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> Exercise Regularly

Physical activity
Your weight is a result of the balance between the foods you eat and the amount of calories
your body burns in physical activity. As you lose weight, you may find it much easier to get
around. The more active you are, the more quickly you will lose weight! Ask your doctor before
beginning any strenuous program.

Your goal should be to get about 150 to 250 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week
on top of your daily activity (that’s about 30 to 50 minutes, 5 days per week).

What is moderate-intensity exercise?

Moderate-intensity exercise is where you feel like you are working “somewhat hard”. Your
heart may be beating faster and you might be sweating. You should still be able to talk, but
you probably will not be able to sing. Examples of moderate-intensity exercise are: jogging,
brisk walking, biking, stair climbing and fitness classes.

10 | TBHC’S WEIGHT LOSS CENTER, 718.250.8920

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