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Rendevzous = an arrangement to meet someone, or the place you have arranged to

meet them
extrovert = someone who's very confident and likes being with other people
in retrospect(In retrospect) = thinking now about something in the past
in a daze = the feeling of not being able to think clearly because you are shocked or
have hit your head
bewitched by = extremely attracted to something
animosity(between)= a feeling of hatred or anger towards someone
animated = showing a lot of interest and excitement
hereafter = from now or after this time
hereby = with these words or this action
inter(prefix)= between or among
exploitative(someone) = using someone or something unfairly, in a way that helps
you or makes money for you but may cause harm to them or to other people:
bragging(about) = to talk with too much pride about what you have done or what
you own
collaboration(between) = the activity of working together to create or achieve the
same thing, or a product of this
lifelong(friend/interest) = for all of your life
incomparable = too good to be compared with anything or anyone else
deadline(for) = a time by which something must be done
bound to = certain or extremely likely to happen
Alienated(have you) = to make someone stop supporting and liking you
feasible = possible to do
flexible = able to change or be changed easily according to the situation
manager = someone in control of an office, shop, team, etc:
organization(voluntary) = an official group of people who work together for the
same purpose
contribution(made a major) = something that you do to help produce or develop
something, or to help make something successful
run amok = to be out of control and act in a wild or dangerous manner
emphasize (the importance of) = to show that something is especially important or
needs special attention
earlier today = Something happened today
to arise hostility/suspicion/resentment/anger = to make someone feel very
unfriendly and angry, or suspicious
intermission = a short period between the parts of a play, performance
reputation = the opinion that people have about someone or something based on
their behaviour or character in the past

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