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Exploring the Role of Pre-Hire Assessments in Modern Recruitment

Recruiters still view pre-hire (psychometric) assessments as time consuming and might not enable them
much in meeting their own agenda/ KPIs. The article aims to shed light on how Recruitment Software
and technology can benefit recruiters and HR departments.

What is a Pre-Hire Assessment?

A pre-hire assessment is an objective and standardised method to gather further information about
candidates throughout the hiring process.

It enables recruiters and managers to evaluate candidates on the basis of multiple criteria. By leveraging
leading industrial-organisational (IO) psychology methodology, the best pre-hire assessments are a
powerful tool to provide recruiters with an unbiased and thorough understanding of candidates'
capabilities, especially when professionally developed and well validated.

Unlike traditional methods such as resumes or interviews, these assessments offer insightful information
of candidates' suitability for the role, resulting in informed talent decisions.

Types of Pre-Hire Assessments

While the objective is to gain insights into job applicants, pre-hire assessments come in various types,
each focusing on measuring different aspects. Recruiters may incorporate more than one type to
comprehensively examine each candidate’s technical ability and suitability.

Below are some examples of pre-hire assessments available for recruiters to use:

 Job knowledge tests

 Integrity tests

 Cognitive ability tests

 Personality tests

 Emotional intelligence tests

 Skills assessment tests

 Physical ability tests

 Game-based tests

 Multi-measure assessments

Benefits of Pre-Hire Assessments

The rise in popularity of pre-hire assessments within the HR and recruitment field can be attributed to
their effectiveness in obtaining information about candidate capabilities and potential job performance.
Here are several compelling reasons for integrating them into the hiring process:

1. Improved Performance and Productivity

Well-developed pre-hire assessments have the capability of effectively forecasting employee
productivity across various job roles and industries. These assessments enable hiring managers
to gauge their suitability for specific positions based on an unbiased evaluation. At the same
time, by identifying candidates who possess the qualities needed to succeed in each position,
hiring managers can place individuals more likely to thrive and remain satisfied in their roles.
This facilitates a resilient workforce, contributing to improved performance and productivity.

2. Objective Evaluation

Pre-hire assessments showcase objectivity in the hiring process by delivering standardised

results applicable to all candidates. These data enable employers to make more informed hiring
decisions. Even candidates who are ideally suited for a position might struggle during interviews.
Completed assessments offer hiring managers impartial feedback on a candidate's suitability for
the role.

3. Enhanced Predictive Validity

Assessments provide employers with predictive information into candidate performance,

enabling them to identify individuals with a strong potential to succeed in specific roles. This
improves the quality of hires and reduces the risk of costly bad hires.

4. Time and Cost Efficiency

With the ability to streamline the screening of a massive pool of candidates, these assessments
optimise time and resources during the initial application screening phase. By pinpointing the
most promising candidates, they enable HR professionals to concentrate on the most qualified
individuals only, reducing exceeding time and efforts on unpromising ones.

5. Cultural Fit Assessment

By means of pre-hire assessments, recruiters can evaluate a candidate’s alignment with the
organisation’s culture and values, which is fundamentally critical in positions where cultural fit
contributes significantly to team cohesion and overall organisational success.

6. Identifying Development Areas

Pre-hire assessments offer valuable insights into a candidate’s strengths and room for
improvement. This data can inform customised onboarding and development strategies for each
bright candidate, enabling companies to nurture the growth and success of their new hires
effectively from stance.

7. Decreased Turnover

Conducting assessments before hiring ensures that new employees have the necessary skills for
the job and the right temperament to grow in their roles. By selecting the right candidate, there
is significantly little likelihood of poor performance or quitting within the organisation. Reduced
turnover rates can also enhance employee morale and elevate company reputation, ultimately
attracting higher-quality candidates.

Incorporating Pre-Hire Assessments into the Recruiting Process: Best Practices and Strategies
It is obvious that pre-hire assessments have powerful potentials for the hiring process, and it is
recommended that they should be incorporated into recruitment. Below are key steps to implement a
successful pre-hire assessments:

1. Define Clear Objectives

Clearly outline the desired qualities, skills, and competencies required for each role. Then, define
specific assessment objectives that are aligned with both the job requirements and the
organisational goals.

2. Select Appropriate Assessments

Select assessments that evaluate pertinent attributes for the position, such as cognitive abilities,
personality traits, problem-solving skills, cultural fit, etc. As aforementioned, it is best to utilise a
blend of assessments to obtain a well-rounded understanding of candidates.

3. Standardise Assessment Administration

Maintain consistent and equitable administration of assessments for all candidates. To do so,
adhere to established procedures and guidelines, provide clear instructions, and do not forget to
ensure a professional and unbiased testing environment.

4. Analyse and Interpret Results

After gathering adequate data, it is time to analyse and translate it into insightful and useful
information. Review assessment results alongside other candidate information as well. Also,
identify patterns, strengths, and areas for improvement in addition to assessing each candidate's
suitability for the role and alignment with the organisation's culture.

5. Combine Assessments with Other Selection Methods

It is advisable to tomplement pre-employment assessments with interviews, reference checks,

and additional selection methods to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of candidates. This
panoramic approach validates assessment results and ensures a thorough assessment of
candidates' suitability for the role.

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