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Make Sentences….

1) Fortunate: You are very fortunate that you have such friends.
2) Crooked: The roads were crooked and muddy and rough.
3) Toddling: I watched my two-year-old nephew toddling around after his puppy.
4) Irritated: His remarks irritated me a little.
5) Evidence: The evidence is now crystal clear.
6) Household chores: Do your household Chores.
7) Portion: This portion is for you.
8) Landmarks: The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark.
9) Dumplings: The boy very likes eating Dumplings.
10) Exotic: She likes to wear exotic clothes.
11) Specialty: His specialty in English Literature.
12) Crescent: A crescent of moon rose in the sky.
13) Beauty parlour: My sister goes to a beauty parlour once in a week.
14) Deliver: We deliver to your door!
15) Conduct: Students are rewarded for good conduct.
16) Apply: I want to apply for the job.
17) birds of prey: An owlet is a bird of prey that flies at night
18) Clip: I’ve seen a clip from the film/ she put a clip in her hair.
19) Fowl: Chicken and ducks are two types of fowl.
20) Recipe: The recipe sounds delicious.
21) Scrawl: Do not scrawl on the wall.

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