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Mrs. Which said that the Dark Thing is made of...

toxic waste
evil & the powers of darkness Correct Ans
the fears of the souls of men
When the children were gazing into the Happy Medium's crystal ball, they
watched the Darkness be defeated by...
kind acts of the human population on Earth
a battle with a star that gave up its life Correct Ans
a solar eclipse
The Happy Medium showed the children a scene from their homes. Why
did Meg comfort Calvin after he saw a scene of his home?
The scene showed Calvin's toothless mother being mean to her children.
Correct Ans
The scene showed Calvin's father finding out that he had cancer.
The scene made Calvin homesick, and he was struggling not to cry.
After arriving in Camazotz, Meg noticed that...
The air was thick and gray, making it difficult to breathe.
There was absolutely no plant life at all.
it looked very similar to a town on Earth. Correct Ans
What was strange about the way that the children on Camazotz played?
Everything they did was in a perfect rhythm, and their movements were
synchronized. Correct Ans
The boys only played with boys, and girls only played with girls.
As the children played, none of them smiled or laughed.
On Camazotz, a boy told Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin that IT made
its home in the capital city because...
IT was the president of Camazotz.
the people had voted in favor of IT living there.
the CENTRAL Central Intelligence was located there. Correct Ans
When Meg and the boys first meet the Man with Red Eyes, why did
Charles Wallace tell Meg & Calvin to close their eyes?
Charles didn't want them to see him kill the man with red eyes.
Charles knew that the man could hypnotize them if they looked into his eyes.
Correct Ans
Charles wanted them to protect their eyes from the powerful laser beams that
the man with red eyes was shooting at them.
When Charles Wallace ate his turkey dinner, it tasted like sand. Why?
The dinner had been prepared by the man with the red eyes.
Charles could only taste the flavors of foods prepared on Earth.
Charles had closed his mind to the man with the red eyes. Correct Ans
Why did Meg tackle Charles Wallace?
Charles was under the spell of the man with red eyes. Correct Ans
Meg wanted to stop Charles from entering the spaceship.
Charles insulted Meg by telling her that she was the dumb one in the family.
When Meg finally sees her father, where is he?
He is in a room hidden beneath the floor of the library in Camazotz.
He is inside of a transparent column. Correct Ans
He is riding on Mrs. Whatsit's back.
Mrs. Whatsit explains that they travel through time in the ________
5th Correct Ans
When landing on the 2 dimensional planet, how did Meg and the boys
They felt like they'd been flattened out like paper dolls. Correct Ans
They felt extremely lightweight, like they could float away.
They all felt like pieces of spaghetti.
How old is Mrs. Whatsit?
over 2 thousand years old
over 2 million years old
over 2 billion years old Correct Ans
Which of the 3 ladies speaks by only quoting other people?
Mrs. Whatsit
Mrs. Who Correct Ans
Mrs. Which

Meg and Calvin repeatedly question Charles Wallace on their way to Mr.
Murry in Chapter 8. In response, what does he warn them he will do?
Send them to IT Correct Ans
Send them to a special prison on Camazotz
Send them to a two-dimensional planet
put them to sleep
Which of the following is not found on Camazotz?
The CENTRAL Central Intelligence Building
The twins' vegetable garden Correct Ans
The transparent column
The paper delivery boy
What does the man with red eyes try to recite with the children in order to
hypnotize them?
The alphabet
Multiplication table Correct Ans
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Planets in the solar system
What do Charles Wallace and Calvin shout out in order to resist the man
with red eyes' hypnosis?
Their school teachers' names
The states in the U.S.
Names of t.v. shows
Nursery rhymes Correct Ans
Why does Charles Wallace allow himself to be hypnotized by the man
with red eyes?
To determine the man's identity Correct Ans
To forget his life and his family
To see the image of his father
To destroy the man's brain
The man tells Charles that of all the children, ...
He is the only one endowed with a neuropsychological system complex enough
to understand him Correct Ans
Calvin is the weakest and will not be able to deal with the challenges ahead.
Meg is the weakest and will not be able to deal with the challenges ahead.
He is the only one who will survive on the planet and the others will perish.
What does the man with red eyes serve the children?
chicken and rice
a turkey dinner Correct Ans
ham with vegetables
cake and candy
What does the food taste like to Charles Wallace?
sand Correct Ans
The man explains that the food is synthetic, but Charles would be able
taste it if he puts seasoning on IT.
taste it if only he would open his mind to IT Correct Ans
smell it if he would focus on a smell of his liking.
smell it if he would look beyond the food.
The man identifies himself as the ________________ and tells them that
Charles will lead them to Mr. Murry.
Prime Guardian
Prime Optimus
Prime Coordinator Correct Ans
Prime Intelligence
Charles Wallace tells Meg and Calvin that the man with the red eyes is
friend. Correct Ans
Charles tells them that instead of searching for Mr. Murry, they should
turn themselves over entirely to IT, whom he identifies as the _____ and
the ______.
"Boss", "Happiest Sadist" Correct Ans:
"Master", "Shadiest Boss"
"King", "Mystic Master"
"Judge", "Central Intel"
Charles declares that on Camazotz, the total conformity prevents-
unwanted visitors.
work and commerce.
the need for food.
war or unhappiness. Correct Ans:

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