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School of Computers and Information Engineering

Fall semester 2023
(Students Learning Assignment)
Computer Algorithms CIE 3090
Submission Date: 13th Week (Sunday)

Problem-Requirements - Augmenting Data Structure

 Identify any problem [eg. Elevator optimization, stock management, path optimization,
arranging inventory, timetable scheduling etc]
 Explore existing algorithms and used data structure
 Propose an Augmentation [modifying the existing algorithm-you are expected to propose
a new idea/new approach]
 Discuss and verify all 4 conditions of augmentation
o Algorithmic Steps (your proposal)
o Suitable Data Structure for implementation
o Run time of new algorithm (if proposed)

Important Points
1. This assignment to be done individually
2. You are required to prepare a word-document Report which must cover all the above
points mentioned.
3. Each student has to be upload his/her report on e-class.
4. Your report must strictly follow Report Format provided to you.

Report requirements
1. A report can be of minimum 5 pages which should contain the detailed explanation of
your work. (excluding cover page, index page and reference page)
2. Use illustrative graphs or images to elaborate your idea.
3. Use Font- Times-New-Roman, Font Size – 11 , (All Headings must be bold)
4. Use 1.5 Spacing and all paragraph must be justified
Note: Every instruction need to be strictly followed to avoid any penalty score
Project Report
Use the template/format provide to you to prepare your project report. Read the guidelines very
carefully to avoid losing any marks.

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