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TEXTS: Matthew 5:13-16, 1 Peter 2:13-17, Romans 13:1-7, Jeremiah 29:7,

Titus 3:1-2 (NLT),

Patriotism is the feeling of love, devotion, and a sense of attachment to a country or
Christians live in two spheres and the tremendous contrast between those two spheres
often poses a very difficult challenge.
On the one hand, Christians are citizens of a heavenly kingdom with Christ as their
Lord. On the other hand, they are called of Christ to represent Him in the midst of an
age that is passing away and in a world system that is opposed to the plan and
purposes of God.

Yet as Christians we ought to make great impact in this passing world, we live in. The
Christian should be the most patriotic of citizens. This is because the ethics taught by
Christ and the generality of New Testament teaching aim also at making the believer
most sensitive to the needs of others and most productive as a communal being.

Many people believe in using national emblems and singing anthems and patriotic
songs as depicting good citizenship.
However good that may be, citizenship is more in how much we make our society
Among other things, we must:
1. Contribute responsibly to national development through hard work.
2. Participate in community service.
3. Help take care of the environment.
4. Treat other people with respect and dignity. (1 Peter 2:17)
5. Follow the rules and regulations of the society once they are not against the
requirements of God. (Romans 13:1-2)
6. Help in the maintenance of law and order.
7. Pay taxes faithfully and regularly. (Romans 13:6-7)
8. Stay away from corruption and bribery.
9. Respect those in authority, do not insult them, if you disagree with any decision,
you can criticize with respect. (1 Peter 2:13 &17; Titus 3:1-2)
10. Exercise your voting right and avoid election malpractices.
11. Care for public property.
12. Be loyal to your country at all times.
13. Be good to our neighbours.
Acts such as conserving water and energy, creating jobs, exercising our civic
rights, all contribute to a better society and must be done by Christians to bring
glory to God.

A. How are you contributing to a better society?
B. How are you contributing to a worse society?

D.L. Moody used to scold Christians for being "SO HEAVENLY MINDED THEY
WERE NO EARTHLY GOOD," and that exhortation still needs to be heeded. We must
leave the world having contributed to making it better.

Kokomlemle District Youth Ministry

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