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Date: the 19th of March 2014
Grade: 5th
Level: Beginners (L2)
Number of students:
Text Book: Snapshot Starter
Unit: 13 What’s Daniel doing?
Lesson: Rooms and Parts of the House
Content: Vocabulary: words related to houses (living room, dining room, kitchen, study room,
bedroom, bathroom, attic, garage)
Grammar: There is/There are and Present Continuous
Communication: talk about rooms and objects in the rooms
Type of lesson: Mixed lesson
Methods and techniques:
a) main method: Communicative Approach
b) elements of: Audio-Lingual and Audio-Visual approach, The Total Physical Response
c) techniques: presentation, conversation, matching, gap-filling, multiple choice
Skills developed: listening, speaking, writing, reading
a) cognitive: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
 recognise the rooms of a house;
 use the vocabulary in sentences;
 state a sentence when pictures are shown;
 use the structures there is/there are
 use Present Continuous
b) affective:
 making the Ss confident in the ability to use the language;
 creating interest in the topic;
 using English while playing
Materials: textbook, blackboard, video projector, handouts
Time: 50 minutes
Assumptions: - the Ss know the vocabulary related to furniture and objects in the house
- the Ss remember the structures there is/there are
Stage of the lesson T's activity Ss' activity Interaction Skill Time Aims
1. Warm-up a) T greets the Ss; - to create a pleasant atmosphere
b) T checks attendance. Ss answer T - Ss S 3' - to check attendance
2. Checking T asks the Ss to read homework. Ss read T - Ss R/W 5' - to check understanding of
homework previously taught material
3. Feedback and T offers feedback Ss listen T - Ss L 1' - to let Ss know how well they
evaluation performed
4. Checking Teacher asks Ss to give Ss answer T - Ss L To check if they are familiar with
previous lesson examples of sentences in the Ss - T S Present Continuous
Present Continuous ( S1 gives
an ex. of an affirmative
sentence, S2 asks a question) 5’
5. Feedback and T offers feedback Ss listen T – Ss L 1’
6. Introducing new Ss are introduced to the topic of Ss listen. T – Ss L - to make Ss aware of the items
material the new lesson. T writes the title they will learn
Lead-in of the lesson on the blackboard. W 1’
(The objectives of the lesson
will be presented at the
beginning of the lesson.) T – Ss L

Presentation T presents the Ss the parts of a Ss listen

house using Power Point slides. Lockstep - to become aware of the new
T shows the Ss pictures with vocabulary
rooms of a house and tells the
Ss: Ss listen T – Ss L
This is a living room. Ss answer Ss – T
T asks the Ss questions about S
the picture: - to check pronunciation and
What is this? L understanding
T practises the new items of
language orally in drills. T – Ss S 7’
Ss listen Ss - T
Practice T shows pictures with different Ss answer W
rooms and asks the Ss questions
about the pictures. Ss - T S
What is this? - to check previously taught
T asks the Ss about the objects T – Ss vocabulary
in a certain room: Ss answer Ss – T S
What do you see in the dining
room? 8’
T – Ss
T asks the Ss to open their Ss - T S
books and look at exercise 6 on - to check understanding of the new
page 78. T reads the first Ss listen T - Ss L vocabulary and knowledge
example. T explains the Ss to do
the same with the other parts of
the house and to match the
letters with the pictures. T – Ss W
T draws a mind map and writes
the parts of a house on the S
blackboard: living room, dining Ss write
room, kitchen, study room,
bedroom, bathroom, attic, 3’
garage. Lockstep L
T checks answers.
Ss listen T – Ss
T gives the Ss handouts with W
exercises related to the lesson. Ss write
T asks the Ss to complete the Ss – T S
sentences with the right part of Ss answer
the house from exercise A. T - Ss L
T checks answers. Ss listen
T asks the Ss to turn the page Ss – T S
and choose the right word for Ss answer
each picture from exercise B. 10’
T checks answers.

T tells the Ss they are going to Ss listen T - Ss L - to use English while playing
play the mime. One S has to Ss play
come in front of the classroom,
choose a card from the teacher’s
desk and mime the action so
that the other Ss can guess it.
I am reading in the study 7’
7. Feedback and T offers feedback Ss listen T - Ss L 1' - to let Ss know how well they
evaluation performed
8. Homework T gives Ss their homework, the Ss listen and write T - Ss L/W 2'-3' - to let Ss know what their future
third handout where they have work is
to match the letter and picture to
the word and to write ten
sentences describing the house
using the structures there is/
there are.
Name _____________________________________ Date ____________________________


A. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

bathroom, dining room, study room, living room, kitchen, bedroom

This is a ___________________.

You can watch T.V. here.

This is a _____________________.
You can wash your face
clean your teeth here.
have a shower

This is a ____________________.
You can sleep here.

This is a ______________________.
You can cook here.

This is a _______________________.
You can eat breakfast
lunch here.

This is a _______________________.
You can do your homework
write here.
read books
study English.

B. Choose the correct answer:

I am sleeping in the ________________________.

a) bedroom b) dining room c) bathroom

He is cleaning his teeth in the __________________.

a) garage b) study room c) bathroom

Tom is eating breakfast in the __________________.

a) bathroom b) dining room c) attic

Sarah is helping her mother in the _________________.

a) kitchen b) living room c) bedroom

He is watching T.V. in the _______________________.

a) garage b) study room c) living room

She is doing her homework in the __________________.

a) bedroom b) study room c) kitchen

Father is fixing the car in the _____________________.

a) bathroom b) garage c) study room
Name _____________________________________ Date _____________________ __

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