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1.please tell me about yourself…?

 Name
 Age
 Born

2.what kind of position would you like to apply?

3.why do you like this position?

4 how much you earn as a daily worker?

7 are currently working bali?

8? do you handle a guest complaint?please explain step by step

 Listen to the guest complaint with empathy

 Apologize to the guest with deep feeling
 Giving the solution to guest
 Report to our manager or supervisor

11.step by step how to make a bed





16.did you heard about 3 bucket system?...please explain about it

 bucket -wash with warm water with soap with temperature 42-45 degrees celcius
 2.yellow bucket-rinse with plain hot water
 3.sanitize with chlorine 100 ppm dan check with chlorine tester

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