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Hydraulic Engineering


engineering as a The
The Applications An
sub-discipline of Last
Hydraulic Example
civil engineering Words
is concerned with
Engineer of a
the flow and
conveyance of
fluids, principally

Hydraulic The hydraulic engineer is Common topics of A hydraulic structure is

So far,
engineering is concerned with the design for hydraulic structure submerged or
the application transport of sediment by partially submerged in hydraulic
engineers include
of fluid the river, the interaction of
mechanics hydraulic structures rivers, a sea or any body engineering
the water with its alluvial of water, which disrupts
principles to such as dams, levees, has reached
boundary, and the
water distribution
the natural flow of
dealing with the occurrence of scour and the stage of
water where there is a
collection, deposition networks, water
need for a change. confidence
storage, control, collection networks,
sewage collection Dams can be classified that makes it
measurement. networks, storm water by structure (arch dams, possible to
and use of water management, sediment gravity dams, arch- re-channel
transport, and various gravity dams, barrages,
major rivers,
other topics related to embankment dams)
engineering and develophydr
geotechnical oelectric.
engineering. power
adequate to

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