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1. Defined as a condition in which individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life.

a. Physical fitness b. fitness c. skills

2. The ability to become and stay physical healthy.
a. Health related fitness B. skill related fitness C. balance
3. The ability of the heart and circulatory system to supply oxygen to muscles for an extended
period of time.
A. Muscular B. cardiovascular fitness C. flexibility
4. The ability to move a body part through a full range of motion at a joint.
A. Endurance B. fitness C. flexibility
5. Is the ratio of the body fat to lean body mass. Including water, bones, muscles and connective
A. Body composition B. density C. diseases
6. Placing one of your arms straight across your chest.
a. Triceps stretch B. gluteus stretch C. arm across chest
7. Sitting on the floor with your right leg bent.
a. Gluteus stretch B. arm across c. triceps stretch
8. Place one hand behind your back with elbow in up.
a. Arm across b. triceps stretch c. gluteus stretch
9. Standing on one leg grabbing the bottom of your other leg.
a. Single leg b. adductor stretch c. standing quadriceps
10. Stand with your feet as wide apart as is comfortable.
a. Single leg hamstring b. adductor c. standing calf
11. Place your feet infront of each other about 18 inches apart.
a. Standing calf b. adductor c. single leg
12. Place your leg out straight and bend the other so your foot is flat into your thigh.
a. Adductor b. triceps stretch c. single leg
13. Refers to the muscles ability to generate force against physical objects.
a. Standard b. strength c. push -ups

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