-grained sediment, that would the deformation?
otherwise have been destroyed by compaction. In most cases, the sediment loses frictional shear
strength and behaves, briefly, as a plastic or a fluid. In
other cases, a loss of tensile strength can lead to brittle
Soft-Sediment Deformation Processes deformation as soft-sediment faults. Loss of frictional
Early formed soft-sediment deformation structures are shear strength may result in total remobilization of
typically features of sandstones and finer sediment. the sediment and transformation into a gravitational

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