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Forrest gump

statements from the movie

Prejudice. Or. Bias.

1. "A natural inclination against the mentally disabled, this shows that their
intelligence is a function of what they do." - Prejudice. This statement
suggests a biased view against individuals with mental disabilities, implying
that their intelligence is solely determined by their actions, disregarding the
diversity of abilities within this group.

2. "Run Forrest run"- Bias. This phrase demonstrates bias by reducing Forrest
to a stereotype based solely on his physical abilities, overlooking his other
qualities and achievements.

3. "You have to take what God gives you and make the most of it."- Bias. This
saying implies acceptance without advocating for change or
accommodation for individuals with disabilities, potentially perpetuating bias
against those who require support or accommodations to thrive.

4. "I'm not an intelligent man, but I know what love really is." - Bias. This
self-deprecating comment reinforces bias by suggesting that emotional
intelligence and intellectual capacity are mutually exclusive, overlooking
Forrest's depth of understanding and emotional intelligence.

5. "Sometimes there simply are no stones." - Prejudice. This statement

trivializes trauma and places blame on the victim rather than acknowledging
systemic factors, perpetuating bias against individuals who have
experienced hardship or trauma.

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