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Is there a pond?

Time: 45 minutes
● Lecture slide: BE - Foundation 1 - Lesson 12: Is there a pond?
● There are 3 videos for this lesson:
1. Slide 2:
2. Slide 8:
3. Slide 13:
● Flashcards
● Whiteboard and pen.

General notes:
● Speed: For each level, speed is really important. Speed will be decided based on the
student's English level. The higher level, the faster speed. Speed will also depend on
the students’ characteristics.
● Pronunciation: For ESL student, correcting pronunciation is really important and
teachers should correct during the class using the back-chaining technique.
● The teacher should appraise the student or correct positively frequently.
● As students are adults, T should ask a lot of questions as well as giving examples to
enhance interaction and to check S’s comprehension. T may ask S to share their own
experience related to the lesson topic.
● If the student cannot answer, the teacher can ask guiding questions to help the S to
get to the answer.
● For students at low levels, T should explain the vocabulary/ grammar points/ answers
with simple sentences and examples.
● For students at higher levels, T should ask S to explain their answers.
!!! Please make sure that the student tool mode is ON during class. For writing activities,
please ask the student to TYPE on the slide or in the chat box.
Evaluate the student performance after class (for teachers): Please spare five minutes to fill
in the performance evaluation for the student via Kyna Teacher’s App or . This is compulsory in order to finish the class. Please be
noticed that the form should be filled in for each class within 24 hours.
Teaching techniques & TPR:
(1 min)
Teacher introduces himself or herself; ask for student's name
- Teacher introduces his/her name, nationality
- Teacher asks "What is your name?" and helps the student to reply.
Listen and write
1. This is a ....................... of Alice's family.

2. Her ............................... is forty-four years old.

3. Her mother is........................ years old.

4. Her brother is ....................... years old.

5. He is .................................. .

(3 mins)

T says: Let's review the previous lesson with a listening exercise.

T asks the S to read the text first, then plays the audio once.

T lets S do it by themselves, you can help them read if necessary but make sure that S read all
the sentences at the end of the exercise.

Answer key:
1. photo
2. father
3. 39
4. 9
5. young

Tapescript :
Good morning, my name is Alice. This is a photo of my family.
That man is my father. He is 44 years old. He is nice, he always helps other people.
That woman is my mother. She is 39 years old. She is beautiful.
That boy is my brother. He is 9 years old. He is studying in Golden Star Primary school. He is
I love my family.

bedroom bathroom



dining kitchen
living room
room 3

(2 mins)

Teacher says: Now let's learn some vocabulary about house.

T circles the picture and says the word twice.
After that, teacher underlines each word spells and says it twice then asks the student to

T fixes the S's pronunciation.

Wordlist: living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, dining room, garden, flower

1 2 3

fence pond gate

4 5 6

yard window door


(2 mins)

Teacher says: Now let's repeat after teacher.

T circles the picture and says the word twice.
After that, teacher underlines each word spells and says it twice then asks the student to

T fixes the S's pronunciation.

Wordlist: fence, pond, gate, yard, window, door

Look and say

1 2 3

4 5 6

(3 mins)

T says: Now, look at these picture and answer my question.

T circles no.1 picture and asks: What is this ? This is a yard.

The S is expected to answer in a full sentence.

If he can not do it, you can give Yes/ No question such as: Is it a ........... ?

1. yard
2. kitchen
3. window
4. living room
5. bedroom
6. dining room
Matching game!

1 2 3 4 5

A. garden C. bathroom E. pond

B. fence D. gate

(3 mins)

T says: Great work. Moving on to the next exercise called matching game. I want you to look
at these pictures on the left side and match them with their correct word on the right side.

T lets S to use tools and draw lines then fix their answer.

If the S can not do it, T circles each picture and asks: What is this?
S: This is a bathroom.
T: Now look at the right column, where is the word "bathroom"?
T grants the tool for S to draw lines.

Answer key:
Fill in the missing letters

4. _e_r_om

5. _ a_hro_m

1. _it_he_
3. _a_ _
2. _o_ _

(3 mins)

T says: You're doing great so far. Now let's look at the house. This is Mia's house.
T circles each box in the picture and says: Look at the picture and write down the missing
letters to complete the word in the box.
T says: I will give you the pen tools to write down your answers from 1 to 5.

If the S doesn't remember how to spell, T can help the student by writing down the first

Answer key:
1. kitchen
2. pond
3. gate
4. bedroom
5. bathroom
Listen and tick

1 a b

2 a b

3 a b

(2 mins)

T says: It's listening time. I want you to look at these pictures first.
T circles each picture and asks "What is this?"

T plays the audio, asks the S to tick in the box after listening.

Answer key:
1. a
2. a
3. b

1. This is my kitchen, it is big. (x2)
2. This is her garden, it is small but beautiful (x2)
3. Look ! That is my gate. It is yellow. (x2)
Read and write A house is a home
Let's go to my (1)....................... . Here is my (4)..........................,

Let's go today.
Where we eat dinner together.
I will show you all the rooms.
This is my (5)...........................,
There are six rooms in my house.

Here is my (2)..........................., Where I brush my teeth.

Where I play toys and watch TV.

This is my (6).......................... .

Here is my (3)...........................,
There are two bedrooms in my house.
Where my mom cooks everyday.

(3 mins)

T says: Let's do a reading exercise. You will read the text, look at the picture and write the
correct word.
T signals the S to read, helps them to write down in the blanks.

Answer key:
1. house
2. living room
3. kitchen
4. dining room
5. bathroom
6. bedroom
Yes or No

1 2

This is a gate. This is a door.

Yes No Yes No

3 4

This is a pond. This is a kitchen.

Yes No Yes No

(2 mins)

T says: Look at the picture, read and choose Yes or No here. T will give you a pen to write.

T asks the S to read out loud and fix their pronunciation. If they can not do it, circle each
picture and ask "What is this ?"

Answer key:
1. No - This is a fence.
2. No - This is a window.
3. Yes
4. No - This is a dining room.
Find the difference

Picture 1 Picture 2


(1 min)

T introduces the game: It's break time. Let's play a small game. I have two pictures that look
similar. There is only 1 difference. You'll find the difference.

T asks S to read the sentence aloud and lets them think in 30 seconds.
Then T ask S to give the answer: In Picture 1, there is no fish jumping out of the water. In
Picture 2, there is one fish jumping out of the water.

S can circle the difference, then T helps S make sentences and asks S to repeat.
Look and read. Choose the correct
words and write them on the blanks

1. You sleep in this room. ____________

2. You take a shower in this ____________

room. ____________

3. You cook in this room. ____________

4. You usually eat in this room.

Given words: kitchen bedroom dining room bathroom


(2 mins)

T asks S to read the given words aloud first then works with S to choose the correct word that
best describes the definition.

Then T grants the tool for S to TYPE the answer in the blank to practise writing.
T can help the student to read and use TPR to give hints. T only says the word when the S can
not remember.

Answer key:
1. bedroom
2. bathroom
3. kitchen
4. dining room
Let's watch a video!


(1 min)

T says: Alright, look who are they? They are Peter and Mia. Peter comes to Mia's house to
play. She is walking Peter around the house. Let's listen to their conversation !

When the student is watching, do not act anything to avoid distraction. If the student is not
concentrating, the teacher can repeat the video in order to make student concentrate on the

Mia: This is my house.
Peter: Wow, it's big. Is there a pond ?
Mia: No, there isn't. But there is a garden.
Peter: Are there any windows?
Mia: Yes, there are. There are 4 windows.
Peter: Your house is beautiful, Mia.
Mia: Thank you, Peter !"
Articles a/ an

Structure: a/ an + singular noun.

"a" + singular noun beginning "an" + singular noun beginning

with a consonant sound. with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) sound

a house a living room an apple an orange


(1,5 mins)

T says: We will learn how to use Articles a or an in a sentence.

T underlines the structure and says: A and an are usually used before one general noun to tell
about one object.
The structure will be: A/ an + singular noun. The thing is how we distinguish between the two
of them.

T underlines "a" and says: We use "a" with most of general nouns that start with a consonant
sound such as a house, a living room.

T underlines "an" and says: However, we use ""an"" before words that begin with a vowel (a,
e, i, o, u). An apple, an orange.

T emphasizes "a/ an" when saying, prepares 2 items (pencil, eraser, ruler,....) and make 2
questions " What is this?" "This is a pencil./ This is an eraser."

If the S can not reply, T helps to answer and asks him to repeat.
Look and write a or an

........ egg ........ gate

........ bathroom ........ ice-cream


(2 mins)

T says: Let's do a small quiz. Look at the picture,read and write "a/an" in the blanks.
T circles no.1 and says: What is this? bathroom, right? So we should use a bathroom or an
bathroom? Yes it's a bathroom, let's write down "a" in the blanks.

T do the same with the rest.

Answer key:
1. a bathroom
2. an egg
3. an ice- cream
4. a gate
There is - There are

There is + a/an + singular noun.

There is a garden.

There is an apple.

There are + (number) + plural noun.

There are four windows. There are four windows.


(2 mins)

T circles Mia's sentences, reads and asks S to repeat.

T says: In the second part of today's lesson, we will learn about There is and There are.
According to the conversation between Mia and Peter. Mia said: There is a garden. There are
four windows. When we want to talk about things that exist and we can see them, we use
There is or There are. However, there are two ways to talk about this.

T circles the apple and says: If you want to talk about one object only, it's a singular noun. You
must follow the rule:
There is + a/an + singular noun. For example, There is an apple.

T circles and counts 1 to 4 windows in the house and says: 4 windows.

T says: If there are more than one object, you can count the amount of the objects then put it
in this structure:
There are + ( number) + plural noun. There are four windows. In some case, we don't need to
count the amount of them, so number is optional.

T emphasizes the red words when speaking.

Is there.........? - Are there.........?

Singular noun Plural noun

Is + there + a/an + singular noun? Are + there + any + plural noun?

Is there a pond? Are there any windows?

Yes, there is. Yes, they are.

No, there isn't. No, there aren't.

No, there is not. No, there are not.


(2 mins)

T says: That's how you describe that object. How about making questions ? I'm telling you, it's
very easy.
T circles the first example and says: Is there a pond ? Is there a pond ?

T circles the structure and says: With singular noun, you follow this structure:
Is + there + a/an + singular noun ?
To give answer, you say "Yes, there is" if it is true, if not you say " No, there isn't./ No there is

T circles the second example and says: Are there any windows ? Are there any windows ?
T circles the structure and says: With plural noun, the structure will be:
Are + there + any + plural noun?
If you agree, use "Yes, they are.". If there's no window you say "No, there aren't. / No there
are not."

T use TPR when talking about Yes/ No question.

Read and write

Ex 1 2

There (be) ......... a living room. There (be) ........ three bedrooms. There (be) ........... six books.

3 4

There (be) ............... a yard. There (be) ......... two fences.


(3 mins)

T says: Okay, let's check your understanding with an exercise. Read the sentence and write
the correct form of the word.

T underlines the example sentence and says: I will do an example for you.
T reads the sentence then says: Hmm, you can see it's only one living room here. So we must
you "is", There is a living room, right?

T writes down the answer.

T signals to the S and says: Now it's your turn.

If the S can not read, T can help them. But S is expected to read out loud the full conversation
when they finish.

Answer key:
1. are
2. are
3. is
4. are
Use of English

clock kitchen

Put the clock in the kitchen, please!


(1.5 mins)

Teacher circles the picture of the clock, kitchen and says: 'clock, 'kitchen', then circles the
arrow and says "Put the clock in the kitchen."
Teacher underlines each word and repeats the sentence.
Then teacher plays the video demonstrating the action, repeats the sentences and puts hand
on ear for student to repeat.
Point and say


(2 mins)

T says: Now, let's point and make a sentence to describe the picture. There are 3 flashcards
for you.
Teacher shows the flashcards of flower and garden
T underlines the picture and gives questions :What are these? These are flower. What is this?
This is a garden.
T says "Put the flowers in the garden, please!".
Teacher puts hand on ear for the student to repeat.

Teacher continues to show flashcards 2, and follow similar steps, but gives the student a
signal to say the sentence by themselves.
Teacher can mouth to help, then asks the student to repeat.

Suggested answer:
1. Put the flowers in the garden, please !
2. Put the lamp in the living room, please !
3. Put the teddy bear in the bedroom, please !
Point and say



T says: Now, let's point and make a sentence to describe the picture. There are 3 flashcards
for you.
Teacher shows the flashcards of flower and garden
T underlines the picture and gives questions :What are these? These are flower. What is this?
This is a garden.
T says "Put the flowers in the garden, please!".
Teacher puts hand on ear for the student to repeat.

Teacher continues to show flashcards 2, and follow similar steps, but gives the student a
signal to say the sentence by themselves.
Teacher can mouth to help, then asks the student to repeat.

Suggested answer:
1. Put the flowers in the garden, please !
2. Put the lamp in the living room, please !
3. Put the teddy bear in the bedroom, please !
Point and say



T says: Now, let's point and make a sentence to describe the picture. There are 3 flashcards
for you.
Teacher shows the flashcards of flower and garden
T underlines the picture and gives questions :What are these? These are flower. What is this?
This is a garden.
T says "Put the flowers in the garden, please!".
Teacher puts hand on ear for the student to repeat.

Teacher continues to show flashcards 2, and follow similar steps, but gives the student a
signal to say the sentence by themselves.
Teacher can mouth to help, then asks the student to repeat.

Suggested answer:
1. Put the flowers in the garden, please !
2. Put the lamp in the living room, please !
3. Put the teddy bear in the bedroom, please !
Read and choose the best answer

Tuyen: Is there a garden? Tuyen:.....................................?

Hoang:.................................... . Hoang: Yes, they are.
A. No, there aren't. A. Is there a fence?
B. No, there is. B. Are there any fences?
C. No, there isn't. C. Are there a fence?

Tuyen: There is ......................... Hoang: Are there any bedrooms?

............................................... . Tuyen: No, there aren't. But, there
............................... a living room.
A. a dining room A. are
B. two dining B. is
room C. am
C. a dining rooms

(3 mins)

T says: Let's read and choose the best response. There are 4 questions for you.

T asks the S to read and circles the correct answer.

Answer key:
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
Listen and draw lines

Put the ........


(3 mins)

T says: Let's help the mother to put things in their correct places.
T asks the S "What is it?" with each items first.
T says: Please listen carefully and put the clock in the kitchen.
T can draw the first line to make an example for the S.
T reads the script below.

1. Put the clock in the kitchen.
2. Put the pencil sharpener in the living room.
3. Put the school bag in the bedroom.
4. Put the book in the bathroom.
5. Put the ruler in the living room.
remember to do

(1 min)

Teacher summarizes the lesson and ask the student to do homework. Motivate him or her to
watch so they can achieve better scores.

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