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Andrés Felipe Rodríguez Sequeda

Morning Afternoon Evening

We're planning to cook

We're heading to the a special dinner at
We are going to pick up
cinema to watch the home and enjoy it
Monday our friends from the
latest movie that's together while
airport at 9 am.
currently showing. reminiscing about old
We're going out to
We're heading
We're booking tickets to dinner at a restaurant
downtown for a tour of
visit a nearby art offering international
Tuesday the main tourist spots
museum and appreciate cuisine to try different
and learning about the
some masterpieces. flavors and exotic
local history.
We're planning a boat After the excursion, We're ending the day
trip along the river to we're relaxing at a with a game night at
Wednesday explore the natural nearby spa and home, with snacks and
landscapes and soak up enjoying some soothing drinks to accompany
the sun. massages. the fun.
After shopping, we're We're planning to
We're going shopping at
heading to a nearby attend a comedy show
the mall to find some
Thursday amusement park to ride at a local club to laugh
souvenirs and city
roller coasters and and have a good time
enjoy the attractions. together.
As a farewell, we're
We're getting up early organizing a dinner at a
After the hike, we're
for a hiking trip to the fancy restaurant with
relaxing at a cozy café
Friday nearby mountains and live music to celebrate
to enjoy coffee and
enjoying the panoramic the week we spent
some desserts.
views. together and make
plans for the next visit.
We're going to rent We're having a
We're planning to visit
bicycles and take a ride barbecue party in the
the local farmer's
around the city to backyard, grilling some
Saturday market to explore fresh
explore different delicious food and
produce and artisanal
neighborhoods and enjoying the evening
landmarks. together.
We're having a picnic in
We're attending a yoga
the botanical gardens, We are going to drop
class in the park to start
Sunday enjoying the beautiful our friends at the
the day feeling relaxed
scenery and delicious airport at 9 pm.
and rejuvenated.

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