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HO CHI MINH CITY CAMPUS Independence - Freedom - Happiness

Trần Tuyết Ngọc
Full Name: ......................................................................... Student’s Code: .................................................................................

Class Code: ........................................................................ Organizational Psychology
Course: ......................................................................................................
School Year: ..................................................................... Second semester
Semester: .................................................................................................
TS. Nguyễn Thị Minh Hà
Lecturer: .............................................................................. Phạm Thị Diệu Anh
Guest Speaker: ...................................................................................

- You are required to answer the following question and submit it at the end of the section.
- You are required to answer up to 1000 words for each question.

Leadership Development

Part 1: Introduction to Leadership Development

- Leadership: A process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement
of a goal.
- Leadership is not:
Position in the hiererchy of a company
Personal attributes
Making everyone happy
Macro management only and look down micro management
Not caring the process, but the end results only

- Compare Leadership and Management:

 Leadership: The ability of an individual to influence, motivate, enable others to contribute to the
organization’s success
 Management: Be responsible for controlling an organization, a group, a set of entities to achieve a
particular objective
- Leadership Development:
 A process of: 1. Improve an individual’s ability to lead and manage others effectively
2. Identify and develope key leadership skills: communication, delegation, decision-
making, problem-solving, strategic thinking ...
Can take man different forms: workshops, training, coaching, mentorship

Part 2: Leadership Styles

- Autocratic Leadership:
 Make decisions without input from their team members
 Tend to be very directive and controlling
 Expect team members to follow instructions without question
- Democratic Leadership:
Involve team members in the decision-making process
Value input from team members
Strive to create a collaborative work environment

- Laissez-Faire Leadership:
Give team members a high degree of autonomy and freedom
Tend to be hands-off and provide minimal direction or guidance

- Transactional Leadership:
 Inspire and motivate team members to achieve great things
 Be able to create a compelling vision and communicate it effectively, and lead by example
- Servant Leadership:
Prioritize the needs of team members above leaders’ needs
Strive to create a supportive and nurturing work environment
Be focused on helping team members grow and develop

Part 3: Communication Skills

- Effective Communication Techniques for Leaders:
Being clear and concise
Being empathetic
Using active listening
Using feedback
Adapting communication style
- Non-Verbal Communication:
Maintaining eye contact
Using open body language
Using facial expressions
Being aware of culture differences

Part 4: Building and Managing Teams

- Building a High-Performing Team:
Define clear roles and responsibilities
Establish clear goals and expactations
Encorage collaboration and communication
Foster a positive team culture
Develop team members’ skills and knowledge

- Developing a Team Culture:

 Set a clear vision and mission
 Foster open communication
 Recognize and celebrate successes
 Create a supportive environment

Part 5: Emotional Intelligence

- Managing one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others:
 Understand their own emotions and how they affect others
 Recognize and understand the emotions of others
 Regulate their own emotions and reactions
 Empathize with others
 Build strong relationships based on trust and respect
- Developing Emotional Intelligence Skills:
Practice self-awareness
Practice empathy
Practice active listening
Practice emotional regulation
Seek feedback

Part 6: Strategic Thinking and Decision Making

- Leaders will Strong Stragegic Thining Skills are able to:
Anticipate changes in the market and industry
Develop a long-term vision for the organization
Identify and pursue opportunities for growth
Decisions that align with the organization's goals
Develop and implement strategies that drive success
- Decision-Making Frameworks and Techniques:
SWOT analysis
Cost-benefit analysis
Decision matrix
Pros and cons analysis

Part 7: Leading Change - Managing Resistance to Change

- Communicate openly:
Betransparent about the reasons for the change
Communicate regularly with employees throughout the process

- Involve employees:
Involveemployees in the change process by soliciting their input and ideas
Help employees feel invested in the change, and more likely to support

- Provide training:
Provide employees with the training and resources they need to successfully adapt to the change
- Address concerns:
 Listen to employees' concerns and address them as much as possible
 Help alleviate their fear and reduce resistance

Part 8: Coaching and Mentoring

- Compare Coaching and Mentoring:
Coaching: 1. Be typically focused on improving a specific skill or behavior
2. Involve giving feedback and guidance to individual
Mentoring: A more long-term relationship focused on career development and guidance

- Coaching and Mentoring Strategies:

Establish clear goals
Provide feedbac
Listen actively
Provide guidance
Hold the individual accountable
Encourage self reflection
Be patient

Part 9: Ethics and Values - Applying Ethical Principles to Leadership Situations

- Consider the impact on stakeholders:
Consider the impact of decisions on stakeholders (employees, customers, shareholders, community)
- Seek input:
Seek input from others (employess, colleagues, experts) → Ensure that decisions are well-informed
→ Take into account multiple perspectives
- Act with integrity:
Actwith integrity and honesty
Communicate transparently with stakeholders about decisions and actions

- Take responsibility:
Take responsibility for decisions and actions
Be willing to admit mistakes
Make amends if necessary

- Set an ethical tone:

Set an ethical tone for the organization be modeling ethical behavior and communicating the importance
of ethics and values to employees

Part 10: Personal Development Plan

- Areas for Improvement:
Technical skills
Communication skills
Leadership skills
Personal habits and behaviors

- Goals (SMART - Setting: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound):

 Short-term (<6 months)
 Mid-term (2-4 months)
 Long-term (2-5 years)
- Action Plan
- Evaluations

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