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Sociologia das desigualdades

Sociologia da Educação


UNIDADE I: Gênese dos sistemas escolares modernos


 Apresentação do curso


 Boli, J. and Ramirez, F. “Compulsory schooling in the Western cultural context“. In: Arnove, Altbach and Kelly,
Emergent Issues in Education – comparative perspectives.Suny Press, New York, 1992.
 Boli, J. and Ramirez, F. The Political Construction of Mass Schooling: European Origins and Worldwide
Institutionalization. In: Sadovnik, A. R. (ed.) Sociology of Education a critical reader.
 ARCHER, M. S. “The Sociology of educational systems”. In Bottomore, Nowak and Sokolowska, Sociology: the
state of the art, Sage, London. 1982. (tradução)
 VARELA, J.; ALVAREZ URIA, F. A maquinaria escolar. Teoria & Educação, n.6, 1992.


 PARSONS, T. The School Class as a Social System: Some of Its Functions in American Society. In: HALSEY, A. H.;
FLOUD, J. & ANDERSON, A. (org.) Education, Economy and Society.
 TURNER, Ralph (1961) Modes of Social Ascent through Education: Sponsored and Contest Mobility. In: HALSEY, A.
H.; FLOUD, J. & ANDERSON, A. (org.) Education, Economy and Society.

 HALLER, A.; PORTES, A. (2015) The status Attainment Processes. ) In: Arum, Beattie e Ford (orgs). The
StructureofSchooling, Readings in theSociologyofEducation. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

 COLLINS, Randall. Functional and Conflict Theories of Educational Stratification. In: Sadovnik, A. R. (ed.) Sociology
of Education a critical reader (Tradução)
 COLLINS, Randall. Comparative and historical patterns of education. In: Hallinan, M (org.). Handbook of the
Sociology of Education. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. 2000, pags. 214-239.
 LAMONT, M.; LAREAU, A. (1988) Cultural capital: allusions, gaps andglissandos in recenttheoreticaldevelopments.
SociologicalTheory, vol. 6, p. 153-168.

Unidade II: Estratificação: população e escolas


 BLOSSFELD, H. P.. SHAVIT, Y.(1993)PersistingBarriers: Changes in EducationalOpportunities in Thirteen

Countries.In:PersistentInequality: ChangingEducationalAttainment in Thirteen Countries. Boulder, CO: Westview
 RAFTERY, A.; HOUT, M. (1993) MaximallyMaitainedInequality: Expansion, ReformandOpportunity in IrishEducation,
1921-1975. SociologyofEducation, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 41-62.
 RIBEIRO, C. Desigualdade de oportunidades e resultados educacionais no Brasil. Dados, vol. 54, nº1, p. 41-87.


 COLEMAN et al. EqualityofEducationalOpportunity: The Coleman Report. (2015) In: Arum, Beattie e Ford (orgs).
The StructureofSchooling, Readings in theSociologyofEducation. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
 MOSTELLER, F.; MOYNIHAN, D. P. (2008) Um Relatório Inovador. In: Brooke e Soares (orgs) Pesquisa em Eficácia
Escolar. Editora UFMG.
 MORTIMORE et ali (2008) A Importância da Escola. In: Brooke e Soares (orgs) Pesquisa em Eficácia Escolar.
Editora UFMG.


 DOWNEY, D.; CONDRON, D. (2016) FiftyYearssincethe Coleman

Report: RethinkingtheRelationshipbetweenSchoolsandInequality. SociologyofEducation vol. 89, no. 3.

 SOARES, J. F. & MAROTTA, L., 2009. Desigualdades no sistema de ensino fundamental brasileiro. In: : VELOSO,
F.; PESSOA, S.; HENRIQUES, R.; GIAMBIAGI, F. (orgs.), Educação Básica no Brasil: construindo o país do futuro.
São Paulo: Elsevier/ Campus (pags. 73-91).


 DREEBEN, Robert (2000) Structural Effects: a history of an idea. In: Handbook of the Sociology of Education.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. 2000.
 GAMORAN, A. SECADA, W. and MARRET C. (2000) The Organizational Context of Teaching and Learning:
changing theoretical perspectives. In: Handbook of the Sociology of Education. Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Publishers, New York.
Unidade III: Efeito e eficácia escolar: limites e críticas

2/11 – Feriadofinados


 COHEN, Elizabeth (2000) Equitable Classrooms in a Changing Society. In: Handbook of the Sociology of
Education. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.
 MORTIMORE, Peter (1997) Can Effective Schools Compensate for Society? In: Halsey etalli (orgs.) Education,
Culture, Economy and Society. Oxford University Press.
 SAMMONS, Pam (2008) As Características-Chave das EscolasEficazes, com seu debate (Anexos 1 e 2). In: Brooke
e Soares (orgs) Pesquisa em Eficácia Escolar. Editora UFMG.


 KYRIAKIDES, Leonidas (2012) Advances in School Effectiveness Theory. ? In: Chapman etalli (orgs) School
Effectiveness and Improvement Research, Policy and Practice – challenging the orthodoxy? London: Routledge.
 BYRNE, G.; GALLAGHER, T. (2004) Systemic factors in school improvement. Research Papers in Education. Vol.
19, No. 2.


 GORARD, Stephen, TAYLOR, Chris & FITZ, John, 2003. Schools, Markets and Choice Policies(cap. 1: Markets in
public policy: the case of school compositions e cap. 2: Introducing two debates about markets in education).
London: RoutledgeFalmer (pags. 3-29)
 GORARD, Stephen (2010) Serious doubts about school effectiveness. British Educational Research Journal, 36: 5,
745 — 766.
 Holloway‐Libell, Jessica &Amrein‐Beardsley, Audrey (2015) “Truths” DevoidofEmpiricalProof:
UnderlyingAssumptionsSurroundingValueAddedModels in TeacherEvaluation. TeachersCollege Record, ID Number:
18008. Date Published: June 29, 2015

Unidade IV: Debates sobre reformas


 BROOKE, Nigel (org.), 2012. Marcos Históricos na Reforma da Educação. Seção 7: A reforma educacional no
mundo globalizado. Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço (pags. 325-391).
 GAMORAN, Adam (2007) Can Standards-Based Educational Reform Help Reduce the Improvement Gap in
Education?. In : Standards-Based Reform and the Poverty Gap – lessons for No Child Left Behind. Washington DC,
Brookings Institution Press.
 HOPKINS, David (2012) What we have learned from school improvement about takind educational reform to scale?
In: Chapman etalli (orgs) School Effectiveness and Improvement Research, Policy and Practice – challenging the
orthodoxy? London: Routledge.
 CHAPMAN, C. etalli (2012) Conclusion. In: Chapman etalli (orgs) School Effectiveness and Improvement Research,
Policy and Practice – challenging the orthodoxy? London: Routledge.

 RAVITCH, Diane, 2011. Vida e Morte do grande sistema escolar americano. Como os testes padronizados e o
modelo de mercado ameaçam a educação (Caps. 1: O que eu aprendi sobre a reforma escolar e Cap 6: No
ChildLeftBehind: Testar e Punir). Porto Alegre: Ed; Salina (pags. 15-29; 113-132)
 TOMLINSON, Sally (2005) Education in a Post-Welfare Society. Conclusion: Education in a post-welfare society.
Open University Press.

 BOYD, William L. (2001) Balancing the State, Markets and Civil Society in Education Reform : trends and issues in
England and the United States. In : Meyer and Boyd (orgs) Education Between States, Markets and Civil Society –
comparative perspectives. London: LEA Publishers.


 SCHWARTZMAN, Simon.Educação: a nova geração de reformas. Publicado em Fábio Giambiagi, José Guilherme
Reis e André Urani (organizadores), Reformas no Brasil: Balanço e Agenda, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Nova Fronteira,
2004, pp. 481-504.
 VELOSO, Fernando, 2009. 15 anos de avanços na educação no Brasil: onde estamos?. In: VELOSO, F.; PESSOA,
S.; HENRIQUES, R.; GIAMBIAGI, F. (orgs.), Educação Básica no Brasil: construindo o país do futuro. São Paulo:
Elsevier/ Campus (pags. 3-24).
 VELOSO, F., 2009. Experiências de reforma educacional nas últimas duas décadas: o que podemos aprender?, In: :
VELOSO, F.; PESSOA, S.; HENRIQUES, R.; GIAMBIAGI, F. (orgs.), Educação Básica no Brasil: construindo o país
do futuro. São Paulo: Elsevier/ Campus (pags.191-211).

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