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22251657 – Andre Surya Pradana




A. Background
Industry has an important role in development and made many contributions,
especially in the context of development in the economic sector. In Indonesia, progress
in industrial development plays an important role in realizing economic democracy,
confidence in one’s own abilities and strengths, benefits and environmental
sustainability. This industrial development activity anywhere and at any time can have
an Impact due to the use of certain chemicals or substances that can damage or harm
the environment. The impact here can be in the form of a positive impact, namely
providing benefits to human life and bringing prosperity to the general public, and a
negative impact, namely the emergence of risks or impacts on the environment which
can result in pollution and/or environmental destruction.
The more industrial activities increase and expand, the more they are required
to be more alert and careful in dealing with their negative impacts on the environment.
This is because industrial activities apart from producing products according to plan
also produce other products that are not desired, namely in the form of industrial waste,
this waste is always a problem because its impact concerns various aspects of life, both
humans and animals and existing plants.
For example, an industry that is thought to cause pollution or damage the
environment, for example the sugar industry. In the process of producing sugar from
sugar cane plants which are processed to become coarse sugar or pure sugar so that it
has a high selling value, there are by-products in the form of waste. The waste produced
is in the form of solid waste, namely bagasse from the process of grinding and filtering
dirt after the sugar cane pressing process, as well as liquid waste originating from
baromatic condenser cooling water, cooling water, process water from washing for
color removal, washing press filter deposits, and water. Wash factory equipment. Sugar
factory liquid waste generally does not contain hazardous or toxic waste.
According to Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection
and Management, which is the basis for environmental impact regulations, it can at
least make a contribution in regulating the development process in both city and district

environments in terms of environmental pollution which has a negative impact on the
environment, especially the Madukismo Regency environment. Bantul.

The existence of PG-PS Madukismo not only has an influence on the economic
conditions of the community, but also on the physical environment. Factory activities
greatly influence environmental quality. Villages are sensitive to environmental
changes that are getting worse, and can increase water pollution due to waste from
factory activities. The influence on the physical environment can be seen from the
quality of ground water and rice irrigation water due to liquid waste produced by PG-
PS Madukismo.
The characteristics of liquid wast” are’Influenced by the characteristics of the
production process carried out. Garbage or waste contains chemicals that are dangerous
for living things. If humans throw rubbish or waste carelessly, for example throwing
rubbish into rivers, then the river becomes polluted and the water cannot be used. As a
result, living creatures that depend on river water will have difficulty finding clean
water, even though clean water is really needed.
The problem with liquid waste turned out to be that there was also waste smoke
and a strong smell from Madukismo liquid waste which polluted the surrounding
residential areas. Residents around the Madukismo Sugar Factory complained about
waste smoke coming out of the factory’s chimney. The smoke, accompanied by thick
black dust, disrupts breathing and pollutes nearby residential areas. It is suspected that
the dust and smoke came from the combustion boiler which was already old, so its
operation was no longer optimal. Apart from that, there is also the effect of diverting
fuel from FO (Fuel Oil) residue to firewood and dregs. As a result, more dust is
produced. Meanwhile, Madukismo has tried to manage dust by installing dust catchers,
but because it is still inadequate, not all the dust that is released can be caught.

B. Goal
1. Find out the impact from the toxic effects of sugar factories.
2. Understand the environmental impact analysis at the Madukismo Sugar Factory.
3. Knowing the liquid waste content at the Madukismo Sugar Factory exposed to
liquid waste from the factory.


A. Description of Historical Background

The Madukismo Sugar Factory is located in the Padokan Village area,
Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The Madukismo Sugar Factory is one of
the oldest sugar factories in the country and is the only sugar factory in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta. This sugar factory has been established since 1955 and began
operating in 1958. The Madukismo sugar factory was built after the Padokan sugar
factory was burnt down.
The Madukismo Sugar Factory area is in a populated area. The northern part of
the factory is the Madukismo housing complex and there are many small shops that are
busy with visitors. In the eastern part of the factory, there is a fairly large football field
and residential areas that are not too dense. The western and southern parts are densely
populated areas and are busy with motor vehicles.
The Madukismo Sugar Factory area not only stands at the Madukismo Sugar
Factory, but there is also the Madukismo Spiritus Factory which is a production unit of
PT. New Honey with Madukismo Sugar Factory. The Spiritus Factory is located in the
western part of the Madukismo Sugar Factory area. The Madukismo Spirits Factory
produces spirits and alcohol from sugar cane molasses which is a by-product of the
Madukismo Sugar Factory.

Field trip Madukismo Sugar Factory

1. Day/Date : Tuesday, 12 December 2023.

2. Time : 13.00 – Finished.
3. Visitors : Environmental engineering and industrial engineering students.
4. Discussion : The process of processing sugar cane into sugar.

Land use demographics

Madukismo Sugar Factory is located in Pandokan Village, Tirtonimolo, Poor,

Bantul, Yogyakarta. This factory is divided into several parts, namely the Sugar Factory,
Spirtus Factory, secretariat building, official residence, waste processing site, raw
material warehouse, production warehouse, etc.

The area required for the Madukismo Sugar Factory construction complex is
269,410 m2, part of which comes from land from the former Padokan sugar factory
which has an area of 90,650 m2 while the remaining 178,760 m2 was obtained by
purchasing rice fields belonging to surrounding residents.


A. Contamination and Other Hazards

1. Environmental impact

Processing sugar from sugar cane produces waste or by-products, including

waste gas, bagasse, filter cake and molasses. The dregs come from ground sugar cane
and are used as fuel for steam boilers. Blotong or filter cake is a precipitate from dirty
sap that is filtered in a rotary vacuum filter, while molasses is the last remaining syrup
from cooking from which the sugar has been separated through repeated crystallization
so that it is no longer possible to produce crystals.

The initial content of liquid waste at PT. New honey does not comply with waste
quality standards for the sugar industry, therefore before being disposed of in the
environment, the liquid waste is processed in a UPLT (Liquid Waste Processing Unit)
using a biological system or method followed by absorption using activated charcoal.
The stages in UPLT include Initial Settling Tank, Aeration Tank, Final Settling Tank
and Absorption Tank.

Final Precipitation Tank and Absorption Tank. Meanwhile, the liquid waste
produced from this process is between other:

a. Drip Waste
Molasses or molasses is a waste product (by product) in the sugar making
process. Drops are obtained from the separation of lowgrade syrup where the sugar
in the syrup cannot be crystallized anymore. When processing molasses, around 5-
6% of sugar cane is produced, so a factory with a capacity of 6000 tons of sugar
cane per day produces around 300 tons to 360 tons of molasses per day. Even though
it still contains sugar, molasses is not suitable for consumption because it contains

impurities instead of sugar which are harmful to health. The use of molasses is
mostly for fermentation industries such as alcohol, MSG factories, animal feed
factories etc.
b. Vinnase (slop) leaks
Derived from the alcohol distillation system at the Station Distillate, PS.
Madukismo, the number is quite large, around 20 m3/hour, temperature 90o C, pH
4-5, color is black brown. Before being discharged into the river, it is processed first
in the unit Existing Liquid Waste Processing (UPLC), using or using biological
methods. Operations still need to be refined in stages, so that the results meet the
specified liquid waste quality raw materials. A mixture of liquid waste from sugar
factories (formerly washed production equipment and machine coolants) and spirits
factory waste is widely used as irrigation water by farmers around the factory
because it contains the elements N, P, and K that plants need for fertilizer.

B. Contamination outside the complex from other sources
1. Impact on communities around the source

The disadvantage felt by the local community is the smell The smell is pungent,
the smell is caused by a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, protein, sulfur, ammonia,
hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide and other organic substances. There is pollution in
the wells owned by residents who are not far from the river. Apart from being slightly
cloudy in color, before it is ground clear, the smell of the water is also slightly sweet
but mixed with fishy.

C. Physical and Other Hazards.

1. Work climate

According to the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Regulation

Number PER.13/MEN/X/2011 of 2011 concerning Threshold Values for Physical
Factors and Chemical Factors in the Workplace, work climate is the result of a
combination of temperature, humidity, air movement speed and radiant heat with a level
of the release of heat from a worker's body as a result of their work, what is meant in
this regulation is a hot working climate. Based on the results of measurements from the
Yogyakarta Health and Work Safety Center in 2004 at P.T Madu Baru Madukismo
Sugar Factory for work climate measurements, it showed that at the refining location it
was 32.1 °C, evaporation was 31.6 °C, crystallization was 34.3 °C and 31. 4 °C with a
light workload and when compared with the Decree of the Minister of Manpower
Number 51 of 1999 concerning the Threshold Limit Value (NAB) for heat stress with
the Wet Ball Temperature Index (ISBB) parameter in the workplace is 30 °C, this shows
that the results obtained at each measured location has exceeded the permitted
Threshold Limit Value (NAB).

2. Dust

Based on observations, the dust content in the mill section is at the bottom of
the threshold value (8.68 mg/m3). Meanwhile, in the boiler section, the dust level is
above the NAB, namely 14.6 mg/m3, making it possible for workers to be exposed to
dust from sugarcane bagasse which can cause bagasse disease with early symptoms of
acute respiratory inflammation.

3. Chemical Hazards

The use of chemicals in the production process such as milk of lime (Ca(OH)2)
at the purification station which is used to raise the pH of the sap to 9.0 –9.5. The
purification station also uses sulfur in the sulfitation tank. Apart from that, the chemical
used is NaOH to soften scale on the boiler walls and also on the evaporator heating
pipe. The crust is formed due to the continuous heating process of sap. These chemicals
can cause eye and respiratory tract irritation if they are exposed through inhalation and
if they come into direct contact, they can cause skin disorders in the form of itching or

4. Clinical Effects of Liquid Waste Hazards.

The liquid waste released from the Sugar Factory is organic waste and not B3
waste (Hazardous Toxic Substances). However, if not managed properly it will pose a
danger to humans and water ecosystems. For this reason, it is necessary to utilize the
liquid waste itself to reduce the impact felt by the community.

In the sugar production process every season, the sugar cane plant is processed
to become coarse sugar or pure sugar so that it has a high selling value, which has by-
products in the form of liquid factory waste and condenser waste or cooling water.
Factory liquid waste is the result of the cane sugar crystallization process which
includes using sulfur (S), through multistage evaporation in the sulfitation process
which will cause the liquid waste to contain sulfide and water from the factory
equipment washing process and the process of making lime milk (Ca(OH)2) which will
be used for the purification process. Meanwhile, cooling water or condenser waste is
produced by steam condensation in a barometric condenser. So factory wastewater has
a higher organic compound content and produces acidic or alkaline effects with quite
high salt content when compared to condenser wastewater (Vawda, 2008). This liquid
waste is disposed of and channeled into rivers around factories and agricultural land

a) Calcium Hodroxide/Milk of Lime (Ca(OH)2)
Calcium hydroxide is a chemical compound with the chemical formula
Ca(OH)2. Calcium hydroxide can be colorless crystals or white powder.
Calcium hydroxide is produced through the reaction of calcium oxide
(CaO) with water

CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

In the reaction above, it can be seen that calcium oxide reacts with water
to form a basic calcium hydroxide solution. Calcium hydroxide
dissolves easily in water. If calcium hydroxide is continuously produced,
the concentration of the solution rises and a calcium hydroxide
suspension will form. It can be seen from the condition that it resembles
milky liquid (lime water). Meanwhile, CaO is the result of calcination
of limestone at high temperatures between 900-1300 oC. This
compound can also be produced in precipitate form by mixing calcium
chloride (CaCl2) solution with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution.
The Ca(OH)2 solution is called lime water and is a medium strength
base. The solution reacts violently with various acids, and reacts with
many metals in the presence of water. Then the calcium hydroxide
solution is able to react with air, precisely with carbon dioxide, which
again produces calcium carbonate with a byproduct of water which is
easily separated. However, the situation is cloudy due to the
precipitation of calcium carbonate.

Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O

b) Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

In general, most of the sulfur found in water is S (IV) in sulfate ions.
Under anaerobic conditions sulfate ions can be reduced by bacterial
activity to H2S. Hydrogen sulfide is a weak acid that is easily

decomposed from its bonds and is produced from the process of decay
of organic materials containing sulfur by anaerobic bacteria as well as
the result of reduction under anaerobic conditions of biological sulfate
by microorganisms and as a pollutant. The amount produced by this
biological process can reach approximately 1 million metric tons of H2S
per year and can pose a danger to workers in processing rooms that use
this material.
Apart from that, H2S is a toxic and foul-smelling material resulting from
sulfate reduction, so its presence in water will affect people's acceptance
of the water and can increase the acidity of the water so that it can cause
corrosiveness in pipes. Apart from water, hydrogen sulfide is also found
in the atmosphere where the concentration is very small, namely <0.3
mg/m3. If the hydrogen sulfide content is high in the atmosphere it can
kill plants. Some of the H2S that reaches the atmosphere is quickly
converted into SO2 through reactions.

B. Health impact on society

1. The dangers of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) for human health.
a) Very dangerous in case of eye contact. Damage amount network
depending on the contact length. Eye contact can cause corneal damage
or blindness. Early signs include reddened eyes.
b) Skin contact may produce inflammation, itching or dermatitis.
c) Inhalation of chalk dust can irritate the gastro-intestinal or respiratory
tract or damage the lungs, characterized by sneezing and coughing.
2. Dangers of H2S for human health.
a) At low concentrations it can cause eye and nose irritation or esophagus.
In fact, breathing difficulties can occur in asthma sufferers.
Concentrations higher than 500 ppm can cause loss of consciousness,
attack the central nervous system, resulting in paralysis and possibly
death due to cessation of breathing. This is because hydrogen sulfide
inhibits the cytochrome oxidase enzyme which produces cellular
oxygen. The nervous tissue system associated with the heart is especially
sensitive to oxidative metabolic disorders, resulting in death and
cessation of breathing.


Based on the results of observations, there was a leak in the Vinnase (slop) which
resulted in a spill around the production equipment. There is a need for regular checks and
repairs on production equipment.

Madukismo sugar factory produces waste containing lime and H2s where H2s is
produced from the sap refining process and sap evaporation while lime is produced at the
refining station.


Fajriyah, Sheila. 2014. Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Paparan Sulfur Dioksida (SO2)
pada pekerja di area produksi Asam Sulfat PT Dunia Kimia Utama

Hartini, Eko. 2014. Faktor-Faktor Risiko Paparan Gas Amonia Dan Hidrogen Sulfida
Terhadap Keluhan Gangguan Kesehatan Pada Pemulung Di TPA
Jatibarang Kota Semarang.

Sianipar, Reinhard H., 2009. Analisis Risiko Paparan Hidrogen Sulfida Pada
Masyarakat Sekitar Tpa Sampah Terjun Kecamatan Medan Marelan.

Tembang K, Cicilia. 2014. Laporan Kerja Praktik: Proses Produksi Gula Super High
Sugar di PG. Madukismo Bantul. Semarang: Universitas Katolik


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