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Songs that gave me inspiration in this chapter:

When I met You – Apo Hiking Society

Day 1 – Honne

Rainbow – South Border

Chapter 2: Shape of You

Clearly there is no way Nayeon just drew Mina out of her imagination, right? She knows she’s not in
some kind of magical fairytale. Is it fate? Destiny? Nayeon doesn’t think so.

“You may now take a sit Miss Myo-.. Mya-, Mina.. Mina-ssi..” Miss Kim laughed at herself for having a
hard time pronouncing the Japanese girl’s name.

Mina proceeded to walk at the back of the class but it felt like a runway for this model because god
knows how elegant she walks with her chin straight ahead where she is headed emphasizing how
structured her jawline is.

She waddles like a penguin. Nayeon thought to herself.

“Eyes in front, everyone” Miss Kim told her class because of their divided attention to the two gorgeous
ladies in front of them.

Mina finally reached her seat; it was the best seat because it was by the window like a silent protagonist
anime character that has a secret identity who is seated at the back of the class. And, the thing is, she
was beside Nayeon.

Fk. Nayeon, a 6-year artist, feeling cold sweats all over her, hands are shaky, palms are wet, and her feet
are all over the place. “Why am I nervous in the first day of a beginner art course?” she asked herself.
She knows she is not nervous because of this class nor because of the strong aura of Miss Kim Dahyun.
She was tense to the fact that this is not her first-time seeing Mina, she literally drew her
“coincidentally” in her artwork.

“Hi Mina-ssi, I’m Son Chaeyoung, nice to meet you” Chaeyoung waved to Mina who is seated beside

The other girl waved back and slightly laughed at her revealing her cute gummy smile.

But Nayeon’s attention was focused on Miss Kim that was explaining the basic theories and principles of
art. She believed she was trying to focus, but she heard the whole conversation because she was literally
at the middle of the two girls. Should I wave back too? Should I say Hi? What should I say? Why am I
hesitating to greet a complete stranger? Nayeon’s mind is louder than the voice of Miss Kim.

“unnie” Chaeyoung nudged her.

Nayeon’s attention got diverted back to reality, she took a deep breath as she tilted her head to greet
the new girl. “Hi Mina, I’m Im Na-“

“Yeowo?” Mina interrupted her.

“Yeowo” is Nayeon’s pseudoname that she uses as a watermark for her works.

“You know who I am?”

“Of course, I thought you only look like her but before taking this class I did some research about Korean
artists in Seoul, and I happen to stumble upon your website.” Mina told her with a glow on her face and
awe that she met someone with a high profile.

SHE KNOWS ME?!?!? Wait, why am I freaking out, of course people will know who I am when my works
are literally scattered across the street. Nayeon thought to herself.

“I- I’m grateful th-that you know me, thank you Mina” she let out a smile that’s quite awkward, her lips
haven’t stopped shaking.

“unnie are you okay?” Chaeyoung asked the flustered girl

“of course, why would you think not? Nayeon replied

“You look as pale as apricot and I can see your sweat dripping even though this room is air conditioned”

Nayeon is deadass nervous and lost.

“I’m okay, let’s just listen to the pretty woman in front”

Chaeyoung just rolled her eyes and hopes that Nayeon wouldn’t flirt with their teacher.

Miss Kim picked up her marker and started drawing random shapes. “What you see in front of you are
not new right? You saw all of these when you were kids. But these are the backbone of any kind of art.
Sometimes people encounter what they call an “artist block” and the thing is, it’s either they lack the
inspiration to continue or the subject to draw or worse, they lost their passion to do so.”

Damn. Miss Kim’s words are like a dagger to Nayeon who completely relates to what she said.

“In order to prevent this, what we usually do is just scribble shapes and let your mind and hand wander
with what you see, in this session, I don’t need a specific output I just need everyone to draw a circle, a
rectangle, a square and a triangle, and make something from it.”

Everyone got their materials ready, they took the pens out of their bags and started to scribble their
imagination, however it’s not everyone who is prepared to draw. There’s Nayeon at the back, being
consumed with silent deep thoughts and painful memories.


“Babe, don’t move I can’t sketch the shape of your head that well” Nayeon commanded her subject who
is sitting in front of her.

“You know we could just take a picture so it won’t move right?” Jeongyeon raised her eyebrow

“No Yoo Jeongyeon”, and the painter just smiled at her with eyes forming crescent moon shapes and
cheeks plumping out

“How hard could it be, just draw a circle for my head and a triangle for my chin, you’ve been drawing me
for the past 5 years how hard could it be?” Jeongyeon let out a sigh to tease the other girl

“It’s not my fault God made you so perfect that made me lack the skills to draw you” Nayeon fought
Their relationship goes like this every time, constant bickering and little quarrels but this is their own love

“I got many things to do but here I am sitting in this chair posing for you Miss Ma’am Im Nayeon, why
am I doing this”

“Because you love me?” Nayeon asked

Silence filled the entire room. Jeongyeon just stared at her and in that moment Nayeon also took her
eyes off the canvas to look at her gorgeous subject.

“You’ll always be my number One, yeonie”


“unnie, Nayeon unnie, nayeonah, nayeo- “And Nayeon’s hand was slapped.

“Are you daydreaming again? You’ve been staring at your canvas for a whole 5 minutes already doing
nothing” Chaeyoung asked the older girl.

“I’m okay, I just- spaced out for a second”, Nayeon replied

She’s not okay

She knows she’s not okay.

She will never be okay again.

Nayeon took out her pen and began drawing a circle for a head and a triangle for the chin. Everything
reminds me of you, and I hate it. She then added rectangles and squares as the background of her

She was completely immersed in trying to draw until a flying pencil hits her elbow.

“OMYGOD IM SORRY NAYEON-SSI, IT SLIPPED OUT MY HAND-“ It was Mina who clumsily flicked the
pencil while trying to draw a circle.

Nayeon just smiled and subtly laughed at her mistake. “what a cutie”, her mind speaks for herself

Nayeon grabbed Mina’s pencil back on the floor and the latter repeatedly bowed to apologize to
Nayeon. The older girl then notices her canvas. She realized that she was in a beginner class and
everybody has no to little experience in drawing. Mina drew a crooked circle and slanted shapes. And
Nayeon who is an experienced artist couldn’t bear to watch her colleague having a hard time.
“Drop the honorifics, you can just call me Nayeon, let’s be friends..” Nayeon extended her arm to give
the other her pencil /this is good right? I just need to be friends with her to remove the awkwardness I

Mina reached out for the pencil in her hand.

But that wasn’t the only thing that happened.

As soon as the pen was out of Nayeon’s hand, Mina grabbed her palm for a handshake

“Hi Nayeon, you can just call me Mina too” the girl with a smile and crescent shaped moon eyes told

The world stopped, or should we say Nayeon’s world paused for a moment. Cherry blossoms suddenly
appeared in the background of this Japanese girl with the sun light peeking behind her. If Nayeon was to
describe it, no bristle of a fable castle brush could compare to how smooth her hand is.

At this time, Nayeon’s hand wasn’t shaking, her feet stayed to where it is, her heart calmed down, and
her eyes were locked on to the living art in front of her. She was dazzled by her grace. As someone who
had been doing portraits, Nayeon knew that Mina is the epitome of perfection, beauty, and elegance.

“Mina-ssi is everything okay in there?” it was Miss Kim interrupting their moment.

Mina quickly removed her hand from their hold, “Yes Miss Kim, everything’s fine”

However, Nayeon was still stuck in that moment 5 seconds ago, she had to shake her head to continue
what she must be doing – drawing.

“Thank you Nayeon” Mina whispered to her and the latter just smiled back

‘Focus Im Nayeon, you are here to start over and find your passion in art again’. She started drawing and
scribbling the shapes in her blank canvas. Nayeon just drew a person with a basic architecture in the
background and in 5 minutes she was done. This is just a basic task for someone who had been drawing
for the past 6 years.

But it lacks something, a face, an identity, a someone. She didn’t know whether who to draw, her pen
can’t find its way through out the canvas. Her mind still goes blank whenever she encounters this part.
Her eyes started wandering around, she saw Chaeyoung on her left nearly finishing with an abstract
masterpiece again, and then there’s Mina, struggling in drawing a perfect circle.

Mina. The girl standing beside Han River.

Nayeon suddenly remembered how she drew Mina that day with just her imagination, she was a lot
beautiful now that she saw her but her pen can’t give justice to it.

It might creep out this girl if I draw her face, right? Nayeon didn’t hesitate anymore, she didn’t bother to
draw anything. While waiting for the other students to finish, she sat back getting drown to her thoughts

“Remember everyone, look outside the box, don’t limit yourself in just seeing basic shapes, transform it
to something and you will be able to see the beauty of art, that is the goal of this class” Miss Kim shouts

My goal includes Yoo… Nayeon really hates how her mind is constantly being reminded of such
memories because of some words that she just heard. Her heart is still as heavy as the buckets full of
paint in her studio, her mind is still in a rough sketch not knowing how to finalize its outline, and the hue
of her heart is still as colorless as it was before.

Nothing’s good in just silently sitting with thoughts consuming her mind. Well, it wasn’t silent, she hears
screeches, and continuous sighs

“Do y-you want me to uhm.. help you Mina?” she asked.

“really? This is such a big favor to ask, I’m no artist myself” Mina shyly accepts her offer

Nayeon turned the next page of her canvas to a blank space to teach the other girl some techniques she
learned with her experience.

“Here, you see this point I drew in the middle right? You press your pinky on it and you rotate the paper
slightly until you form the circle, kind of like using your hand as a compass?” Nayeon explained.

Mina had her eyebrows raised in shocked, she then tried it but her pinky keeps on slipping on the paper.

‘This silly, who are you and why are you so cute’

After several tries, Mina still can’t get it right, and someone can’t bear to see her fail this simple trick

“Hold the pen firmly”, Nayeon told her as she stood up on her sit to go behind the girl.

Mina’s hand was holding the pencil with her pinky marked at the point she drew at the paper. Nayeon
suddenly realizes what she would be doing.

But she didn’t hesitate. She placed her hand on top of Mina’s hand who is still firmly holding the pencil.

“Never let your pinky go in this mark Mina, or else your circle will get crooked” with both of their hands
placed on top of each other pressing onto the paper, Nayeon guided Mina’s hand. Nayeon is like holding
a soft and cuddly pillow. With every stroke of the pencil being pressed, Nayeon is gentle to grip the
other girl’s hand with care.

Nayeon could easily just took Mina’s pencil and drew the circle herself but no, this painter chose to help
the other by guiding her hand with her own. As some say, you don’t give people fish, you teach them
how to fish. But this girl seems like to have found her cute little sardine.

“There, it’s easy right? You just need to press it down until you complete your circle” Nayeon said.

“Thank you Nayeon, I’m really a beginner when it comes to art but I think I’ll get better in no time
because of you, I’m really not good when it comes to using my hands and doing things without

She laughed subtly.

‘damn’ Nayeon thought

Snap out of it Nayeon, you’re feeling things for someone you’ve just met and drew coincidentally.

“It’s okay Mina, in doing arts, if you can’t do it at the first time, it’s-“

“it’s trash and you will feel trash about yourself and you will never try to do it again” Chaeyoung
interrupted her.

And Chaeyoung’s hand was slapped.

“UNNIE I’M KIDDING” Chaeyoung laughed at the glaring eyes that Nayeon gave her

Nayeon turned to her right again to face the Japanese girl and she saw how cute her giggle is with her
hand trying to cover her gummy smile.

Nayeon subconsciously let out a smile too.

“Anyways, don’t listen to her, most of the beginner artist feels that way but you gotta trust the process,
if it doesn’t work out the first time, take it as a lesson and a point to start again” Nayeon explained

‘Take it as a lesson and a point to start again’, talk about big words and advices that even she, herself,
can’t do. Starting over again? From a 5-year relationship? That’s one small step for others but one
massive giant leap for Nayeon.

“I’ll keep that in mind Nayeon” Mina told her before scrunching her nose to the girl
‘I don’t know what this girl is doing to me so help me God’ Nayeon talks to herself

Nayeon continued to sit back waiting for the others to finish and she saw Miss Kim wandering around,
looking at the students’ work, before going to their corner.

“Your mind amazes me Miss, uhm, Son Chaeyoung-ssi, sorry I’m still not familiar with my class record”
Miss Kim explains.

“Thank you, Miss Kim!” Chaeyoung shouted with joy feeling proud of her work.

Miss Kim’s eyes diverted to the canvas beside Chaeyoung’s.

“You work fast, Miss.. Im Nayeo- “Miss Kim stopped.

Nayeon got confused, she tilted her head to where Miss Kim is standing and their eyes stared at each

“Ohmygod, you are that famous artist I know, nice meeting you Miss Yeowo, I was hesitant earlier but
seeing you up close just clarified that you are her”, Miss Kim greeted her with enthusiasm.

Nayeon and Chaeyoung they looked at each other due to shockness of Nayeon being recognized by this
hot art teacher.

“Ah, it’s a pleasure to meet you too Miss Kim” Nayeon shook hands with her.

“Can I ask the reason why are you attending a beginner class? I recognized Miss Son Chaeyoung too
because I attended your art exhibit like is it a year ago already, if I’m right?”

Oh sh!t, Chaeyoung doesn’t like where this is going, should she stop Miss Kim? What should she say?

Nayeon remembered it again. Wait, no, wrong, she didn’t remember it, it’s still on her mind even if it’s a
year ago.


“I’m home!” Nayeon shouted at the front door before throwing herself on the couch

“How was it?” Jeongyeon quickly sat next to her tired little bunny.

“We agreed with the terms, and the exhibit will push through to attract more visitors in their event”
Nayeon explained in a low tone.

“You are setting up an art exhibit? Really? Where? When? What’s the theme? How-“ Jeongyeon is
enthusiastically bugging questions to her tired girlfriend who just came home from meeting with the
hosts of the event.

“ANSWER ME, YEONIE” Jeongyeon shouted which made her girlfriend stand in shock
Jeongyeon just laughed at her “you’ve seen your face shocked, it’s so funny”

And Jeongyeon’s arm was slapped.

Nayeon just gave her the cold look, tired from sht like this her girlfriend gives her.

“I’m kidding, I’m sorry come here my little bunny hop hop”. Jeongyeon pulled her lover bringing her head
to rest at the crook of her neck. She kissed the forehead of the tired girl and began combing her hair with
her own hand gently.

“The exhibit is called ‘Yoo’ “, Nayeon told her with her tired voice and closed eyes.

“You?” Jeongyeon repeated

“Yes, Yoo”

“You as in her or him or they?”

“No, Yoo as in mine” Nayeon replied

“I don’t get it”

“Yoo as in My Yoo Jeongyeon”

Jeongyeon got flustered. “You are really tired huh?” she teases her.

“Here I am being sweet and cuddly and you will just tease me” Nayeon doesn’t have the energy to slap
Jeongyeon’s arm

“You are cute when you are sulky and pouty, I love teasing you” Jeongyeon whispered to her.

Nayeon just subtly laughed until she unconsciously had fallen asleep already due to being tired

“I’m so lucky to have you Nayeon, my number One..”


“The exhibit was titled “Yoo” right? My favorite piece was were two women standing beside each other,
as far as I remember it’s titled “SSang-yeon, my goal”

[a/n: ssangyeon means 2yeon/ yeon couple]

Oh fk. Chaeyoung’s worst nightmare happened. She brought Nayeon here to start over and forget about
things but this place became her prison of painful memories.
“Really? I’m sorry I apologize for not recognizing you Miss Kim, I’m really grateful that someone like you
appreciates my works!” Nayeon said with enthusiasm

Wow, Chaeyoung was surprised. Nayeon, handled it well.

“Of course, Miss Yeowo, your hands are really one of a kind that it could turn someone pretty into
something more gorgeous” Miss Kim proudly brags how amazed she is.

“I’m really flattered to your kind words Miss Kim, I only drew what person in the entire exhibit and I’m
relieved that you enjoyed every piece displayed” Nayeon replied with her warm heart towards someone
who appreciates this.

“Whoever that person is, she is so lucky to be the subject of your art, you have totally captured all her
emotions and moods, and the whole exhibit just excludes comfort like home” Miss Kim told her

This is getting out of hand, all Chaeyoung can do is just watch their conversation and think of what to do
but she is surprised Nayeon is not breaking down nor spacing out with all those reminiscing, talk about
women with strong minds.

Nayeon smiled with her bunny teeth showing, “thank you so much Miss Kim, it warms my heart hearing
how you loved it even if it’s a year ago already”

“Whatever your reason must be in taking this class, I hope you will find this interesting Miss Yeowo”
Miss Kim told her before going next to Mina who is drawing the standard basket of fruits and trees as

Chaeyoung is still stunned and her eyes are still locked into Nayeon

“What?” Nayeon asked with her confused eye brows meeting at the center of her forehead

It’s best not to talk about it right? Chaeyoung thought to herself

“Nothing, you’re just pretty” Chaeyoung told her

“No need to state the obvious sweetheart” Nayeon just winked at her and Chaeyoung just laughed it out
before going back to her artwork.

“Hey, do you have a tissue? I’ll just go to the bathroom” Nayeon asked her
“Chaeyoung handed a pack of tissue to Nayeon who stood up to go to the bathroom.

To the bathroom, where no one can see, and where no one will hear

her painful tears..

she was holding it back but that was the worst minute of her life, it was worst than your brush getting
wrinkled or your painting getting messed up by a child.

It was a straight up stab to her heart

It felt like her world is slowly being crushed into nothing, it’s an artist’s nightmare when her palette of
colors slowly runs out without her realizing. But at that day, Nayeon’s colors suddenly all went black in a
snap. She can’t see beauty anymore; everything is just dark and cold. Everything went grayscale. Her art
studio which was filled with warmth and love, the once she called home, is now her prison.

In every step she took towards the bathroom, tears were flowing out of her eyes. She could fill an entire
cup and make it a dipping water for her brushes.

Nayeon opened the door and thankfully there was no one, she opened one cubicle and sat down for a
good 5 minutes.

She broke down, she just wants the pain to stop, she just wants to forget her past, she just wants to…
move on and start over again. What did she do wrong for her to experience this excruciating experience?

All she did was love someone but that gave her pain, a heart break that even time can heal.

“You are strong Nayeon, you are strong, you got this” she told herself countless of times

Repeat until true.

She slowly tried to calm herself down, she’ll be meeting with everyone the moment she steps out and she
doesn’t want people to know she cried her heart out, most especially when Miss Kim and Mina now
knows her identity.
She stood up from the cubicle and washed her face in attempt to remove how puffy her eyes went from
crying. She stared at herself from the mirror

“You pathetic girl, crying over someone a year ago…”

She left the bathroom with a sigh

Going back to the class room, she held both of her arms and embraced herself. She feels so vulnerable,
just one nudge to her might make her cry and sob again.

In every step she took she just look down not knowing if she would be bumping into anything, until she
reaches the front door.

It felt heavy, she struggled opening it, is the handle really heavy or was Nayeon just feels weak from
crying. Everything feels suffocating, her mind was getting dizzy and her heart feels like sinking.

She finally opened the door and when straight to her sit with her head still looking at the floor and her
arms gripping tighter on each other.

“Nayeon-ah.. look” someone whispered to her

Nayeon tried to find where the voice came from and it was from her right, to where Mina is seated. She
slowly tilted her head to see what the girl wants her to look at. It was her painting, a simple one, just a
basket of fruits and a tree of cherry blossom. A 6-year painter wouldn’t be amazed by just this normal
artwork but when she switched her eyes onto the girl who painted this-

She was astonished. She saw how Mina was smiling with her eyes and how her gummy smile extends
from ear to ear.

And Nayeon, she suddenly saw colors, bright but calming ones.

Her world was just dark and cold, she was just crying her heart out a few minutes ago, but there’s a
rainbow always after the rain. And it was Mina.

Mina became her rainbow after the pain.

She felt the chains guarding her heart starts to loosen.

If Nayeon had 100 problems, Mina just solved 99 of it. The only problem left is knowing why she keeps
feeling these kinds of things towards this girl.

Everything felt light and it feels right. She disentangles her grip from both of her arms and spends a good
amount of time switching her eyes to the art work and to the artist who drew it.

“What do you think?” Mina still smiling wide asked her

Nayeon’s honest opinion as a 6-year artist? It looks okay for someone who just started today

Nayeon’s honest opinion as herself? “MINA, it looks great! You have the knack and potential for arts!”,
she exclaimed, “do you mind explaining your work to me?”

“Really, you think so?” Mina asked

“Of course, Mina, I see your basket doesn’t include the regular fruits that’s normally being painted”
Nayeon told her.

“Ah yes, I drew a peach, an avocado, a watermelon and a cucumber, and just a cherry blossom tree.”
Mina explained to her

“I guess those fruits has a significant meaning for you?”

Mina hummed at Nayeon’s question, “I guess when I think of my home, those were the things that first
comes in my mind, I miss Japan a little”

“You did great Mina” Nayeon smiled at her.

“Thank you Nayeon, it means a lot to me” she scrunches her nose facing the painter who complimented
her work

You silly little cutie

Nayeon was confused about herself, she was just emotional a while ago, but now, it was like nothing
happened at all. She looks beside her to catch a glimpse of what the Japanese girl is doing, she was
doing cute girl things final touches with her pouting the whole time.

Nayeon found this adorable, Mina is adorable.

“Mina put the pen and eraser down, you did well enough” Nayeon told her seatmate.

“You think so? I think it lacks something but I don’t know” Mina confusingly replied.

“You know I’ll never forget what my teacher once told me, when you show your work to others, they
will see how great it is at first glance, but the artist herself, the longer you would stare at it, the more
you would notice the flaws and imperfections you had committed. Give yourself a break mina, it’s pretty
already” Nayeon explained to her.
Many people thought that her relationship with Jeongyeon was the perfect match made in heaven, but
the longer Nayeon thinks about how their relationship went, the more she is continuously blaming
herself because of it. Give yourself a break too Nayeon.

“I wish I could be as great as you someday, you have a great mindset and your hands are skilled” the girl
who’s now keeping her things told her. “Thank you for helping me out Nayeon, it means a lot to me”

I’m not this kind to strangers but I think I will always be here helping you, Mina – Nayeon’s thoughts

“Anytime Mina” Nayeon replied to her with a subtle smile.

“Is everyone done? You may leave your works in my table in front and you may now go, see you guys
tomorrow for our next lesson!” Miss Kim shouted

Everyone fixed all their things and started preparing to leave. They left their artworks in front before
greeting Miss Kim a goodbye. However, there was still someone who’s scribbling, it was Chaeyoung.

“Girl, chill the hell out, this is the first day of beginner class” Nayeon told her

“I know, and watch me impress Miss Kim, with these skills, you can go outside and wait for me”

Nayeon didn’t hesitate because this place is suffocating for her, it makes her reminisce so many painful
memories but at some point, in her life, she must do this in order to fully move on. She wraps her things
up and tapped Chaeyoung on the shoulder before exiting.

When Chaeyoung notices that Nayeon had already went outside, she quickly puts her brush down,
wraps her things, puts her art work infront and immediately went to where Miss Kim was standing.

“Miss Kim! can I talk to you about something?” Chaeyoung asked

“Sure Chaeyoung-ssi, about what?”

Meanwhile Nayeon is on her way out and she saw the Japanese girl standing in front of the building, she
looks like she is waiting for something or someone.

“Nayeon!” She shouted with a smile on her face

“Mina, you’re still here?” Nayeon asked

“I wanted to give you this”

The girl unzipped her bag and grabbed a black knitted scarf out of it.

“I saw you shivering earlier, you are embracing yourself earlier, I thought you must be cold, and this is
my way of saying thanks because you are helping me learn” Mina extended her arm to give her gift to
this shocked artist.

[‘… I wasn’t cold Mina, I was shivering from crying too much, I felt weak and vulnerable that’s why I held
myself, but who am I to reject this handmade gift that you’ve made and seeing how your eyes are
smiling this moment you are giving it to me....’]

“You are giving this to me? Thank you, Mina this is so cute!” Nayeon reached out her hand and accepted
her gift, she wrapped it around her neck and asked “How does it look?”

“Your nickname really suits you, gwi’yeowo’” Mina told her

“Thank you, Mina, I love it!” Nayeon smiled back but Mina’s smile was glowing than hers. It looks like
the one who gave the gift is happier than the one who received it.

“Well, I guess see you tomorrow in art class Nayeon” Mina waved at her


“SHHH” Nayeon was interrupted by Mina’s finger that’s on top of her lips

“I don’t like saying goodbyes, we’ll be seeing each other more often, right?” Mina playfully smiled at her

But Nayeon was taken aback by this bold move, damn, she thought

But Nayeon just laughed it out, “See you tomorrow, Mina”, she waved back to the Japanese girl that’s
waddling her way out of the gates of the building.

“Thank you for understanding, Miss Kim, I appreciate it” Chaeyoung told her

“Thank you for telling me too, I wish the best for Nayeon” Miss Kim replied

“See you tomorrow Miss Kim!” she waved goodbye

Chaeyoung went out to meet up with her friend. In her surprise she saw half of her friend’s face covered
in a black knitted scarf.

“Nayeon, let’s go home!” Chaeyoung shouted at her before walking together to the gates of the building

“so how are you today?”, she asked

“I’m okay” Nayeon answered coldly

“Still haunted by those memories?” the shorter girl asked

“Can time even make me forget about those memories?”

“Unnie, time won’t make you forget about things, it will just pressure you to move along with it, you
don’t need time to heal, you need to fully commit and decide that you will forget and move on,
completely, even at this second” Chaeyoung told her

Nayeon felt attacked by these words, she knows that she can’t forget about Jeongyeon because she
can’t, she doesn’t want to, and a part of her still longs for her. If Nayeon was to describe it, Jeongyeon
was the favorite brush she would be using at any stroke. She doesn’t care if it wouldn’t give her the best
line, but if it’s her, she would still use it.

“Anyways, I’m surprised you’re hiding a scarf in that small bag of yours”

“Ah this, uhmm Mina gave this” Nayeon explained while looking at the shorter girl with her innocent

“You’ve been really ‘friendly’ earlier unnie” Chaeyoung teases her

“I’m not that snob of a person” she fought back

“Before you slap my hand again, I just want to say that you are not like that to strangers, most specially
this time”

Nayeon felt attacked again, but Chaeyoung was right. She doesn’t why but there’s something about
Mina that makes her feel like somebody close to her.

They reached the bus stop across the street and Chaeyoung’s bus got there first, “Same time tomorrow,
meet me here, I’ll wait for you or I’ll drag you out of your studio” Chaeyoung said before she bid
goodbye to the older girl.

“Goodb-“ she hesitated, “see you tomorrow, my little Picasso” Nayeon waved back at her with a smile

Not long after, Nayeon’s bus came, and as usual she sat at the very end corner seat, she looked outside,
with the sunset peeking through the window, it’s a cold afternoon in seoul but she is surprised she feels
the warmth of the sun.

Wait, it’s not the sun, it was the scarf keeping her from shivering cold.

As an artist, Nayeon knows that the color red, orange and yellow are the ones that gives a sunny and
bright feeling to an artwork, but this time it was the black knitted scarf that embraced her warm.

[Momo-nalisa 5:56 PM]

How’s class, my cute little beginner? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[NAengmYEON 5:56 PM]

Istg, momo I will slap you with a canvas

[Momo-nalisa 5:57 PM]

I’m kidding, I left some Japanese cuisine dinner at your studio

[NAengmYEON 5:57 PM]

Wow, it’s nice having a culinary friend who cooks for you,

please don’t date anyone, marry me and cook for me always :)

[Momo-nalisa 5:58 PM]

As if I’ll have someone to date in here, I can’t even last a week with a Korean girl

[NAengmYEON 5:58 PM]

Anyways, you locked the door right?

[NAengmYEON 6:00 PM]




Oh my gogh, did you seriously forget to

[NAengmYEON 6:05 PM]


[Momo-nalisa 6:15 PM]

Of course, I did, there was no signal on my way ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[NAengmYEON 6:15 PM]

I know you, thanks for going back

[Momo-nalisa 6:16 PM]

Enjoy your food my little painter :*

Nayeon reached the bus stop of her place and from here she walks through her home. Normally she
would just stare at the floor of the streets until she reaches her studio because she is scared that she
might see something that would remind her of someone. But Nayeon was reckless, she would not be a
scaredy cat today, she remembered what Chaeyoung said, she needs to commit today, at this hour, at
this very moment.

She walked down the alley, she saw the convenience store where they usually buy soju to spend the
night together, it’s also the place where they hang out a lot because both of them are too lazy to go and
drive far to a restaurant or some fancy place. You got this Nayeon.

On her right she saw a little waiting shed, she bited her lips. It was raining that time, and both of them
doesn’t have an umbrella, there was no one around. That afternoon was cold and shivery, and in that
moment happened- their first kiss. Nayeon took a deep breath, she feels her heart getting heavy and her
pace starts to quicken up.

She walks faster avoiding anything she might get reminded more of. She reached the last alley before
the corner of her home. Nayeon abruptly stopped at the alley and a vivid memory played inside her
mind, this is where Jeongyeon confessed her feelings for her and where Nayeon reciprocated it.

She ran away.

She ran away with tears uncontrollably running through her eyes

She ran away as fast as possible

But she knows she can’t run forever

She’s running away from something she can’t leave

Her memories with Jeongyeon..

Nayeon finally reached her doorstep, she took a deep breath, You got this Nayeon you’re a strong girl.
She went inside plopping her bag on the couch. She tried to calm herself before switching the lights on,
and there she saw sadness.

This studio is also her house, she wouldn’t call it a home because her once called home, left her alone.

To Nayeon, this is more of a prison, the once displayed artworks are covered with bed sheets, her work
station which contains all her art materials are still the same way it was a year ago left untouched, and
her passion that once filled this room is nowhere to be found

She saw the food that was left by her friend

It has a note saying, “You got this My NAengmYEON, starting over is not a bad thing, find yourself
again :) P.S. this is real food and not an experimented one, eat well”

Nayeon found this silly but she really is not in the mood to eat after breaking down too much, she
placed it in the refrigerator not knowing when she would be having the will and energy to eat.

She went straight ahead to her bedroom upstairs, with the lights closed, with her emotions drowning
her down. Lying upside down on her bed with her face facing down, she smelled an unfamiliar scent,
cherry blossoms? Mina? She suddenly sat up
Nayeon realized that she is still wearing the black knitted scarf that the girl gave her. Myoui Mina.
Something about this girl is unusual. Even Nayeon can’t figure out what’s with her, it was just the first
day of meeting this stranger but it feels like they are long time “friends”.

She’s tired to think of anything, she plopped herself back on her bed staring at the ceiling before being
interrupted by a phone message.

[Momo-nalisa 7:01 PM]

Are you home already? How was my cooking?

But Nayeon didn’t have the energy to reply, she was sad, sleepy and hungry. She just looked at the table
and beside her phone was a pen. Just a regular pen that she might have put there because she was lazy
to fix her things. Without a reason, Nayeon grabbed it.

She stared at the pen in her hand, and she remembered drawing circles earlier.

She remembered, Mina.

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