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DNL premiere

PW The reaction of the hydrochloric acid on magnesium

Reactive metals react with many acids in redox reactions (we will study them during this year)
• The metal is oxidized, forming positive metal ions
• The hydrogen in the acid is reduced, forming the element hydrogen as a gas.
For the reaction with the magnesium, the balanced equation is written just below:
2 H+(aq) + 2 Cl-(aq) + Mg(s) → Mg2+(aq) + 2 Cl-(aq) + H2(g)
During this practical work, we want to measure the amount of hydrogen gas which is formed and to compare the result
with our prediction coming from the equation.
1. Prediction of the amount of ions as products.

The reaction will take place between:

• A volum VA = 5 mL of hydrochloric acid, whose concentration equals cA=1 mol.L-1
• 2,5 cm of magnesium ribbon

Amounts of reactants

The molar mass of the magnesium is : MMg = 24,3 g.mol-1

Cut a 2,5 cm length piece of magnesium, sand it with sand paper and weigh it : mMg = ………….

 Calculate the amount of magnesium ( niMg )

 Calculate the amount of H+ ions. (this is the same amount than the amount of hydrochloric acid)
 With the help of the equation , establish:
o Which reactant is in default (it will be totally consumed)
o The amount of hydrogen gas formed ( nfH2(Théo) )
2. Experiment

In order to know an experimental value of the amount of hydrogen gas, we will measure his volume.
a. Material

 A conic flask in which the reaction will take place

 A top with a hole, in which a rubber tube is fixed
 A basin
 A graduated cylinder
The gas formed in the flask will go up to the cylinder, full of water, upside down in the basin also full of water. Thus it’s
possible to measure the volume of hydrogen gas which is created during the reaction.

b. Here we go!

• Introduce in the flask 5 ml of hydrochloric acid

• Prepare the rubber tube by placing it below the upside down graduated cylinder
• Place in the flask the piece of magnesium and put the top back on quickly
• Hold the top while the reaction is taking place (while there are bubbles in the water)
• When the reaction is finished, read and write the volume in the cylinder V = ……………….
3. Results

The molar volume of a gas is the volume occupied by one mole of a gas. Its value is Vm = 24 L.mol-1

 Calculate the experimental amount of hydrogen gas formed ( nfH2(Exp) )

 Calculate the percentage of error, by using the formula given by the teacher.
Make a commentary about your result

Lycée Saint-Cricq Pau B.C 1/1

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