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Important Essay Topics

For CSS 2020

Climate Change

1. What is climate change, how to cope with the crises?

2. Global warming is not a myth.
3. The climate crisis has worsened in the 21st century.
4. Global climate crisis: Pakistan's efforts to deal with the situation.
5. Threat of Global warming and ways to counter it
6. Food Crisis: Problems, challenges, and opportunities for Pakistan


1. Islamophobia in the West

2. Causes and effects of Islamophobia
3. How Muslims should deal with the prevalent Islamophobia in non-Muslim countries?

Afghan Quagmire

1. Pakistan's future policy towards Afghanistan.

2. American withdrawal from Afghanistan and Implications for Pakistan.
3. India needs to correct its course after the Taliban take over.
4. Is Afghanistan inching towards another proxy war?

Violence against women in Pakistan

1. Rights of women in Islam

2. Woman thy name is frailty
3. Gender equality is a myth Gender-Based Violence

Reforming Economy of Pakistan

1. The economy of Pakistan; challenges and prospects.

2. Impact of foreign aid in the economic development of Pakistan.
3. Economic crises in Pakistan.
4. Impact of Covid-19 on the economy of Pakistan.
5. Do IMF bailout packages really help the economy of Pakistan?
6. Does foreign aid help to achieve economic stability?

Media Freedom in Pakistan

1. I do not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say
2. Freedom of media in Pakistan; blessing or bane?
3. Freedom of expression and media censorship in Pakistan

Civil Service Reforms

1. Reforming the Civil Service of Pakistan; challenges and opportunities.

2. Bureaucratic reforms in Pakistan

Democracy in Pakistan

1. Democracy in Pakistan; challenges and opportunities.

2. Is democracy still vulnerable in Pakistan?
3. Why democracy never flourished in Pakistan?
4. Is Pakistan a truly democratic state?
5. A parliamentary system of government rests on a functioning opposition as ‘no
democracy can do without it’.

Water Crisis in Pakistan

1. The water crisis is a direct threat to national unity in Pakistan.

2. Do we need more dams?
3. Pakistan's water dilemma.
4. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.

Status of Education Pakistan

1. Role of education in character building of a nation

2. Educational reforms in Pakistan
3. Flaws in our education system of Pakistan
4. Education makes people easy to lead but difficult to drive, easy to govern but impossible
to enslave
5. Need of serious planning for technical education in Pakistan
6. Single National Curriculum: Challenges and opportunities
7. Single National Curriculum: Bridging gap or widening it

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