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Bina Bangsa School

Oral Examination
Mastery Speaking Practice
Primary 5

Reading Aloud and Comprehension (5 marks)

Study the passage below carefully. Next, read the passage as clearly,
fluently and expressively as possible. Then, answer the questions that

“Help! There’s a spider! Kill it, David!” Alexis shrieked as she ran out of her room.

David entered his sister’s room and spotted the creepy-crawly at once. To Alexis’
surprise, he brought a matchbox to catch it instead. David went outside and released the
spider among his father’s plants. He watched the spider scurry away unharmed.

“Why didn’t you squash the spider when you had the chance?” Alexis demanded.

“Spiders are useful,” David replied

“But spiders are undesirable!” Alexis retorted.

“And what is it about them that you do not like?” David enquired, clearly amused
by his sister’s reaction to spiders.

“Well, they just look so frightful…” Alexis trailed off weakly.

“So, it’s only their appearance that troubles you. How superficial!” David chided
with a grin. He then continued more seriously, “Ants and flies ruin our food. Spiders, on
the other hand, do nothing harmful. In fact, they help us get rid of other insects.”

“That may be so,” Alexis agreed reluctantly. “But I do wish they would confine
their efforts to the kitchen and stay away from my bedroom!”

After reading the text, answer the following questions orally in

complete sentences.
Q1. What was Alexis’ reason for wanting to kill the spider?
Q2. Why did David let the spider go unharmed?

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Bina Bangsa School
Oral Examination
Mastery Speaking Practice
Primary 5

Picture Discussion (5 marks)

Note to the student:
Study the picture below carefully. Next, discuss the picture as best as
you can in your own words.
The length of your recording should be between one to one and a half
minutes only.

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