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Physical properties->

1. State->
The first four members are colourless and odourless gaseous. Carbon
number from 5 to 15 (C5H12 to C15H32) are colourless liquid having benzene
odour. Still higher members of alkanes are waxy solids having no colour and
odour at ordinary condition.
2. Boiling point->
The boiling point of alkanes is lower than other polar organic
compound of comparable molecular mass. The boiling point, melting point,
and specific gravity of increases gradually with the increase in the
molecular mass.
3. Solubility->
Alkanes are non- polar compound thus they are insoluble in polar
solvent like water and other polar solvents but they are in non -polar
solvents like benzene, ether, carbon-tetra chloride etc.

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